Mule Deer Score

I've only scored two mule deer that I've killed. The first one made me realize just how true tjones' quote above is, and that there's no reason to put a tape to an 'average' MT buck.

I think most mule deer I've shot have scored about 15% less than I thought they should. I judge whitetails much better for some reason.
Man people get way too fired up about score. In my opinion if the personal value of a head you've taken is pending based on a score you have got this hunting caper all wrong.

So true. For me anyway. I don't judge my hunt or game by antlers. As a matter of fact, i've left them all on the ground. As had my family of hunters as far back as I can remember. No taxidermist has made a dime on us.

No bias on what others do. It's a personal thing. I just think someone should do it for themselves and not brag to the world about it.
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