Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Mule Deer Population trends

Can you name the game management of any western state that the others should copy?
Wyoming. But they have seen a decline in mule deer too, and CWD. None are prefect. Maybe perfect isn’t possible with competing interests and uncontrollable problems. Some group is always going to be unhappy. Maybe they should try to spread it around and make everyone a little unhappy. Politics and money are too big a part of it all.
A few years back I read an article about Boone and Crocket whitetail. States bordering major river systems were the biggest producers. But not all states.Game management made the difference. Ohio and West Virginia border the Ohio River. Ohio produces way more quality bucks right across the river. Ohio has good game management.Short shotgun only season after the rut. West Virginia three week rifle season starting mid November. Iowa and Missouri same with Iowa killing way more big bucks.
Are western states all managing the same? I hunted Colorado unit 55 third season this year. Between 2nd,3rd,and 4th season someone was after those bucks most of November.Plus massive amounts of oct elk hunters. How about a ten day season the last ten days of Oct. for the same amount of hunters combined.Eliminate the otc elk hunters for that period. Can you name the game management of any western state that the others should copy?
Colorado ten years ago before they changed season dates and slowly increased harvest on decreasing deer herds.

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