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MT's I-143 under attack

Gilamonster. "Greenhorn, I really thought you were at least a little more intelegent until I read some of these posts."

The correct spelling is intelligent.
michaelr, you're wrong.
end of story

How's that for intelligent interaction?

Trophy Game Records of the World has a code of ethics, SCI has a code, yet those ethical hunters that follow those codes can hunt some high fence wildlife ranches in the US, in Africa, and in other places too.
B&C code is different from P&Y, species codes are different, regions codes are different, and ethical codes within each of these categories change over time. There's no law on which code a hunter must follow, what part of that do you disagree with?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-28-2003 16:25: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greenhorn:
The correct spelling is intelligent.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
OK, I'll need to bow down because you can spell the word... Big deal! Now, what the rest of us would like is to see you use the definition of the word. You "boys" are inadvertently assisting the non-hunting members of our society in their quest to infringe on our rights to hunt. To single out and declare war on any particular fraction of the hunting community is little or no different than the anti-gun lobby attacking handguns or assault weapons. Just because you don't have one or even need or want one, you still must believe that you need to fight the war because your high powered rifle will probably be next on the list. That's the way I see this topic. Before the war ends, you will wish or even pray that these hunters that you have turned your back on were standing beside you. Maybe they will, but maybe they won't.
Gila, your full of crap.

I refuse to stick up for anyone who shoots feral goats in a freaking pen. For God sake, that isnt hunting to me at all.

I dont want you or anyone else to lump me in with what Texans call hunting, because to me it isnt.

This "we all gotta ban together" stuff is ridiculous. Hell, when you get down to brass tacks, arent poachers really just hunters too?

Sorry if I let my ethics and morals get in the way...but its nice to see a few others that have some.

Michaelr, I cant believe we agree on a subject.
I will give away all my guns,bows and hunting equipment and take up needle point if hunting in Montana sinks to Texas lows,

just think about it as you pack up your hunting gear and get ready for the highly anticapited hunt of a life time for that wild and elusive,"free rangeing feral goat"

I would rather spend a weekend with moosie and his blow up b day present!
It is great that what is okay in one state isnt alright in another. Montana voted out the so called game farms. Fine that is Montana. Keep it there then.
Dont bash what is the norm in Texas. It is the norm there and LEGAL. If it isnt for you fine and dandy. Your standards are different not better.
Sorry but I dont think Gila is full of it. He loves to hunt and there is nothing wrong with that. I didnt see where killing a free ranging feral goat is a crime. Isnt that how the majority of hog hunting started? Hogs got free and became free ranging? and then became a nuisance?
Gila, it wasn't non-hunters that voted canned elk shoots out in MT. It was the hunters. Numerous sportman groups lobbied against them. They do nothing positive for "hunting" and sportsman dollars were funding them. Had the canned elk shoot farming dumbasses been more proactive in the management of thier businesses, they wouldn't have got into such a mess. But no, they thought MT hunters should pay for all the management of their crap. Bad idea.. now they are gone. Happy happy, joy joy.

Gila, like I said before only turd tapping rump rangers have shot elk in a pen in MT.
It is not the non-hunting community that threatens our lifestyle; it is the anti-hunting community. Big difference. It will ultimately be left in the hands of the non-hunters, as they make up the majority. But we sportsman have (or could have if we were organized and far-enough-sighted) just as much influence over the non-hunters as the anti-hunters do.

When a state such as Montana takes the steps they did, it makes it that much more difficult for the anti folks to paint is in a bad light... thereby negatively affecting the what would otherwise be neutral opinion of non-hunters.

Sportsman in Montana removed from the arsenal of the anti the ability to generate negative press through canned shoots. It also added to the sportsman's arsenal by showing that we have ethics and morals and that hunting to us is more than just killing an animal.
"Sportsman in Montana removed from the arsenal of the anti"

What do you guys want to remove next?

Why not make an ethical rule like only stones and barefoot? That might be more fair chase.

If you think, killing an animal, with a gun is unethical, hunting is on its way out of this country. The anti-s are winning with you, I don't care if you think you're a sportsman or what your definition of hunting is, the anti's are winning with you, i.e. Buzz, 280, michaelr, tmsander, Greenhorn, and a few others I've probably missed. You guys are just banning something you didn't like that was legal killing of animals, regardless of what you think of it. What else do you want to ban? The anti-s don't think there is such a thing as a better hunter, they are against hunting, period. So, what's next on your anti- list for them?
Tom, I think you are missing my point. Of course the anit's don't like any kind of hunting. But it's not them we have to worry about, its the non-hunters (who are more rational, in general) and the anit-hunter influence over them.

If you randomly picked a representation from the non-hunting community and asked if they felt canned shoots were bad, you'd probably get a 'yes' answer. If you then asked if they thought hunting with rifles is bad, you'd probably get a 'no' answer. So, by cleaning up our own act, we secure the support to continue hunting. I don't necessaryily see it as chipping away at anything. It's more ensuring that we will be able to continue to hunt with what most everyone would consider appropriate tools and methods.
Tom, give it up.

I-143 to many wasn't about ethics. It was about an cheap, dirty, mismanaged industry in this state.. that was being funded with MT hunting license dollars.

And don't forget... if you'd shoot an elk in a pen in MT, you'd be a limp-wristed cum-guzzling turd tapper.
If it was about cheap, sleezy, mismanaged, etc. business practices funded by public funds, why ban the activity rather than fix what was wrong with it?
By the way Tom.. I want to hear more about that feral goat you killed.

When I was growing up I had a goat named Wilameana. She used to stand on the doghouse and climb on vehicles.

I shot her with a BB gun a couple times. Never did want to kill her even though she might of made a hell of a trohpy for a guy like you. I'll see if I can dig up a photo of her. I know that will make your mouth water, not unlike a normal guy looking at a picture of a big bull elk.

TMSander, you are right. I-143 had some huge flaws and it wasn't the right solution. However, as a voter, when you get the oppotunity to kick a scumbag in the balls, I felt the need to KICK HARD.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-29-2003 08:02: Message edited by: Greenhorn ]</font>
tmsander, if you ask a random non-hunting person in Texas if you think a wildlife ranch is a good thing, you'll get yes. They love that people take care of animals, raise a bunch, not in a zoo, they drive by and love it. If you ask a more biased question, is a canned hunt good, you may get a no. That's my point, you're taking the anti-s view. If you ask them if shooting an animal at 300 yards with a high power rifle standing and getting a drink of water, you'll probably get a no. Hell, that could be a B&C shot. These are schitt thoughts, they are way too hypothetical, they don't hold water. I get your point, clean up the image, I disagree with the argument that this kind of thing does that. I guess you do think it is unethical to shoot an animal legally, eh? You're like an anti, that's my point.

Hey, I know, why don't you guys ban those little spots on the rivers where they stock the fish. You know, where family's stop on vacations and fish a bit. The kids get some fish. That's not real fishing right, clean up the image. There's something for your list, ban them, how about it? Those people are exploiting our natural fish, poluting the genes with them raised fish.

You guys are making stupid arguments like that in my view.

The only image to clean up is the illegal stuff, the poaching, that's my view. What do you want to make illegal next, what's next on your anti- list? Do you have something tmsander, what do you want to clean up next? Name something. What's the image problem you see? Anyone of you guys, spill it out. Lets discuss it, lets see the problem.

Greenhorn, you're imagining I killed your pet, the only goat you probably ever knew, dear Wilamea, how about those pet elk, the ones people pet, the ones that pull the wagons, the ones in the zoos, is that the one you shot? You aren't the guy the anti-s imagine killing Bambi are you, or Bambi's dad, are you that guy?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-29-2003 08:06: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
so Tom and Gila, I will assume you are both married, but back in your single days were you more likley to try and pick up some babe at the bar with a chance of failure, or pluckin down cash at the Bunny Ranch in Vegas

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