
MT's I-143 under attack

Manspoo Gargler, now thats funnee.

This is a waste of cyberspace that could be used for porn. I would love to see game farms put on the ballot in montana again. Alot of CWD outbreaks and chit have happened since the last vote to show people the dangers.

Greenhorn is right. Who pays for gamefarms, WE DO. I work for a company who sub'd to F&G for the permit reviews. Taxpayers were shelling out big bucks. Game farms are not in MTs future no matter what some sac garglers wish.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-29-2003 15:23: Message edited by: RockyDog ]</font>
Well Dan, you've pretty much summed up what I see to be the biggest threat to our wildlife and hunting. That being a complacent attitude like yours. To you its all the same and as long as you can get out once a year and "pop" your wildlife...then its all good. After all its something you just enjoy once in a while. Its a bit more than that to me.

Maybe you should try to spend half the time I do a year hunting, then you'd understand why I wont compromise on how I think it should be done.

Another thing, you lecture me for stating my opinion, but want the right to do the very same thing. Laughing at you or how you hunt is not doing you any harm, by the way.
Buzz, If you think that attitudes like mine are the greatest threat to hunting, you are in dire shape. There are people out there who think you should be executed for killing an animal. Some of them have enough money to be influential. Those are the folks I think you should be worried about.

Your remark about laughing at me not hurting me, goes farther to prove my point than anything I could say. It's not what hurts me that is the concern, but rather the attitude that makes you think you have the right to laugh.

"I object to having to pay for your animal, pay more for larger ones, or pay for a lease, guranteed "hunts", etc. etc. etc. "

Do you object to tags, i.e. paying for your animal? Do you object to Montana paying for the block grant leases? You sound like you forgot to think about what you were saying at my end.

What about the island question, you forgot about that one?

Now, you're saying nothing in Texas is a hunt it sounds like. You really don't know what you're talking about. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't, why did you skip the island question?
This has been a great discussion and I've really enjoyed watching a fight that I'm not involved in, for once. Part of the problem with these canned elk hunts is that they're so easy, even if the high fenced area is ten square miles. Elk are big and make noise, they smell, and they're really not that hard to find. Whitetails in a ten square mile, or even one square mile pen could be impossible to find. Put one big smart old whitetail buck in a 100 acre pen with thick brush and woods and three hunters and I'd bet on the buck every time!
Still wouldn't be the same to me as a real hunt, though. I guess I like my quarry to be able to run over to another state if they want to, or another country. Just my idea of hunting. If it's too easy it's not hunting. It's killing.

I don't know if those whitetails in Texas are impossible to get without game feeders and high towers to shoot from, but I bet not. Somehow that has just become the norm.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-29-2003 16:57: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Tom, you dont get it once again. I dont mind paying for WILDLIFE and its management. I just hate paying some private landowner dipwad Texan so he charge some other dipwad Texan to kill an elk in a pen. Precisely what was happening in MT on the game farms.

No, I dont believe that the best hunting should be reserved for the wealthiest. Hunting in Texas is all about $$$, those with the most, get the most and get the best. That aint the case where animals are free to go where they please. There, everyone who buys a license has good opportunities at good game, without having to pay a private landowner a lease, or pay for a pen-raised elk, black buck, or whatever. Nor do I have to pay more when I shoot a bigger animal.

Tom, you're wasting your time trying to convince me that most of what goes on in Texas is hunting. For Christ sake my buddy who moved there from MT said the hottest deer call down there, at a big sports show, was an electronic one that sounded like a deer feeder going off! Yeah, thats really hunting all right, what a joke. But, remember they arent pets even if they do run up when the feed truck or deer feeder goes off.
Naw Greenhorn, I'm not bummin about that. Actually, I'm kind of proud. When I turn out the lights, everything is beautiful.

If she had an arrogant, self centered, selfish attitude, that would even be evident in the dark and that wouldn't be any fun at all.

Well, we all have our opinions. Its a fact, our state record archery whitetail, scored like 240 or so, is from a walk in only hunt, not a blind and a feeder. Its a fact, we have "canned hunt" defined in the law, and it is illegal here. Have any of you guys dissagreeing with me ever hunted here? There's lots of prejudices about what its like here. It is different, so its hard to understand it much, without being here much.

Buzz, you using the terms 1/2 wit Texan and dipwad Texan landowner really makes me thing you're about 3/32 that kind of wit Montanan and 1/32 Wyomian. Where else have you lived to get that way? Landowners here are not like those up there, at least the ones you've known.

My thought for the day is that too many of you public land hunters think its not easy to kill an animal because you walk or ride a horse for days to do it. I got news for you, it is easy to kill animals. Its ok to kill and eat animals, only anti-s, animal rights people, don't want anyone to do it. Guns shoot hard and fast bullets, bows are way more advanced than they have ever been. Its the quality game management method in the big public land areas where you hunt, to let the game get away from the people, where less hunters, even, will go.

The public land hunts and other choices are all great to hunt, we have lots of choices here for example, they make for more opportunity for more people to hunt for more reasons than wanting to spend a week or two camping in the wilderness, and they do. People here choose, amoungst many methods, price structures, drawings, etc, how they want to hunt. We have 4 million deer here approx., I think about 2% are under high fence, and 1 million hunters annually. We have animal species not available anywhere else in the world here, to hunt, not just to look at. Thanks to our Texas Parks and Wildlife and their partnerships with private land owners of Texas, the hunting is awesome. Its a system some of you are not familiar with, but it works well here and I've learned a lot from it.

Buzz, I don't know what show your friend went to to buy a noise maker, but I hope he wasn't succurred into buying one. I don't think they would work very well.

Our season is very long, we get to shoot several deer. I guess the tower blinds are so popular because people can put them near where deer go by and only they, or who they give permission to, can hunt them and from them, you can see more than standing on the ground. The feeders are used to make more deer, make them hang around in the area more. All animals go to food, that's not what makes them pets, that's one of those 1/32 wit type thoughts.

This thread is really getting lots of issues to talk about.

Rocky dog, that's not how I make my money, just tell what wasn't objective. You're not objective, because you're thinking by what you imagine I do, not what I say. In other words, I don't buy it, you saying I'm not objective. Just take the words for what they are, they have meaning to discuss.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Danr, well, you've now completely removed all doubt, you're definately a lost cause... and thats really sad. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> What a shit world its becoming when a "hunter" sees nothing wrong with domesticating wild animals so they can be blasted by folks too damn stupid and lazy to do it right. It isnt about hunting anymore, its about killing and money. When a person sets foot on a game farm, they are no longer a hunter, just someone paying to kill. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Hey Tom, bear with me here...When was the last time an entire state was fenced? When did you stop believing in the Easter Bunny?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Is this the only way you think you can get your point across. I really don't understand how you think you can make your case or even get any one to listen you you in the first place if this is the way you do buisness by belittling or brow beating. It really shows an ignorance on your part and does little for your cause with those new people that are just starting to form an opinion...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Like I said before, keep that shit in Texas and quit trying to tell Montana how to run its wildlife. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I didn't realize you were a resident here???
Tom - my bad, i had you confused with somebody else i wasnt just assuming.

ON the news front.....

Two more Nebraska deer have tested positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD), bringing the number of hunter-killed deer to test positive for the disease in the state to seven. All were killed in the Panhandle.

The latest deer to test positive were a 2½-year-old white-tailed buck killed in Nebraska's northern Sioux County and a 2½-year-old mule deer buck killed in southwest Kimball County. About 3,600 deer killed throughout the state by hunters have been tested for CWD this year, including 2,400 from the Panhandle. Another 600 animals remain to be tested.

In related news, a second farmed elk in Minnesota has tested positive for CWD. The female was one of 21 elk on a farm near Sauk Centre, Minnesota, that were being quarantined and tested due to exposure to an elk that earlier tested positive for CWD in Minnesota's Aitkin County, according to officials with the state Board of Animal Health.

James Moscho of Sauk Centre owned the animals, all of which were killed and tested for the disease. The other 20 elk tested negative.

The Minnesota Board of Animal Health says it will now begin investigating the whereabouts of every animal that left the farm during the past 5 years and plans to test every elk it locates.

Thirty-three elk from a nearby Sauk Rapids herd in Benton County are also being tested. Results are expected later this week.

Indiana wildlife officials say so far, 639 hunter-killed deer have been tested for CWD out of the 1,361 that were sent to a lab in Ohio and that all have tested negative.

And officials from Wisconsin's DNR also say no new cases of CWD have been found in another 2,000 deer tested for the disease in the state during the past week.

Finally, Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin says an appropriations bill recently passed by the U.S. Senate would double funds dedicated to fighting CWD and would provide $16 million toward that effort if the bill passes the House and is signed by President George W. Bush.

For more up-to-the-minute CWD information, visit

Stories courtesy of The Associated Press.
This has been interesting reading. I've been away from home and the computer all week so just now got caught up. I don't have much to add to the arguments against game farms, other than the fact that our native wildlife species should not be privately owned. If you don't agree with that you're not a true hunter. End of story.
Thank you Mr. Washington Hunter "Attitude" Webster for that most profound definition. I'm sure we all appreciate your contribution of logic and wit.

What is this... "You're this or you're not this because I say so.." week?

Tyler in reality, that is exactly right. In the publics perceived vision though, if they are found wild somewhere they are always wild, and that is not really the case… Other wise one could technically consider every thing to be wild and needs to be set free or shouldn't be in captivity in the first place. Then those individuals that think that way usually belong to such groups as PETA and that ilk!!
Dan, you're welcome!

I like to keep it simple so guys like you can understand why game farms are BAD!

I'd like to see a law against the private ownership of any wildlife, just like it used to be when this country was started. Raising and breeding wildlife in captivity should not be allowed. Whether there is a law against it or not doesn't really matter is unethical. Anybody who knows anything can see that.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-30-2003 20:07: Message edited by: Washington Hunter ]</font>
As stated in my last post, you have dogs or cats, or any other animals in captivity for that matter? Don't accuse any one on this site about being simple minded or the like, the same can be shown of you if you keep up with the spouting and what not, it is not hard to do. I would actually say that just because you only believe in a very narrow band and can't seem to see a whole picture that you could be construed as not being all there because you can't seem to see the whole picture. You just don't seem to get it. Or should I just come right out and say your beliefs suck, are stupid and founded on nothing but emotion and unreality. No, just because you have differing views, doesn't mean you have to be ignorant to others because of it!!! I don't really care that you have them, you just don't need to belittle others because of it. Come up with a good case against, otherwise keep the ignorance to yourself!!!
1_pointer, I don't think ownership turns wildlife into livestock, not if it is managed like wildlife. For example, you buy a deer tag, nobody owns the deer you want to shoot, they are wildlife. Now you shoot a deer, you put your tag on it, then ownership transfers to you. Its not livestock, its your deer though. Our government transfers some deer live too, so they can be better managed wildlife, that's my understanding of it, briefly.
I wasn't aware of this " I'd like to see a law against the private ownership of any wildlife, just like it used to be when this country was started" Is that in the Constitution or is there some case law or was it the law of a case of beer?
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