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MT Supreme Court reverses District Court Decision in Madison County.

We have the best stream access law in the country, no doubt about it. Glad to see the court decision come as it did, especially in a 5-2 decision. Would have preferred 7-0, but I kind of expected such with the two dissenters.
Montana TU was a huge part of this as well. Great groups, both of them. Time to renew my memberships. :)
Great news!

Public Lands/Water Access Association is a great group to support if you like recreate on Public lands and the rivers and lakes in Montana.

Check out their website and think about supporting a great cause.
Great news!

Public Lands/Water Access Association is a great group to support if you like recreate on Public lands and the rivers and lakes in Montana.

Check out their website and think about supporting a great cause.


Just sent them a $100 donation. They are doing great work for public access. As we end up with more and more of the "New Age" landowners, it is getting more and more expensive to keep our public access open, stream access and land access.

Some of the PLWA folks have taken exception with me/some of my positions, at times. I have had my disagreements with some of them, at times. Never have any of those differences been about the importance of protecting and improving public access. And none of those other differences stand in my way to support those groups doing what improves public access. PLWA is improving and protecting public access in Montana.
James Cox Kennedy is obsessed with our Stream Access Law. I suspect he won't stop until he gets the U.S. Supreme Court to take the case. Regardless, Goetz and Geddes should each get a river named after them for their herculean efforts.
Jim Kennedy is a pain in the @ss! I grew up right next to this ranch, and have met the guy several times. I can't say that I have ever enjoyed a conversation with him.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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