MT- Sheep

Good luck Dustin. I am looking forward to seeing lots of pics...hopefully one with a down critter in it. Get up early so you don't have see what eastern SD has to offer.:D
Good luck Dustin. I am looking forward to seeing lots of pics...hopefully one with a down critter in it. Get up early so you don't have see what eastern SD has to offer.:D

Thanks. I have lots of batteries and memory in my pack. Although, the 3 1/2 pound 100-400mm didn't make the cut.

Funny thing about eastern SD, if I could stop at the Mitchell Cabela's tomorrow, that would be my 3rd time in 17 months. That's more visits there, than the Cabela's an hour from my house.

I'm already pissed I won't be past all the Wall Drug signs before the sun comes up.
Got one you can use if things go south! Eastern SD is alot prettier than west river, so enjoy your time here!

Just over 1,000 miles today. is my best friend, ended up with a sweet room in Sioux Falls for $5.

Cold hearted, soft bellied, and a hot shower. Last night in civilization for a couple weeks.

That's a solid day of driving. Sounds like you found my Ex in SF?

Just over 1,000 miles today. Something around 800 left tomorrow. is my best friend, ended up with a sweet room in Sioux Falls for $54.

Cold beer, soft bed, and a hot shower. Last night in civilization for a couple weeks.

Is there any worthwhile 'entertainment' in the area? :D
Funny thing about eastern SD, if I could stop at the Mitchell Cabela's tomorrow, that would be my 3rd time in 17 months. That's more visits there, than the Cabela's an hour from my house.

Save that state sales tax and hit the one in Billings.

I don't know if the Badlands are considered eastern SD, but it's that's one my favorite places in the country.

Badlands is on the "good" side of the state. It is a sweet spot, I spent a couple seasons working there.

Just over 1,000 miles today. Something around 800 left tomorrow. is my best friend, ended up with a sweet room in Sioux Falls for $54.

Cold beer, soft bed, and a hot shower. Last night in civilization for a couple weeks.
I found this post an interesting juxtapose with your signature line from Conrad Anker. :D

Good luck and don't get 'et! Hope you kill a whopper of a ram.
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