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MT residents thoughts on Steve Bullock

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It was meant in humor as response to Big Horn Ram's post also obviously meant in humor.

She aint gonna get my safe full of firearms either, Rocky ... but I don't stay awake at night wringing my hands either!:D
Quoted you but wasn't directed at you. I would love to hear someone here explain sensible gun control. Bullock is our guy!

The glaciers made most of their mass during the mini ice age which ended around 1850 A.D. They have been receding ever since. Crazy thing is the glaciers that created the area known as glacier park melted. And to think that warning period took place with no suv's and Al Gore wasn't there to reverse the warming period. The horror!

The glaciers made most of their mass during the mini ice age which ended around 1850 A.D. They have been receding ever since. Crazy thing is the glaciers that created the area known as glacier park melted. And to think that warning period took place with no suv's and Al Gore wasn't there to reverse the warming period. The horror!
I don't expect anything brought forth will change your stance on climate change. If the evidence that's out there hasn't broke through to you yet I doubt anything here will change your mind. This is more for the people your trying to influence with your rhetoric concerning climate change. Alaska climate change temps
Can't find it right now, but had seen it somewhere that this year so far in MT is the coldest ever on record. Now that we got rid of the global warming moniker it falls under climate change. Right? Man caused for sure.
Ben, two years ago I worked as a power gen supervisor for a Wisconsin based company. As such I had access to the pricing the power traders where actually buying and selling at. I never seen wind as cheap as coal. Natural gas was frequently cheaper than coal, but not consistently so.
Shoots, don't confuse me with the facts ... I drive a Cummins diesel, heat with coal fired electricity, and have a narrow ideology to maintain.:D
I'm interested in hearing about solutions to climate change. So far I've heard a lot of sky is falling 12 years left to correct the problem rhetoric, but still no plan on how to logically solve it. Factual links please.
Nuclear is one of the most expensive types of energy. How are you going to reduce the cost to make it competitive with other energy supplies?

We spend billions on pipelines now. Billions on infrastructure to move LNG & Crude, billions on shipping coal. How is developing the storage infrastructure any different than what we do now with Coal, oil and gas?

I think the baseload argument doesn't carry water.
I stopped reading the link when it said coal and nuclear plants are difficult to ramp up and down. This is non sense. Coal plants ramp up and down daily and it doesnt take very long. 1mw a minute for an older plant. Newer plants are even faster.
I'm interested in hearing about solutions to climate change. So far I've heard a lot of sky is falling 12 years left to correct the problem rhetoric, but still no plan on how to logically solve it. Factual links please.
I concur with your perspective. It seems that the ideological debates just keep kicking the can down the road and inhibit the process of translating the science into viable action plans.
Your world of "factual links" falls short with regard to viable reasonable solutions. However, as demonstrated on forums such as this, the political ideological banter is profusely apparent.
Can't find it right now, but had seen it somewhere that this year so far in MT is the coldest ever on record. Now that we got rid of the global warming moniker it falls under climate change. Right? Man caused for sure.
The global average is markedly up and that is what counts.

These unusual cold snaps are simply unusual airflow that brought cold air down. Alaska has had record breaking heat. Ask Bullock, he can explain it to you ;)
A one year trend is a slightly smaller blip than 50 year sample. That was my point. Same environmental hysteria asking the people to give up control to a few "leaders" in order to save the planet and our very existence has been going on since Hitler. And the left calls folks that don't agree with them Nazis. They are masterfully using the same play book that Marx produced. unfortunately half the population is a tool and the power hungry are eager to use them. Never did I dream that I would encounter so many tools that consider themselves sportsmen.

Bullock is just another politician willing to rob freedom from the public to garner power. He has no spine our values that mean more to him than the quest for self enrichment and power.
The global average is markedly up and that is what counts.

These unusual cold snaps are simply unusual airflow that brought cold air down. Alaska has had record breaking heat. Ask Bullock, he can explain it to you ;)
Are you really sure?

How is it that the historical record shows grape vineyards in northern Scotland that are not possible in today's relatively colder climate? Assuming you would not deny that historical climate record, do you suppose that the higher temps were man made? Was there a global government intervention that saved us and reduced the global temp to a point that was to much and food growth became a problem? They must have over compensated?

People who believe that they are the cause of this tragedy and can somehow gain redemption through a handful of dictators and politicians that are promising the guilty they can fix the problem they caused by simply giving up their personal freedom to suffer for their wrongs, are being used and deceived like never before. Truly diabolical.
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