MT Region 4 cow tag (private land)


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2010
Bozeman, MT
Hi folks - I got a R4 cow tag, valid only on private land. My father had some strokes this summer and messed up my plans to bang on doors up there so I don't have a place to hunt. (Dad died peacefully on Sep 7th.) The MFWP hunt coordinator doesn't answer the phone so he's no help.

Yeah, I should have prepared better, but life through me a curve. It's a long shot, but if anyone knows of someone who wouldn't mind a experienced hunter harvesting a cow please PM me. My schedule is flexible and I'm fine with hunting the late season. I don't mind walking through snow for miles and packing an elk out. In fact I would rather walk and have a real hunt than shoot something on a haystack.

Is this the the 004-00 tag? I have one as well, Rob. It's valid for DNRC Trust Land as well as private. I'm going to ask some folks about access, and if I get anything, I'll text you and we can make a plan.
The 004-00 tag is good anywhere in region for except fs , cmr , and HDs 410 and 455
Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope you get to spend some time "with" him out in the field this season. Good luck with the cow hunt.
Is this the the 004-00 tag? I have one as well, Rob. It's valid for DNRC Trust Land as well as private. I'm going to ask some folks about access, and if I get anything, I'll text you and we can make a plan.

Sounds great. I won't bring the wife so we both have a chance!

Dad was 88 and did what he loved most (flying) right up to a few weeks before he died. He had a stroke mid July, but recovered enough to drive. He wanted to fly, but we told him he couldn't unless he could pull the plane out of the hangar, which he couldn't. He was about getting strong enough when on Sep 1st he had another stroke.

In the hospital I told him I was going to kill one of those pesky deer eating the bushes at his house. He asked if I was going to use the 30'09. He knew the gun well since his father won it in 1939, but his brain flipped the 6 into a 9. That night he had a brain bleed and for the next six days could barely move or talk. On the 6th he became a little lucid, even playful; he said he was going to fly "It" out of there. He didn't know what "It" was, but he was going to fly it out of the hospital. I didn't understand for a while he was talking about dying. At his house I found a notepad with a list of planes that he had flow over the last 72 years; at the end he wrote "75 different aircraft." So I figure he could fly whatever "It" was that took him away a few hours later. I'm glad he got to live it up until the end... we should all be so lucky.

Here he is in his mid 80s, Swan range off his left...

Dad USD.jpg
Sorry to hear about the passing of your father. It sounds like you two shared some special moments together and for him to be flying into his 80’s is amazing. It’s great to hear things like that. Living life to the fullest. When I saw this pic, the first thing that popped into my head was that scene from Top Gun, where the female instructor asked Maverick how he could see the enemy and he said....”because I was inverted.” Really cool picture!! Best of luck on the cow hunt. I have the 411 cow tag and will hopefully be able to get one on the ground.
Rob - Sorry to hear about your dad. He sounds like a great father. Concerning the hunt coordinators, I don't think they start to work until late November, for the shoulder season. There are some BMA's that open up to cow hunters later in the rifle season.
Sorry to hear about your father. That pic is a great tribute. Thanks for sharing some of his stories. Keep telling them!
Sorry for your loss, he sounds like one helluva man. shoot me a PM if you are still looking for a place to hunt, I might be able to give you some names.
Sorry about your Father. Be thankful you had him as long as you did. I cant help you with the hunt, but I appreciate your story.
Rob, like others have said, you dad seemed to live it up until he couldn't no more. That inverted picture is awesome! He will be smiling down on you during your hunt. I always remember the small things about my mom when I am out in nature or cooking in the kitchen, her favorite place. Me and my wife went on our first elk hunt this year. We wanted to do it the hard way, my moms way. Nothing comes easy and when we first saw the aspens against that deep blue sky, going over the Rockies, I know my mom was smiling down on me. My wife even said things like mom would say, keep your eyes on the road, I don't want you to drive off the cliff. You know, those crazy things like that. Wishing you the best of luck, and although it hurts like hell not having them here, maybe my mom has cooked him a good gumbo for dinner.

Sorry about your Dad Rob. I hope you and Ben get to pack a big lead cow out in his honor.
Thanks for all your input. I was so completely mentally focused on private land around White Sulphur Springs/Lewistown that the much broader region and state/BLM lands weren't even on my radar screen. That makes it much easier to at least get a toe hold on spots to go. Thanks again.

My dad liked to tell me a story about an elk hunt he and some friends went on 60-70 years ago near Klicks/Gibson Reservoir. Someone was dumb enough to get an elk way in there and they had to pack it out on their backs. When he got his portion of the elk it was just enough for a couple meals. "I'll never do that sh*t again," he'd tell me. There weren't a lot of elk back then and that was one of the few elk hunts he went on until he got horses and went into the Bob some 35 years later. Growing up he flew us kids over that area and east to Great Falls a lot so I suppose he will be flying the route again, inverted so as to see me hauling pieces of elk out on my back. Maybe Ben's dad will be in the back seat.

Thanks for all your input. I was so completely mentally focused on private land around White Sulphur Springs/Lewistown that the much broader region and state/BLM lands weren't even on my radar screen. That makes it much easier to at least get a toe hold on spots to go. Thanks again.

My dad liked to tell me a story about an elk hunt he and some friends went on 60-70 years ago near Klicks/Gibson Reservoir. Someone was dumb enough to get an elk way in there and they had to pack it out on their backs. When he got his portion of the elk it was just enough for a couple meals. "I'll never do that sh*t again," he'd tell me. There weren't a lot of elk back then and that was one of the few elk hunts he went on until he got horses and went into the Bob some 35 years later. Growing up he flew us kids over that area and east to Great Falls a lot so I suppose he will be flying the route again, inverted so as to see me hauling pieces of elk out on my back. Maybe Ben's dad will be in the back seat.


God bless..... and good luck to you may the elk gods be with you
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