Yeti GOBOX Collection

MT Ram

What an incredible hunt for those guys. I feel the bitter sweetness. In the end, it reinforces that we live in an incredible state with a strong hunting heritage that's being passed down. Thank you for capturing and sharing their story as a part of your story. You'll punch this tag I'm sure of it and the memories of the season will last a lifetime. I was just reviewing my thread from last year. It was on this exact date that I punched my ram tag and I was the last tagholder in my district to do so. Never felt so much hunting pressure in all my life, but your persistence is going to pay off.
Man that hurts, but at the same time is very cool. Congrats to the hunter.
If you aren't banking away just loads of karma and points with the hunting gods, than I don't think any of us have a chance. Your day is coming- thanks for sharing the hard earned stories of the other tag holders.
Man that’s a bummer for you but I don’t think it could have been a better scenario for someone to kill the ram you’re looking for than the older gentleman and his family.
Thats a beautiful Ram! If someone other than you got to tag this Ram, I can't think of someone any more deserving. 82 years old 4 miles in on foot this guy is the definition of a dedicated hunter. He has my total respect!
Your chance is coming and your dedication to this hunt is without doubt 100%. You sir have my upmost respect!!!!
Good luck,
I can't say I really know Jim too well, but we went to the same church when I was at school in Bozeman. I heard a story that he once packed some of the pastoral staff into the SP on his horses for archery elk. I don't remember the details, but the gist of the story was that he either got thrown or took a hard fall and broke his collarbone a long ways in. He shrugged it off, helped the group set camp, rode out, loaded his horses, unloaded his horses at home, and THEN drove himself to the ER. He's a really tough and kind gentleman.
Man just incredible that an 82 year old gentleman was able to connect finally on a dream of his. To share it with his son and grandson is an experience very few will get that opportunity to have.

Hell....If I'm still kicking at 82 I'll probably be in a home shitting my pants and playing scrabble at Sweetwater assisted living eating applesauce everyday at 1030am. Not chasing the ram.
Man just incredible that an 82 year old gentleman was able to connect finally on a dream of his. To share it with his son and grandson is an experience very few will get that opportunity to have.

Hell....If I'm still kicking at 82 I'll probably be in a home shitting my pants and playing scrabble at Sweetwater assisted living eating applesauce everyday at 1030am. Not chasing the ram.
The world record elk and now this. You have endured some heartbreak. But also reaped the rewards from hard hunting as well to harvest some impressive animals. Ever thought about turning that spreadsheet into a book?
“Now it is pleasant to hunt something that you want very much over a long period of time, being outwitted, out-maneuvered and failing at the end of each day, but having the hunt and knowing every time you are out that, sooner or later, your luck will change and that you will get the chance that you are seeking." - Ernest Hemingway
I love that quote Oak, though we don't always get that sought chance. Such pursuits still fuel fond recollections; if we take anything at all to an afterlife it will be memories. I am reminded of one of the best deer hunts I ever had. While nothing to compare with Greenhorn's odyssey, I spent two days tracking a buck (confirmed by his piss in the snow) that I never got to see, even though I closed with 20 or thirty feet of him on the second morning.
Man much due respect for that guy 82 and getting it done 4 miles in. I can only hope I can muster up half that grit at 82. So now there's ONE go get yours man you deserve it and have earned it. Enjoy every minute of it.
Kind of a brutal twist to the story. Classy move helping those guys, though. I have a lot of admiration for an 82 year old who kills one that way.

I still hold hope that the Rued ram will appear......

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