
MT NR Big game Combo now over $1,000

Exactly why I don't hunt Montana. Several western states have a broken welfare type game and fish departments.
To me it is all relative to what my home state offers. Twenty years ago, Dad and I had thousands of acres of prime private whitetail land to hunt here in Ohio. Since 2006, when the Amish buck was killed in Adams County (John Schmucker buck, look it up), all of that land has gradually disappeared to leases and outfitters. There were several deer killed in Ohio since then that have graced all of the magazines even farther promoting leasing and outfitting.

I now have a little over 40 acres of private land to hunt. If I want really good quality land, outside of just buying my own(very pricey in Ohio), I could fork out a couple thousand in lease money for an average farm. There are some blocks of public state land to hunt but they are beat to death and relatively small, and deer usually stay on the private land bordering these areas. They also stay up high on the ridges and drop off to private at the first sign of danger.

Personally, I would rather spend that couple thousand hunting land that "I" own (as well as every citizen) whether or not I tag out. I usually use my Ohio deer tags as freezer fillers. I can't remember the last Ohio buck I killed. I'm just not into whitetail hunting anymore. My allure is out west, and if it comes down to it I will gladly spend the $1000+ to hunt Montana, Idaho, Wyoming or any other state that fills my wants and needs. I may not always like the current game management but I guess I will just have to become more vocal and comment on issues relevant to the management of our western game lands. It is something I am trying to become more active with. I don't want an Ohio scenario in the west.
dcopas, That leasing of private land started here in Montana 30 years ago.

Yeah, I have heard that. My point with all that is that here we just don't have the public land to hunt like out there, so once the private is leased, it's very hard to have any ground to hunt. There just aren't a lot of public opportunities here.
It is real unfortunate that Montana fleeces NR hunters with fees that, if I did not live here, I could never pay. You can tout the "if you really wanted to you could find the money" argument, but that's B.S. Fact is many families just don't have $2000 spare dollars for tags and gas over the course of a year for a semi-annual hunting trip. I would wager that the average member of this forum is in a better financial situation than many hunters out there who would love to go west to hunt. Non-resident hunting is nearly out of reach for the proletariat, and that is a problem that extends beyond Fish and Game Agency budgets.

Meanwhile for about $150, a resident can pretty much hunt and fish year round. It's skewed as hell. Other states probably do provide more bang for your buck.
Residents were given a $10 increase, and you should read the comments sections for the articles on it. It's like FWP is asking for their first born. It's a joke.
Residents were given a $10 increase, and you should read the comments sections for the articles on it. It's like FWP is asking for their first born. It's a joke.

I think that's the craw sticker for most NR's...and the like it or tough chit attitude we get when we remark.
before at the previous price,,Montana had already priced itself out of my budget,,now it is even lower on my list for "bang per buck" states!! unless something changes, I hope Montana realizes they will not get my non-res moneys as there are several other places that give you far better "bang for the buck"!!!Montana is down around 7th place or so,,and by then im out of app moneys.

Dan - you'll have to share with us your take on the bang for your $ vs. experience when the shoulder season's reach their goals in a few years. I wish the majority of Montanans could see what is coming their way.....
What's really going to hurt is when I finally draw a goat tag as a nonresident. MT used to be a bargain with the "big three" in terms of price for these tags.
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I think that if they had the cost at $999, there wouldn't be the outrage that we're hearing. Something about breaking that $1000 mark somehow psychologically pisses us off.
You are bang on the money there (sorry had to be said!) it has made me think, but i was already thinking about not trying Montana this year, or anywhere in the US, not just because of the cost of the tag, but the exchange rate is crap for me coming from the UK, which will mean a hike of approx $175 in comparison to 2014 when i last came over.
But, painful as it is, i will probably find the money from somewhere, i just need to guide more fishing clients, and hide the credit card bill from the wife.
I'm lucky enough to live in Colorado, where I can hunt elk and mule deer and antelope and bears. So, I don't NEED to travel out of state to do it because I HAVE to. When I do, it's usually to meet up with friends and hang out and it's more of a social thing. The HT hunts, for example, I just cook and fish and drink a lot, because I want to be there with everyone. When I go to Wyoming it's usually on doe tags, and a buck every couple of years depending on the points situation. I have been talking to a couple of guys from Montana about coming up there, but I would be on cow and doe tags as well. I don't need trophy horns to prove I have a penis, and I'm more in it for the experience and my shrink says I need to be around people more :D So, even with all of the sacrifices I had mentioned in a previous post a while back about being able to hunt out of state and having priorities, I don't think I'd be doing it as much if I didn't live out here. I can be in central Wyoming in about 7 hours and up in Missoula in about 15, so the drive and gas isn't a killer or deal breaker for me. But, if and when I do hunt, I would do mostly doe and cow tags, since I can get my bucks and bulls in Colorado. I just want the experience and time around the campfire hanging out with my friends. So, will the $1000 combo tag effect me? No, but I can truly feel for the guys that it will. Just like my friends from back east that I keep trying to talk in to coming out here to hunt where they are used to $40 deer tags where they get multiple deer, and trying to justify to them buying a $400 buck tag for a maybe, doesn't go very far with them. So, when I do get them out here, it will be in Wyoming for doe tags to start with...until a couple of them see an elk in person, then I think a few minds will change :D
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What's really going to hurt is when I finally draw a goat tag as a nonresident. MT used to be a bargain with the "big three" in terms of price for these tags.

A mountain goat tag isn't worth $1250 to you? Last I checked that that was one of the cheaper states. I know Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado are all right at $2100.

The nonresident draw process on the big three deserves a lot of criticism, but I can't see the permit fee being worth getting worked up over.
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I guess I don't see how Montana is much different than any other state overall.

I'm trying to draw my WY elk tag this year with 5 points. 5x$5=$250 in points alone.

After the special draw, and stamp, I'm looking at a $1319.50 elk tag!

In the regular draw I'd still be spending $839.50 on a WY elk tag.

I've yet to hunt Montana, but it is a backup option. When I consider the entire cost of gear, gas, weapons, food, etc., a few dollar variation in tag cost amounts to very little, at least for me. I know many guys don't see it my way and the line needs drawn at some point.
A mountain goat tag isn't worth $1250 to you? Last I checked that that was one of the cheaper states. I know Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado are all right at $2100.

The nonresident draw process on the big three deserves a lot of criticism, but I can't see the permit fee being worth getting worked up over.

Hell, I'll be spending over $1400 on a COW moose in the next couple of years, mostly for the experience and satisfaction of hunting a moose. I'll probably bring a couple of friends along and it will be a great time. Would I like a nice set of antlers? Sure, but I would also like a freezer full of meat and fellowship with friends and to be able to say I hunted a moose in my lifetime. I suppose cost is relative to the person and what you think you get out of it in the end....
A mountain goat tag isn't worth $1250 to you? Last I checked that that was one of the cheaper states. I know Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado are all right at $2100.

The nonresident draw process on the big three deserves a lot of criticism, but I can't see the permit fee being worth getting worked up over.

Oh, I'll pay the difference with no gripe if I'm ever lucky enough to draw. For some reason, I thought it was going up in the 2 grand area. Which I would gladly pay as well. The fee increases just mean I need to adjust my budget. More for tags, less for my collection these boondoggle keychains.
don't forget MT has a shoulder season too
One of my good friend's has a father in law in MT, said father in law and buddies shot 8 cows in one weekend last month. There's your priorities Montana...
I will end up paying the ridiculous prices again, because I own land there now. Hopefully one day I can become a resident.

The argument that is always used is that you can hunt from Sept - Nov, but that is usually not the case for us NRs. NRs for the most part can only hunt a week or two and most can only make one trip. We do not benefit from the longer seasons.
One of my good friend's has a father in law in MT, said father in law and buddies shot 8 cows in one weekend last month. There's your priorities Montana...

and there lies 1 of the problems . Region 4 where I hunt is supposedly holding way too many elk, elk everywhere FWP says . Well by time we get there in November we rarely see an elk cuz every cow in the county is on one of the big ranches that allows 0 hunting . But hey lets open shoulder seasons and let the locals kill the crap out of them in jan and feb .
Residents were given a $10 increase, and you should read the comments sections for the articles on it. It's like FWP is asking for their first born. It's a joke.

Actually the increase is $8, we were all ready paying $2.

Only liberal, wolf loving, government loving, commies support paying the outrages increase of $8. :)
I look at it this way. I spent 21days in MT last fall chasing elk and deer. That is about $48/ day. 4th elk season in CO was 5 days or $120/day. So that's like 4 time the adventure and twice the tags for less than half the price per day.

At least that's what I tell the wife......
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