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MT doe and live deer pics


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
I got permission to dump a doe on some private land. These deer were not too spooky, so I knew that it would be a slamdunk. At shooting light I was opening the last gate and had at least six does within shooting range. Man I hadn't even put on my orange yet and who want to shoot something from the main trail anyway.

I decided to park the truck and do some walking. It was cool to walk along the upper Missouri. My thought wandered to Lewis and Clark whom had been at this same place nearly 200 years ago.

Anyway, back tothe hunt. I had a couple of deer headed my way and decided to take one. Unfortunately, both were spikers, so I just shot a few pics. Here is one of the monsters.


A few minutes later I found a doe looked tastey. One shot and she was done. After I got to her and shot my normal 20 or so pics I was happy to see a two track within 50 yards of where she dropped. I didn't plan it that way, but I would take it. It was a great sunrise and the pics turned out pretty good with the light, but I will post this one, taken later, to make Gunner happy.


In the middle of my picutre taking, I saw this guy headed my way. I decided to see how close he would get. Here he is at about 40 yards without a clue.


He kept coming and finally figured at 12 yards that there was something fishy about a guy in the wide open beside a dead deer. Mule deer are smart.

I had to make this two posts. I guess 7 images is too many for a single message?

On the way back to town, I found this guy standing in the middle of the road. He had some does on one side of the fence and a single doe on the other side. He had no clue what to do, but did know that he was horny.


I finally pushed him a little and he went ofter the solo. Pretty good ups, although he was lucky that his little rocket wasn't at the count down stage quite yet.



Within a minute he rounded up his girl and got her back to the other side with the other gals. I am guessing this guy will be out of luck when the girls finally are ready to breed. I am sure the big boy was watching and waiting to chase him off when they are ready to go.
Cool pics and Story, Congrats on the doe !!! We'll look into the 7 post thing. Anything to keep the pictures coming :)

Thanx for the pics, I like that BIG spike... Tie him up for me next year would ya ??!?! :eek:
I envy you, mtmiller! You are quite the skilled hunter and your pics aren't bad either! Thanks for the pics and the story!

Another awesome post from mtmiller!! :D
I have the Panasonic FZ10. It was recommended by Schmalts. I also know that Deer King uses one and we all know how his pics turn out. :)

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