Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

MT - Changes in Hunting Regs/Units/Seasons coming this month

Dont really have a dog in this fight as a nr. If you want some examples of these guys expectations check out the "mule deer let's see em" thread and pay close attention to some of those Montana bucks from yesteryear especially from breaksrunner
I agree, and I also know what the potential is in Montana...tough to believe just how good it was in the past. I totally get why some are really happy with the way things are now, they simply don't know what they don't know or what they didn't experience.

These aren’t giant deer or super old age class, but we saw a number that were all around this size, and the experience we had on this hunt was incredible for both my dad and I. I don’t care if you think they are too young or too small because they were trophies for us.
Keep in mind that it isn’t about the past 5 yrs or past 5 decades. It’s about the future, and how the changes will chip away at the quality of hunting for public land hunters. I’m all for changing the rules, as long as those rules apply to everyone. What we have seen in 2021 is a migration toward two sets of rules.
Sounds like you had a great time. Nothing better than time spent in the field with father and son, however those are not mature mule deer.
Mine definitely isn’t, but would the consensus be that you guys expect that in a 2 and a half day hunt on public land, an experienced hunter should have opportunities at multiple deer larger than what my dad got? Honest question, because I don’t know if that’s how it used to be
I agree, and I also know what the potential is in Montana...tough to believe just how good it was in the past. I totally get why some are really happy with the way things are now, they simply don't know what they don't know or what they didn't experience.
It's all relevant, I also know what the potential is here in Illinois and remembered you coming out to hunting here last year. To anyone who's never been here before youd think it was pretty damn good. Compared to 15 to 20 years ago its dogshit. I sympathize for the montana guys. I used to be a die hard whitetail hunter only time I really do it anymore is to keep up on family traditions.
Mine definitely isn’t, but would the consensus be that you guys expect that in a 2 and a half day hunt on public land, an experienced hunter should have opportunities at multiple deer larger than what my dad got? Honest question, because I don’t know if that’s how it used to be
The deer your dad shot is a dink. Prolly a 2-3 year old deer. They grow big fast and we kill them faster. And was it sporting? Hard hunt? Shoot them when they are most vulnerable?
Mine definitely isn’t, but would the consensus be that you guys expect that in a 2 and a half day hunt on public land, an experienced hunter should have opportunities at multiple deer larger than what my dad got? Honest question, because I don’t know if that’s how it used to be
I wish I could post some of the pictures of the deer that a couple of my older friends have killed in the past...they don't want them posted and that's too bad, lots of them over 180" gross and all from Montana.
The deer your dad shot is a dink. Prolly a 2-3 year old deer. They grow big fast and we kill them faster.
Good to know. It wasn’t an easy hunt necessarily. I would be perfectly happy to see the rut dates go away in Montana, but while they are still a part of the deer season I will hunt them
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Sounds like you had a great time. Nothing better than time spent in the field with father and son, however those are not mature mule deer.
Certainly not adolescent… I think you’re arguing for the sake of it. Some of y’all may be aging, I understand that. The bigguns are still in there, but they get smarter as our technology brings us further into their bedrooms. Montana has no shortage of public lands. Let’s make it happen this year, look forward to seeing your buck this year. It’s a lose lose for you besides your own trophy. If you shoot a small one sucks for you cuz they are out there, and if you shoot a big one it only negates the topic of your argument. Good luck
I wish I could post some of the pictures of the deer that a couple of my older friends have killed in the past...they don't want them posted and that's too bad, lots of them over 180" gross and all from Montana.
Yeah I have no doubt that good Montana hunters have killed lots of 180+ bucks. If that’s the expectation for most folks then the current state of affairs is probably extra appalling.

I want to reiterate what my position has been from the beginning: improvements should be made from the current system and recent legislation especially in regards to outfitters and private land has been very bad for animals and most hunters
It's all relevant, I also know what the potential is here in Illinois and remembered you coming out to hunting here last year. To anyone who's never been here before youd think it was pretty damn good. Compared to 15 to 20 years ago its dogshit. I sympathize for the montana guys. I used to be a die hard whitetail hunter only time I really do it anymore is to keep up on family traditions.
I hear you loud and clear...I do the same thing, hunting for the tradition and on the memories of the past.

I'm hopeful that MAYBE someday my nephews will have it as good as I did in the past in Montana, but the way things are going/headed, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I take responsibility for some of it, I didn't do enough to kick the MTFWP in the butt to maintain quality. I wrongly assumed it would always be around...big mistake thinking that.
Certainly not adolescent… I think you’re arguing for the sake of it. Some of y’all may be aging, I understand that. The bigguns are still in there, but they get smarter as our technology brings us further into their bedrooms. Montana has no shortage of public lands. Let’s make it happen this year, look forward to seeing your buck this year. It’s a lose lose for you besides your own trophy. If you shoot a small one sucks for you cuz they are out there, and if you shoot a big one it only negates the topic of your argument. Good luck
No, you're wrong, they don't get smarter, they get dead. Deer don't get smart to laser range finders, 1000 yard rifles, high end optics, OTC tags and 11 week seasons including during the rut.

They die on a sidehill at 2-3 years old.
I hear you loud and clear...I do the same thing, hunting for the tradition and on the memories of the past.

I'm hopeful that MAYBE someday my nephews will have it as good as I did in the past in Montana, but the way things are going/headed, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I take responsibility for some of it, I didn't do enough to kick the MTFWP in the butt to maintain quality. I wrongly assumed it would always be around...big mistake thinking that.
I hear you loud and clear right back. Everybody and there brother stills pounds em. Used to be a 7 days of gun season here with limited tags. Otc tags now and 14 days long not counting muzzleloader season. But hey as long you get that tagged filled that's what's important to them I guess. Certain areas / counties are still decent. Guys talk about how they hunted all season finally got one. Youd think that would tell them something but it doesn't. Kill em all before cwd does I guess. hope you come back and enjoy it again this year that part of the state is some beautiful country to hunt in.
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Mine definitely isn’t, but would the consensus be that you guys expect that in a 2 and a half day hunt on public land, an experienced hunter should have opportunities at multiple deer larger than what my dad got? Honest question, because I don’t know if that’s how it used to be
There’s nothing wrong with either deer. You honestly can’t expect a better deer than your dad’s these days in MT, but it’s not the quality deer that Greenhorn is talking about.

I’ve personally put my hands on a couple of 200” mule deer out of Colorado. They were monsters and MT could produce deer like that if we protected them the way CO does.
No, you're wrong, they don't get smarter, they get dead. Deer don't get smart to laser range finders, 1000 yard rifles, high end optics, OTC tags and 11 week seasons including during the rut.

They die on a sidehill at 2-3 years old.
We killed our bucks at 250 and 110 yards last year. Certainly the long range rifles make a difference, but hunt dates in the heart of the rut make them more vulnerable than anything else.
No, you're wrong, they don't get smarter, they get dead. Deer don't get smart to laser range finders, 1000 yard rifles, high end optics, OTC tags and 11 week seasons including during the rut.

They die on a sidehill at 2-3 years old.
I see where you’re coming from. I do. It’s a hunter preference thing as well. I can’t say I’d disagree with a point restriction.. that said, Montana prides itself it’s archery elk rut. Why not hunt deer in the rut? Or are you saying make deer open later? I’m still new to this compared to many of you, but ive also had no trouble finding some really really big deer and elk. Putting them on the ground is never as easy as the 2 year old, but they’re out there frickin everywhere. I’d love to hear more about your profession and your proposals, but not in a shit on everyone that disagrees kinda way.