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MT - Changes in Hunting Regs/Units/Seasons coming this month

I am in and from Oregon, you know, the state where wild game is running helter skelter everywhere (until you apply for a tag)

All I want to say it you Montanans had better start voting and getting involved - Montana is on the "D" radar and NOW is the only chance of stopping it or even slowing it down, take it from someone who's watched it erode away for 70 years - Complaining of forums does "0" good, at the VERY least join ALL the pro hunting and weapons advocacy organizations - GET INVOLVED AND STOP WHINING !!!
I am in and from Oregon, you know, the state where wild game is running helter skelter everywhere (until you apply for a tag)

All I want to say it you Montanans had better start voting and getting involved - Montana is on the "D" radar and NOW is the only chance of stopping it or even slowing it down, take it from someone who's watched it erode away for 70 years - Complaining of forums does "0" good, at the VERY least join ALL the pro hunting and weapons advocacy organizations - GET INVOLVED AND STOP WHINING !!!
Montanans are super interested in your input, thanks.
I am in and from Oregon, you know, the state where wild game is running helter skelter everywhere (until you apply for a tag)

All I want to say it you Montanans had better start voting and getting involved - Montana is on the "D" radar and NOW is the only chance of stopping it or even slowing it down, take it from someone who's watched it erode away for 70 years - Complaining of forums does "0" good, at the VERY least join ALL the pro hunting and weapons advocacy organizations - GET INVOLVED AND STOP WHINING !!!
Sir, this is a Wendy’s
I am in and from Oregon, you know, the state where wild game is running helter skelter everywhere (until you apply for a tag)

All I want to say it you Montanans had better start voting and getting involved - Montana is on the "D" radar and NOW is the only chance of stopping it or even slowing it down, take it from someone who's watched it erode away for 70 years - Complaining of forums does "0" good, at the VERY least join ALL the pro hunting and weapons advocacy organizations - GET INVOLVED AND STOP WHINING !!!
Most Montana's are aware. Montana's spoke back in November when they elected Gov, U.S. Senate and House. You are correct , the radicals are here and doing their best to change this state. You will find that many on this forum will try and shout you down, they have bought completely into the far left playbook of antifa and blm...not bureau of land management for you marxist in the crowd, which there are many on this forum. At one time, not so long ago, hunters were a close knit group of people. Now, the radicals have divided that close knit group, dividing hunters, i.e. public land hunters, back country hunters, bow hunters, their typical M.O. divide and conquer. hunt talk being a prime example, a "public land forum". Of course, most hunters know that across the U.S., most hunting takes place on private ground, with only a handful of states having enormous acres of public ground, which is another subject all together. Yet they attempt, and successfully many times to divide hunters into not only public land hunters, but any group they can use to drive a wedge between hunters. The radicals will use these people until they no longer feel the need for them, then be done with them.....and any hunting. Now the rad's show began.....that is all this forum is really worth, observation, as the saying goes, keep your friends close....and your enemies closer.
Most Montana's are aware. Montana's spoke back in November when they elected Gov, U.S. Senate and House. You are correct , the radicals are here and doing their best to change this state. You will find that many on this forum will try and shout you down, they have bought completely into the far left playbook of antifa and blm...not bureau of land management for you marxist in the crowd, which there are many on this forum. At one time, not so long ago, hunters were a close knit group of people. Now, the radicals have divided that close knit group, dividing hunters, i.e. public land hunters, back country hunters, bow hunters, their typical M.O. divide and conquer. hunt talk being a prime example, a "public land forum". Of course, most hunters know that across the U.S., most hunting takes place on private ground, with only a handful of states having enormous acres of public ground, which is another subject all together. Yet they attempt, and successfully many times to divide hunters into not only public land hunters, but any group they can use to drive a wedge between hunters. The radicals will use these people until they no longer feel the need for them, then be done with them.....and any hunting. Now the rad's show began.....that is all this forum is really worth, observation, as the saying goes, keep your friends close....and your enemies closer.
Long time no see
Most Montana's are aware. Montana's spoke back in November when they elected Gov, U.S. Senate and House. You are correct , the radicals are here and doing their best to change this state. You will find that many on this forum will try and shout you down, they have bought completely into the far left playbook of antifa and blm...not bureau of land management for you marxist in the crowd, which there are many on this forum. At one time, not so long ago, hunters were a close knit group of people. Now, the radicals have divided that close knit group, dividing hunters, i.e. public land hunters, back country hunters, bow hunters, their typical M.O. divide and conquer. hunt talk being a prime example, a "public land forum". Of course, most hunters know that across the U.S., most hunting takes place on private ground, with only a handful of states having enormous acres of public ground, which is another subject all together. Yet they attempt, and successfully many times to divide hunters into not only public land hunters, but any group they can use to drive a wedge between hunters. The radicals will use these people until they no longer feel the need for them, then be done with them.....and any hunting. Now the rad's show began.....that is all this forum is really worth, observation, as the saying goes, keep your friends close....and your enemies closer.
Please comrade, can you explain to us how that shooting elk for six months of the year is good management?

Is that a conservative solution or a radical leftist agenda? I am so confused anymore.
Most Montana's are aware. Montana's spoke back in November when they elected Gov, U.S. Senate and House. You are correct , the radicals are here and doing their best to change this state. You will find that many on this forum will try and shout you down, they have bought completely into the far left playbook of antifa and blm...not bureau of land management for you marxist in the crowd, which there are many on this forum. At one time, not so long ago, hunters were a close knit group of people. Now, the radicals have divided that close knit group, dividing hunters, i.e. public land hunters, back country hunters, bow hunters, their typical M.O. divide and conquer. hunt talk being a prime example, a "public land forum". Of course, most hunters know that across the U.S., most hunting takes place on private ground, with only a handful of states having enormous acres of public ground, which is another subject all together. Yet they attempt, and successfully many times to divide hunters into not only public land hunters, but any group they can use to drive a wedge between hunters. The radicals will use these people until they no longer feel the need for them, then be done with them.....and any hunting. Now the rad's show began.....that is all this forum is really worth, observation, as the saying goes, keep your friends close....and your enemies closer.
WTH…I literally feel dumber after reading this. This is about MT hunting season changes…or so I thought
Just a reminder there is a meeting in Missoula from 5-8. Hopefully there is a good turn out. After the awful scouting weekend I just had, I feel pretty darn defeated but I am hopeful that we can somehow make things better in the future. But this still sucks.

Just a reminder there is a meeting in Missoula from 5-8. Hopefully there is a good turn out. After the awful scouting weekend I just had, I feel pretty darn defeated but I am hopeful that we can somehow make things better in the future. But this still sucks.

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Thanks for the heads up. Do you know if there is a way to watch remotely? Cheers.
I do not think there is. I wish there was though.
These meetings will likely be an open house type setting where you can show up and talk to FWP staff and provide written and verbal comment but don't expect to go there and listen to lengthy presentations from FWP. There might be something at the start but then it will be informal which makes it hard to listen in on virtually. Not positive but that is what I am thinking. I encourage folks to attend if you can!
I felt like the meeting was much more intended to be a meet and greet and not address real issues. We had people asking questions one by one but that became chaotic at the end and we went back to talking with staff individually. Combining hunting districts and simplification of the regulations was not addressed but I hope some one asked a staff member directly as I had to leave. I took some notes that I will sort through at home but it was interesting to hear staff say that they don't know how wolves are effecting elk populations.
Also I felt like there was some question dodging. It'll be interesting to see what other take away from this meeting.
Worsech started out with addressing that the newspapers have been wrong and that there was a misunderstanding about simplification of the regulations....but he never addressed this in the meeting. I really hope someone asks him and the staff about this.
Someone asked essentially why we are having shoulder seasons on public land and the answer was that because we want a reduction in elk population. Worsech talked about how you hunt for cows out there on private and the elk jumps onto public and just sits there looking at you. So the public land hunts are to reduce population, not push elk off private. He said that we are just trying it out for a season just to see if opening up public land to shoulder seasons helps get those populations down but he also mentioned that we have other options like extending cow only tags for 3 weeks after season (he didn't elaborate much on this) .
There was a question about ethics of hunting wolves at night. Basically it was likened to pig hunting at night and the staff saw the expanded methods of take on wolves as "the wolves are dead either way that they are taken".
Staff mentioned that there would be a new division to look at non consumptive users and trying to get them to help pay for access. I couldnt really hear this part well.
There was a question about Murphy Law? And why that wasn't used to help with water flows in the river and the answer was that either FWP had low priority compared to others or that the water wouldn't make it to where it was needed or even have an impacts.
County commissioners have to say yes or no to easements and there was a big discussion about this and how unfair it is. Also lots of talk about RMEF projects falling through because the paperwork to get conservation decisions done was very long and complicated. I'm not sure what the solution was there. Something about better communication?
The land board discussion was pretty confusing to follow but how just how hard it is to get easements through.
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Worsech started out with addressing that the newspapers have been wrong and that there was a misunderstanding about simplification of the regulations....but he never addressed this in the meeting. I really hope someone asks him and the staff about this.
Someone asked essentially why we are having shoulder seasons on public land and the answer was that because we want a reduction in elk population. Worsech talked about how you hunt for cows out there on private and the elk jumps onto public and just sits there looking at you. So the public land hunts are to reduce population, not push elk of private. He said that we are just trying it out for a season just to see if opening up public land to shoulder seasons helps get those populations down but he also mentioned that we have other options like extending cow only tags for 3 weeks after season (he didn't elaborate much on this) .
There was a question about ethics of hunting wolves at night. Basically it was likened to pig hunting at night and the staff saw the expanded methods of take on wolves as "the wolves are dead either way that they are taken".
Staff mentioned that there would be a new division to look at non consumptive users and trying to get them to help pay for access. I could really hear this part well.
There was a question about Murphy Law? And why that wasn't used to help with water flows in the river and the answer was that either FWP priority was low or that the water wouldn't make it to where it was needed or even have an impacts.
County commissioners have to say yes or no to easements and there was a big discussion about this and how unfair it is. Also lots of talk about RMEF projects falling through because the paperwork to get conservation decisions done was very long and complicated. I'm not sure what the solution was there. Something about better communication?
The land board discussion was pretty confusing to follow but how just how hard it is to get easements through.
Appreciate the update. Will be interesting to see how our meeting next week goes.
Someone asked again about having voluntary harvest reporting and staff said the department is working towards having mandatory harvests. They are also working on having an app for your tags.
There was also a question of having muzzleloader education somehow and having muzzleloaders pay an extra fee like how bowhunters do.

So there was a big discussion about research and how longer research studies aren't going to be funded or conducted anymore and staff said that was false (so now I'm extra confused about that). Staff went on to say that we already have those longer studies done and we can just look to those for information. I think Worsech said that they don't like the longer studies because they can't adjust the season for ungulates and predators more easily (no idea why).

Snowmobiles utilized behind gates during muzzleloader was brought up but staff just stated that it is no different than four wheelers and that rules of not shooting from your vehicle still apply. (but I think the difference is that you can't use vehicles behind those gates during general season so there is less disturbance from that gate being closed than with the amount of disturbance snowmobiles may cause going behind the gate as well as off the road).

That's pretty much most of what was discussed at our meeting. I feel like I left more confused but it was nice to hear directly from staff.
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