PEAX Equipment

MT - Changes in Hunting Regs/Units/Seasons coming this month

Is there a reason that Randy11 was the only one who would share this info? Can this not be blasted all over the place to mobilize those who can show up and voice an opinion? To prepare folks?
I believe that this information was leaked by concerned FWP employees worried about the direction we are heading. People didn't want to take a chance in hurting them. I'm thinking that many will leave anyway.
Is there a reason that Randy11 was the only one who would share this info? Can this not be blasted all over the place to mobilize those who can show up and voice an opinion? To prepare folks?
I can't speak for others but I sent most of that to Randy. I would have typed up a synopsis but was at work.

I found out last night that the talk of moving over objective units that aren't held to a trophy or bull:cow ratio to generals came directly from Chief of Staff Quentin Kujala. There was a follow up from Deb O'Neill that said there was conflicting instructions on that front but everyone that was on the initial call heard loud and clear about the over objective units.
Likely that they got their information from folks who asked for some anonymity to avoid the inevitable purge that comes when top down administrations dislike leaked info. In my case, I missed an email last week that had this documentation. If I had seen it, I would have posted it earlier since it was in the public realm.

Protecting a source is a solid move. Even if folks dislike it.
Jackpot. ^^^

Thanks for posting what you did, Ben.
Man I really appreciate this place. If it wasn’t for this sight odds are I’d have no idea a lot of these things go down until it’s to late. I suspect 90% of hunters in Montana are the same way.
I agree. And when I go to work and spread the news I find here, none of the people have any clue. Worse, I don't think some of them care anyway. That's the crappy attitude that is hard to overcome. mtmuley
I agree. And when I go to work and spread the news I find here, none of the people have any clue. Worse, I don't think some of them care anyway. That's the crappy attitude that is hard to overcome. mtmuley
I’ve told people and they were happy about it. I’m guessing we are screwed on this one.
In five years, Joe 12 Pack will blame it on:

1. Non resident hunters
2. Woofs
3. Rich landowners.

Hah didn’t even take 5 years for them to blame region 7 cutting antelope tags to blame non residents. “I heard they cut resident tags to give more to nonresidents”. That’s the rumor going around baker. It’s unreal
Hah didn’t even take 5 years for them to blame region 7 cutting antelope tags to blame non residents. “I heard they cut resident tags to give more to nonresidents”. That’s the rumor going around baker. It’s unreal
Scary thing is they pack rifles into the landscape come Nov
Hah didn’t even take 5 years for them to blame region 7 cutting antelope tags to blame non residents. “I heard they cut resident tags to give more to nonresidents”. That’s the rumor going around baker. It’s unreal
Zero sympathy for anybody that didn’t get an antelope tag. Shouldn’t be expected every year. I didn’t get one and I’m more than happy they cut tags.
Zero sympathy for anybody that didn’t get an antelope tag. Shouldn’t be expected every year. I didn’t get one and I’m more than happy they cut tags.
Right there with you. First time in 20 years I’ve never drawn one. Sometimes she goes sometimes she don’t but that’s the way she goes. I’m happy they are doing some managing.
What’s MOGA’s stance on these topics? Inquiring minds would like to see it in writing. 🤔
I’m not speaking for MOGA, but…something needs to change and as strange as this may sound, Eric and I have been discussing this and we are on the same page as many of you. We need to address the resident situation with OTC tags, we need to fight against changing the LQ elk areas over to general, and we need to focus on mule deer management. I spoke with a commissioner today and voiced my opinion strongly against the muzzleloader debacle as well as other topics. So there it is in writing.
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