Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

MT archery elk - We're baaack!

More of the same tonight, but maybe our efforts of this morning is paying off. We did pressure the herd and split them up. Found a five point and four cows and a nice six point with the same. Left them at dark as that were feeding onto public. Hope they are all the way there at daylight. Also heard more bugles on the public, so maybe a few small parts of that gigantic herd have splintered off.

Can't wait to post some off the funny details of this hunt. Tomorrow is the last day of hunting. Leave on Wed morn. Hope we have a miracle around here somewhere.
Sorry my mini battery crapped the bed, or I would post the entire story of yesterday. It is one for the ages, with the highlight being the number of big bulls we didn't get a shot at, topped with Troy's dinner being hijacked by a bear, then the extreme wind that made last night off the worst I have ever spent on the mountain.

Too much to error with my little smart phone. Heading to the high ground now, in hopes some stagger will limp by. Wish Troy had let me shoot that cow the other night. Anything legal is getting an arrow tonight. Anyone know if my bear tag is good forthis area right now? Troy wants revenge

I guess Troy forgot the electric fence
Ranch hand just pushed them well onto public when he came to gather some cattle this morning. They are going at light speed. Off to try catch them before they reach private on the other side. What took him so long?

My last great hope. Gonna be a long day with lots of hills and miles. Bugles everywhere and moving fast away from us.
Ranch hand just pushed well onto public when he came to gather some cattle this morning. They are going at light speed. Off to try catch them before they reach private on the other side. What took him so long?

My last great hope. Gonna be a long day with lots of his and miles. Bugles everywhere and moving fast away from us.

Awesome! Tell me where they came from and I could tell you where they are going to end up tonight. Good luck... hope you can pull this off in one day!!!:)
Randy, I hope you kill the biggest bull in there, so I do not waste my time chasing him for the next 12 days!
Better bring a water tank for that long of a stay. Wingman you better do daily posts of the fist fights that might happen with that many hoodlums in a small area trying to hunt :eek:

I will do my best. I dont have good service in there. AT and T sucks. I also have a verizon phone text only. It only works in certain spots. I would like to know what service Big Fin uses, I have been impressed with his ability to stay up on his events. I think it is going to be a joke. If I had 700HD tag I would rather fight the crowds on the musselshell river than do this. I am committed with tag and time and have to ride it out along with everyone else that jumped on the band wagon this year. How is hunting to the North? Any love yet?
I haven't been out there yet. Been hunting around home and missed a bull on Friday. Verizon is the ticket out in that country. Sweetnectar said that the ranch is real slow right now and isn't sure where are the critters are.

Ok I just received two texts from Randy and I'm not really sure what they mean exactly so I will give you the info I know. He asked me to post this.

He said that he's been waiting with a herd of 150 for 3 hours and they are getting closer. He said he hopes to send me a pict. with a huge 6x6. Then I get another text from him that says. " I shot a bear last night. Lots of encounter. Great footage. Let hunttalkers know we got one with one day to go"

I'm not sure if he's only referring to the bear or if he actually sealed the deal with an elk. I will keep you posted if I hear anything before he posts again.
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If you all are talking about and hunting where I think you are (TC area), I've hunted there in the past too. There are elk, but there are a lot of clowns chasing them around that don't have a clue how to bowhunt elk! At least that was my experience! Good luck to Big Fin and those of you that are going there this weekend. All I have to say is, take a deep breath, be patient and let the other hunters ignorance help you out and hopefully they won't ruin your hunt.
In my best Harry Caray imitation, "FIN WINS! FIN WINS. HOLY COW!"

Wrapping up pics and film. Amazing!
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