PEAX Equipment

MT archery elk - We're baaack!

Good Luck Randy!!!! I hope you kill a big one just a word of advice watch out for moooooo cows, sheep, and RATTLESNAKES.
We are here. Not sure where all the traffic is that I was told would be here. That might be a sign that the elk are not here.

Thanks for all the good wishes, guys. Hope we at least produce an episode worth watching. Can't hunt the day we fly, so will scout today once camp is organized. Will watch out for any moo cows. Didn't know there were any here. With these temps, I am sure snakes will be an issue.
Can't hunt the day we fly, so will scout today once camp is organized.

Why not? All the regs say is you can't use an aircraft to locate big game for the purpose of hunting them the same day. Obviously if you wait until the next day there won't be any question but there isn't an absolute restriction on flying and hunting the same day. From the regs:
Airplane Spotting
Aircraft may not be used to locate big
game animals for the purpose of:
• hunting those animals during the
same hunting day after a person has
been airborne
• providing information to another
person for the purpose of hunting
those animals within the same hunting
day after being airborne.
Randy, heads up. The last couple of days there hasn't been much for talk in the elk world in those parts. It is like the elk are acting like big deer and not elk.
Good luck, have a great time. Keep an eye out for those snakes. Cant wait for the story and updates posted on the site.
Very quiet. I saw no elk, very few tracks, and no fresh rubs. Troy did see one group far away, where we can't hunt. But, given there is some water near that spot, that is where we will start in the morn. Probably an hour hike from here.

Really hot today. If I was an elk, I wouldn't be moving around either.

Trying to hit the rack early. Will give updates during the day.
Good luck guys. I will know by first of week I may be in co 3rd week of rifle. Plan is just a little north of where you were last year. May not be a garage but where is the DQ. I'll let you know
Up and on the trail way before shooting light. Hoofed over to where Troy saw some elk last night. Two bulks not far of the public feeding away from us, further into private. Got a couple response from them, but nothing to passionate. Almost like they felt obliged to reply.

Not sure what to do right now. I suspect there are more elk in the area, but can't get to where these ones headed. Don't want to get too close to the boundary in archery season, as you never know when/where they will expire.

Gonna move down into the basin further and see if we can get into some active elk. Already hot. Moon was full most of the night. Not prime conditions, but better conditions for killing elk than the air conditioning of the office.