MT archery elk - We're baaack!

Way to go Randy! Sounds like you put all the effort in and got the ultimate reward. Awesome story and I can't wait to see the episode. Congrats!
Awesome bull Randy congrats. Thanks for the play by play write up, you had me on the edge of my seat last night. I felt as though I was right there with ya while reading along. Again congrats on a great hunt and a excellent bull, you deserve it :)
Thanks for taking all of us with you every step of the way. Betting that having guys like Troy around can sure make things easier and at times interesting. From your write-ups it's not hard to see that your crew always has your back. Thanks again for another great adventure.
Another great play-by-play and this one worked out great! Nice bull, great hunt. I can't wait to see the video!

Any of us who hunt a lot realize the ups an downs that you go through trying to get to the final event. Your writing style keeps me on the edge all the time.

Great Job! Keep it up.

Great write-up, really like the updates from the mountainside. You really earned that bull, goes to show that a positive attitude can be one of your greatest weapons.

Congrats on a super hunt.......Jeff
Congratulations on the bull, thanks for taking us along. Do you keep a journal on the hunt or do you have a photographic memory. Your writing is excellent!
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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