
Move to repeal CO wolf introduction

Does this have a snowballs chance?

Probably not. In about 1972 I was living in Montana and Idaho tried to get Montana to plant wolves. Of course Montana didn't do it so at some point Idaho did it themselves. The result is today there are wolves in Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon and have read that some are even into Northern Cal now also! be careful what you ask for!
Probably not. In about 1972 I was living in Montana and Idaho tried to get Montana to plant wolves. Of course Montana didn't do it so at some point Idaho did it themselves. The result is today there are wolves in Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon and have read that some are even into Northern Cal now also! be careful what you ask for!
There are 100% wolves in northern CA and have been for over a decade. I've seen sign and had trail cam photos. CDFW has had collared wolves in the state. They even have a couple dozen confirmed depredation events annually. And CA doesn't have great ungulate populations to begin with...
There are so many wolf threads I don't know the absolute best place to put it, so I just picked this one.

So what happens if this passes?

Also, it quotes CATS and CBD's Samantha Miller as "Grand County, Colorado, resident Samantha Miller." I wonder if she requested not to be listed by her organization so that people might read on.... I did check CBD's website, and she lives in Grand Lake.
Read through the article - thanks for the link. I found this particular bit amusing:

"Miller said that from a biodiversity and big-picture conservation standpoint, bringing wolves back was the right thing to do.
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) infections in Wyoming elk have become a concern.
Colorado – which has more elk than any other state – has been “ground zero for CWD,” Miller said.
Wolves can detect CWD in prey animals such as deer and elk even before those animals show any sign of sickness, she said."

Albeit a quick search - I found zero studies that would support that statement. I have read the research paper that showed via a hypothetical model how selective predation by wolves (and bears and mountain lions) could reduce CWD faster than through hunting but, as CSU also notes, there have been zero field studies conducted that would support that mathematical model. It would appear Miller takes an untested model and conflates it to fact. I find that mentality extremely troublesome but unfortunately par for the course for this current generation of environmental/conservation extremists.
There are so many wolf threads I don't know the absolute best place to put it, so I just picked this one.

So what happens if this passes?

Also, it quotes CATS and CBD's Samantha Miller as "Grand County, Colorado, resident Samantha Miller." I wonder if she requested not to be listed by her organization so that people might read on.... I did check CBD's website, and she lives in Grand Lake.
She is a complete snake. Her and all her CATS anti-hunting pals reflagged as the “Colorado Wildlife Alliance”. They show up to every CPW commission meeting making false accusations about hunters, trappers, and even CPW officers. Disappointing that cowboy state daily gave her a platform. In addition to CBD, I believe she also works for Wayne Pacelle’s Animal Wellness Action/Center for Humane Economy, primary donor for Prop 127. They touted the same CWD claims during 127 campaign.
She is a complete snake. Her and all her CATS anti-hunting pals reflagged as the “Colorado Wildlife Alliance”. They show up to every CPW commission meeting making false accusations about hunters, trappers, and even CPW officers. Disappointing that cowboy state daily gave her a platform. In addition to CBD, I believe she also works for Wayne Pacelle’s Animal Wellness Action/Center for Humane Economy, primary donor for Prop 127. They touted the same CWD claims during 127 campaign.
They show up to every commission meeting.

Strange that hunters and trappers, who allegedly care so much, don't?

Lesson there.
They show up to every commission meeting.

Strange that hunters and trappers, who allegedly care so much, don't?

Lesson there.
I can't speak for other hunters/trappers. I just retired so now I do attend Commission meetings and/or State Rep meetings whereas before, I had conflicting commitments related to work. I have to imagine a lot of the hunters/trappers are busy just trying to make a living vs being paid to show up at these meetings and stirring the pot.
I can't speak for other hunters/trappers. I just retired so now I do attend Commission meetings and/or State Rep meetings whereas before, I had conflicting commitments related to work. I have to imagine a lot of the hunters/trappers are busy just trying to make a living vs being paid to show up at these meetings and stirring the pot.
But they aren't too busy to never miss an opening day...just saying. They're more than happy to show up for the fun part, but won't lift a finger when there's work to be done.

Excuses don't change anything, showing up does.
But they aren't too busy to never miss an opening day...just saying.
True to some point. But priorities shift throughout the year. Doesn't mean there is a lack of care, but perhaps a realignment of priorities to match the angst is needed by some.
True to some point. But priorities shift throughout the year. Doesn't mean there is a lack of care, but perhaps a realignment of priorities to match the angst is needed by some.
True to a point?

How many hunters will do everything they can to make damn sure they're in the field opening day, but won't try anything to adjust a schedule, take a vacation day, etc to attend an important meeting?

I don't expect every hunter to drop everything to attend every meeting, but it's bullshit that out of thousands and thousands of people that hunt, a couple show up.

Even meetings in the evenings and done via zoom are poorly attended.

It's well past time to quit making excuses for hunter complacency and blaming those we don't agree with for showing up.
True to some point. But priorities shift throughout the year. Doesn't mean there is a lack of care, but perhaps a realignment of priorities to match the angst is needed by some.
True to a point?

How many hunters will do everything they can to make damn sure they're in the field opening day, but won't try anything to adjust a schedule, take a vacation day, etc to attend an important meeting?

I don't expect every hunter to drop everything to attend every meeting, but it's bullshit that out of thousands and thousands of people that hunt, a couple show up.

Even meetings in the evenings and done via zoom are poorly attended.

It's well past time to quit making excuses for hunter complacency and blaming those we don't agree with for showing up.

Those that attend get heard, it's that simple.
Read through the article - thanks for the link. I found this particular bit amusing:

"Miller said that from a biodiversity and big-picture conservation standpoint, bringing wolves back was the right thing to do.
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) infections in Wyoming elk have become a concern.
Colorado – which has more elk than any other state – has been “ground zero for CWD,” Miller said.
Wolves can detect CWD in prey animals such as deer and elk even before those animals show any sign of sickness, she said."

Albeit a quick search - I found zero studies that would support that statement. I have read the research paper that showed via a hypothetical model how selective predation by wolves (and bears and mountain lions) could reduce CWD faster than through hunting but, as CSU also notes, there have been zero field studies conducted that would support that mathematical model. It would appear Miller takes an untested model and conflates it to fact. I find that mentality extremely troublesome but unfortunately par for the course for this current generation of environmental/conservation extremists.
If wolves have a super secret magic disease detector maybe we should've used THEM to test for covid 😂
They show up to every commission meeting.

Strange that hunters and trappers, who allegedly care so much, don't?

Lesson there.
So they really started to show up in force after Prop 127 was defeated. And their rhetoric has become much more antagonistic towards hunting and trapping. Hunters and trappers also generally have decent showing, just depends on the location and agenda items. But your point is valid, we can’t afford to not show up in numbers at every meeting from now on. We can no longer sit on the sidelines and expect to keep what we have.

After their losses with Prop 127 and HB 25-1258, they are going to flood commission meetings until the next election cycle. This is a concerted, targeted campaign in Colorado to dismantle the NAM and hunting and trapping, one species and method of take at a time. Led by full time, paid activists supported through national anti-hunting by orgs.

Upon further review, it is even more disappointing that Cowboy State Daily would use her statements regarding effects on wildlife from ESA delisting. There are tons of actual wildlife biologists associated with the wolf reintroduction movement they could have talked to. Her background/education is political science and "women studies", she is a paid campaign manager and policy activist. Rocky Mountain Wolf Project probably has tons of actual scientists on staff or as volunteers. If they got a statement from a real scientist, with some real credibility, then the article might not be full of false statements.
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So they really started to show up in force after Prop 127 was defeated. And their rhetoric has become much more antagonistic towards hunting and trapping. Hunters and trappers also generally have decent showing, just depends on the location and agenda items. But your point is valid, we can’t afford to not show up in numbers at every meeting from now on. We can no longer sit on the sidelines and expect to keep what we have.

After their losses with Prop 127 and HB 25-1258, they are going to flood commission meetings until the next election cycle. This is a concerted, targeted campaign in Colorado to dismantle the NAM and hunting and trapping, one species and method of take at a time. Led by full time, paid activists supported through national anti-hunting by orgs.
Why we hired a lobbyist...seems to me there's enough hunters in Colorado to do the same.
Why we hired a lobbyist...seems to me there's enough hunters in Colorado to do the same.
Absolutely, 100%. And I believe CRWM, RMEF, BHA and others are doing that in Colorado to some degree. Lots were registered in opposition to HB 25-1258 and were critical in defeating it in committee. Please don't interpret my comments as criticism towards the coalition of conservation organizations in Colorado. Lots of folks way smarter and more well-connected than me are working behind the scenes with great effect. But we could absolutely use more individual hunters showing up in significant numbers to commission meetings consistently. I try to attend whenever I can and send emails when I can't, but I am always looking for ways to contribute more.
Absolutely, 100%. And I believe CRWM, RMEF, BHA and others are doing that in Colorado to some degree. Lots were registered in opposition to HB 25-1258 and were critical in defeating it in committee. Please don't interpret my comments as criticism towards the coalition of conservation organizations in Colorado. Lots of folks way smarter and more well-connected than me are working behind the scenes with great effect. But we do could absolutely use more individual hunters showing up in significant numbers to commission meetings consistently. I try to attend whenever I can and send emails when I can't, but I am always looking for ways to contribute more.
I have no doubt you do a lot, I've sent emails and donated money because of your efforts in Colorado...keep after it.

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