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More wolf politics

Everyone should send the same notice, with the link that Ben gave, to at least 3 other people you know, and have then send it to three others and so on.
Just sent a lengthy letter to Mr. Reid, sure hope it helps. After I sent it I got thinking I might have used to much common sense in my email, might have confused him. :confused:

Thanks for the link guys.
The Honorable Harry Reid
522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Reid,

On behalf of the Montana Wildlife Federation, Montana’s oldest and largest hunter/angler conservation organization, please accept the following comments regarding the Simpson-Tester amendment to HR 1.

MWF originally organized to represent hunters and anglers in 1936. Currently, we have approximately 7,500 members and 23 affiliated Rod and Gun Clubs from Miles City westward to Libby, and from Great Falls south to West Yellowstone. Our membership is diverse and well educated on wildlife conservation, and has been at the forefront of wildlife management for our 75 year history.

Today we are writing to respectfully ask that you include the Simpson-Tester Language in the Continuing Resolution, or HR 1. Also known as 1713 and 1709, the Simpson-Tester Amendment would give Montana and Idaho control over their destinies when it comes to wolf management.

When Judge Don Molloy issued his ruling which reversed the 2009 delisting rule, he noted that he understood the complex political nature of wolf restoration and politics, but could not separate the pragmatic approach taken by the US Fish and Wildlife Service from the law. While correct, this ruling has undermined the credibility of the Endangered Species Act, and the ability of the US Fish and Wildlife Service to come to a respectable end to one of the most contentious wildlife management issues of our time: Grey wolves.

We cannot believe that the authors of the ESA intended to hold up successful delistings based on one state’s inability to design a management plan that places the responsibility of wolf management where it rightfully belongs or by the legal shenanigans unfolding in our courts. MWF asked our congressional delegation to put forward a bill that would survive the legislative process, and would help return state management to Montana. Senators Tester and Baucus rose to that challenge, along with Representative Simpson in Idaho. We ask you to support this well reasoned and critical measure. Reward their hard work and leadership with the inclusion of the Simpson-Tester amendment in to the Senate version of HR 1, we beg you.

MWF has long been an adherent to the North American Model of wildlife management, and we have been supporters of the Endangered Species Act. In our view, Simpson-Tester lives up to those lofty ideals and goals. Simpson-Tester does not eviscerate the ESA as some would like to see, but it does provide the statutory framework necessary to continue wolf management and conservation within the confines of the North American Model, and without the countless lawsuits and legal actions that have denied Montana and Idaho their rights to manage wolves.

Please, Senator Reid, include the Simpson-Tester amendment in the Senate’s final version of the Continuing Resolution. It is time to turn management of the grey wolf back to those who best can manage them: Montana and Idaho. Our wildlife heritage is based on the reasonable and ethical use of the resource. That use is diminishing just as our game herds are. It is of critical importance than Montanan’s and Idahoans have the means within their grasp to manage wolves as we manage other species.

Thank you for your service to this nation, and for your leadership on this issue,

Ben Lamb
Conservation Director for State and National Issues
Montana Wildlife Federation
PO Box 1175
Helena, MT 59602
(406) 458-0227 xtn 108
[email protected]
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Guys, every single comment counts. It honestly does. What they don't read, they get by the volume. These are all individual letters, not some form letter.

Most staffers both in the agencies and w/ elected officials tell you that individual comments from citizens have much more sway than those form letters.
add one more to the MT/ID letter total. I thought about asking him if he could somehow keep my wife working after this friday, but didn't wanna pile on.....
They have until the 8th, then the gov't shuts down

If the state wardens aren't investigating and the feds are shut down does that mean wolf season starts on Friday?? :)

I sent my letter to Senator Reid also. Thanks a lot for the link.
I'd rather beg on this one. This is huge for us if it can go through. No more courts, my fingers are crossed. I hope Tester's Dems don't stab him in the back.
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