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More wolf politics

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
And now, we hear comfirmation of earlier rumors that Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader from Nevada, is trying to pull the rug out from the Simpson-Tester language that is part of the Budget Resolution.

Looks like his wolf lover friends and some of his hunting buddies all want the same outcome. Ried seems to excel at playing both sides of the table. But, if he can appease the wolf plaintiffs who have historically loved him, and the Utah hunters who donate to his campaign, I guess it makes good politics for him.

A quick search of the Federal Election Commission and reported contributions shows some very interesting contributions to Harry Reid's 2010 election campaign coming from Utah. Reading the list, you would swear that Reid was running for office in Utah, not Nevada.

Friends For Harry Reid could possibly be renamed, Reid's Friends to keep MT and ID under the wolf bus.

Man, with these kind of shenanigans with wolves, I can't imagine what is going to happen when we try to get grizzly bears off the list.

You guys need to start some non-profit groups to tap into this wolf money stream. You guys could hunt anywhere and everywhere, with that kind of dough. Seems both sides are excelling at such money raising schemes.

The wolf looks like the most profitable thing to hit the western landscape in since the California Gold Rush of 1849.
When it comes to politics and sportmens issues, I sincerely believe that, in general, dems and GOP's seem to want to win an ill fought battle over who is better at throwing us "under the bus". Our American two party (and the behind the scenes forces which actually drive both extremes) system and the blind followers of both those parties never seems to fail to dissappoint when it comes to these issues.
So is it going down now?:mad: Don't tell me they're cutting it out.

Who knows. Just a lot of posturing going on, and when the fertilizer hits the ventilator, it is anyone's guess. Reid is a wild card. He get's lots of donations from the wolf lovers and donations from hunters who want to see Tester-Simpson die. Hard to say if we will bail on us, or not.

Hope to learn more tomorrow.
Politics as usual. Expressed my continuing support to Tester and a plea for common sense to Reid
Given his religious affiliation I'm not surprised he gets a lot of support from UT. Wanna bet if DKP has had him on the phone?
Ben, I'm afraid I won't be any good contacting this one because all I can get out is "Go jump off a cliff you worthless piece of......!!!"
Until I get settled down I'm of no use.

hopefully you're calm enough now to write Senator Reid and ask him to support the efforts of Montana and Idaho's sportsmen and women by not insisting on the removal of the Simpson-Tester amendment from HR 1.

Got my email in. I'm not big on politics and am a little green when it comes to the language used when speaking to a politition so hopefully this gets the point in a respectful manner, unless respect is out the window when dealing with polititians. Maybe this is something other hunttalkers can build on that are in my same shoe.

Senator Reid,

I am an avid outdoorsman residing in Idaho and enjoying, living and seeking my passion of hunting in most western states. It is my understanding that you may not be in favor of the Simpson-Tester Bill and you may be making efforts to stop the bill from making any further progress.

I ask you to put yourself in the shoes of an outdoorsman of Montana or Idaho. How would you feel if wolves devistated your big game heards simply because the rest of the country could not come to a common ground on wolf management that satisfied the ESA and USFWS? Then if your state,seperate from the rest of the country, had an opportunity with an approved bill to be able to manage wolves just like the rest of the big game, would you oppose the bill simply becuase it did not include other states? I doubt you would, knowing that the progress your state had made is just the starting point for other states.

The Simpson-Tester bill should not be viewed as an end all for other states, it should be viewed as the beginning and something that other states can build on. I hope you can consider your fellow outdoorsman in Idaho and Montana as you proceed with your stance in the wolf debate. Thank you for your time.


Greg Baer
Sigh. Sent email and left a voice message.

Thanks, Elk Hunter. Being from his state, you probably have more sway than us outsiders.

The news coming from DC is that no one wants a government shut down, and now it is all posturing to make sure you can blame the other guy, if the government does shut down.

Wolves are not even a dot on this map of budget fights, so whether or not it stays in this resolution is hard to predict. I would guess 50/50 at this time.

If it doesn't pass, it will not be due to lack of effort from hunters. The MT and ID guys are making one hell of a push, and the delegations from those states are hearing it. They know wolves are a big deal to their people.
We have the opportunity to push hard and get wolves delisted in MT, ID and parts of WA, OR and UT.

Simpson-Tester is the best bet we have to manage our wildlife, and stop these abuses to the ESA.

I cannot stress enough how critical it is for the Simpson-Tester amendment to be included. Hunting groups throughout the nation are united in this (for the most part).

As Randy has pointed out, if it doesn't happen in the CR, our likelyhood of getting something out of this congress is low.

If you want a Spring wolf hunt in MT, write to Senator Reid. If you want to manage all of our wildlife now, write Senator Reid.

Ask him to please ensure that the Simpson-Tester amendment to HR 1 stand.
I hope they get something going on the budget. I'd like to work past 4/8... ;)

It does appear that there are some big cuts coming down the pike that will reduce or completely eliminate some of the conservation programs currently in place.
Gents- Could I get an edit for context/content before I send his to Sen Reid? Or, okay as is? Too, often in writing I get the context hosed up.

Senator Reid,

As a third generation Idaho outdoorsman, I grew up in the out of doors as are my children and now grandchildren.

From what I understand, it appears that you may not be in favor of “Simpson-Tester” and are now making efforts to throw Idaho and Montana under the train because the language is pertinent only to Idaho and Montana. There has to be a common ground on wolf management as far as satisfying the ESA and WSFW and we must start somewhere and that would be to allow us to manage the wolf populations as we do other big game.

I realize “Simpson-Tester” is not fix everything language, however, it will give other states something on which to build from.

Please, in good faith, please re-think your position on the Simpson-Tester language.

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