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More "progress" for some of you

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
More Than 15,000 Species Facing Extinction - IUCN
BANGKOK (Reuters) - More than 15,000 species, from sharks to frogs to fir trees, are facing extinction and the total is rising faster than ever before, conservationists and scientists said on Wednesday. Despite efforts to slow or reverse the slide into oblivion of many species, one in three amphibians and almost half of all freshwater turtles are threatened, the IUCN World Conservation Union said at the unveiling of its 2004 species "Red List."
Just keep building more housing...creating an economy that has to grow to we need greed... then encourage the "birthing machines" from down south to spit out millions of babies...that should solve all of the worlds problems.
Ithica , You are a Dumb ass Sometimes, Noone wants things to become Extinct, No one wants polution, and noone likes to see things suffer.But shutting down logging roads, not drilling for oil in AK, hugging trees and smart ass posts won't get it done.

It will be a fact (and is) that the more the Earth polulates the Less other species and plants can survive. But Our country Promotes and Rewards population growth and it's natural to do so. So unfortunately Hunting will continue to Get Chittier and things will slowly Die off.

that being aid I would like Diving better with less sharks :D :D
Moosie said:
Ithica , You are a Dumb ass Sometimes, Noone wants things to become Extinct, No one wants polution, and noone likes to see things suffer.But shutting down logging roads, not drilling for oil in AK, hugging trees and smart ass posts won't get it done.

It will be a fact (and is) that the more the Earth polulates the Less other species and plants can survive. But Our country Promotes and Rewards population growth and it's natural to do so. So unfortunately Hunting will continue to Get Chittier and things will slowly Die off.

that being aid I would like Diving better with less sharks :D :D

Hey moosie don't speak for all of us ok. I personally like dont have a problem with extinction. :)
It will all balance out in the end!

On average, the earth will undergo some form of major change every 100,000. It's usully the form of a large(BIG) meteor; and guess what, it's been about 100,000 years since the last one. Seems to be part of the whole circle of life/natural process of our planet. Question would be; what do we do when we detect one coming in. If we had the technology, do we detroy it or let it come in and ride it out.

Stop it, and our over-populated earth keeps growing in number. Let it hit, and we'd have a little population prunning. HMMM????

This whole 'progress' argument is "horse chit". Just open up the old history book. As populations increase, natural resources decrease. Like it or not!

Why not argue your point to an Indian who first owned the land 200+ years ago. Seems to be the same land we engoy hunting on today.

Ithaca,why not just direct us to these site's that you are working so hard to defend and support.

"The most promising proposal for our country -- one Defenders of Wildlife is working hard to bring to reality -- is a biodiversity law establishing a nationwide network of protected areas representing all major native habitats. The key is to make sure those areas are large enough to sustain the "processes and interactions" that in turn sustain natural diversity. This is where the weaving of a network becomes all-important. By connecting the reserves through landscape linkages so the dynamics of wildness can operate beyond the borders of each unit, we will have fashioned a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Then, and only then, will we have shored up the nation's life-support systems enough for them to carry on independently and realize their evolutionary potential. Then, and only then, will we truly be practicing the conservation of nature."
"Therefore, we must protect large blocks of secure habitat to serve as core areas, and we must connect these blocks through linkage corridors. Buffer zones are also needed to ensure that developments do not threaten ecosystem integrity. Our public lands offer the best opportunity to establish this system of secure areas, buffer zones, and linkage corridors. "

Lock it up and keep the human's out , the vote for Bush was also a vote against Kerry and his kind of environmental treehugger friend's ,we heard there message loud and clear and the people spoke ,they chose Bush over the dooms day predicting american hating Michael Moore/Kerry /UN loving treehuggers .

Land ownership is a European idea. The Indians didn't own land per say, but that didn't mean they would allow other tribes to trespass. If there was a real estate conflict back then, they wouldn't run to a lawyer to settle the problem. They took care of it the the old fashion way.

Before white man came to the new world, there were no taxes, land was free, and women did all the work. White man thought he could improve upon this.

BigHornRam said:

White man thought he could improve upon this.


BHR Ain't that the truth- LMAO on that one! :D
You're right about them settling it "the old fashioned way". I grew up on the northern California coast...Hupa, Yurok, Karock, Klamath, etc... all tribes that HATED each other. White man solution? Put them all TOGETHER on an Indian reservation :rolleyes: ...ya talk about some fireworks!
MD4ME- Did you forget part of that last quote? No where does it say to lock out humans, just stop developments. On face value of that quote, I'd agree with it. It is very sound scientifically and would do wonders for our game and non-game populations. IMO, that could appear in any hunting mag I've ever read and I wouldn't be disappointed.
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