Yeti GOBOX Collection

More Presidential discussion on public lands

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
In case there was any doubt of the end goal to sell it, here you go. Transfer is not enough, rather complete disposal.

".....we need to transfer that land back to the states, or even better, back to the people ......."

Sounds like transfer to the states is just a necessary inconvenience to prevent revolt on the western landscapes.

".... In my home state of Texas, 2% of the state is owned by the Federal government, and I gotta tell ya, in Texas, we think that 2% is too much......"

His words, not mine.
"Let's make Idaho more like Texas!"
Now there's a campaign slogan. Of course, Texas oilmen just bought up a big chunk of north-central Idaho, and kicked the public off.
Saw that yesterday. I like the part where he says if we get the federal government out of the business of being a massive landowner, we could use that new revenue to upkeep our national parks even better, "so that we can all enjoy God's natural beauty without the federal government taking vast areas of land out of circulation."

So you can apparently do all of your recreating in national parks, according to Cruz.
People can come back to this thread and hold me to this comment. I will not vote for Ted Cruz, no matter who he has as an opponent.

Cruz is the furthest thing from an independent mind. He is bought and paid for by the anti-public land lobby who is grinding at the bit to get their hands on these public lands. To those who think Cruz is an independent outsider, I guess we would differ on that topic. He may as well have a big brand tattooed on his ass from those anti-public land crowd. They own him and he is glad to be their property. Contrary to what some say, Cruz is "owned."

I will cast a write-in vote before I would vote for Ted Cruz. As I often say, the lesser of two idiots is still an idiot.
It appears he is making transfer of public land to state a major part of his campaign. I saw his Cruz for Idaho commercial this morning and the last thing was "We will transfer federal lands to the states". I can't find it on youtube yet.
Thankfully, when I cast my vote for the Democratic candidate in November I can sleep soundly knowing that they will not sell our public lands right from under my feet. What I do worry/wonder about are those who traditionally vote republican, but are fierce supporters of our public land. Everyone has there own beliefs and reasons for who they vote for, and if public lands are a cold dead hands issue, then this election might be difficult for you, maybe not. As bat chit crazy as trump is at least he has come out against the sale of public lands. like Randy stated above, Cruz is bought and paid for, a wolf in wheels clothing. And every time I see or hear his smug face speak I want to punch the TV. That guy is as slimey as it gets. This election has so much riding on it.
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I've voted Republican my entire life. This will not be a difficult election for me. Public lands are so important to me that the thought of voting for Cruz will not even cross my mind if he is the republican candidate. The tough part is going to be trying to educate the people around me of this issue. I will vote for whatever candidate will protect my land.
I thought it was interesting that Cruz said our public land legacy is "an accident of history." As if Republican Theodore Roosevelt didn't bust his ass to create our national forests and make sure they were open to hunting and fishing. TR's work was an "accident." Meanwhile in Texas...
Cruz and his crack smoking on public lands is going to put the NRA in a hard spot. If they support him without forcing him to change his public land position, they are pretty much telling the western hunter to "suck it."

The NRA is the one group who could change the narrative on this topic for Cruz and his merry band of profiteers. Whether or not they do will determine if the NRA ends up with a revolution of members the same as the Republican Party has with Trump capitalizing on the disconnectedness of the RNC establishment.

The RNC thinks they know better. They have their puppet-politicians tell the party members one thing to get elected, then force the puppets to do something completely the opposite. They hope nobody notices. Well, people have finally noticed and the RNC folks wonder why they have a revolution on their hands.

The NRA lays claim to representing hunters. They publish a magazine, "American Hunter" for the huge number of hunters within their membership. Behind the scenes they support all the anti-public land, anti-access politicians and hope nobody notices. Yet while supporting these anti-public access fringes, the NRA continues to publicly state they support hunters and hunting. People are noticing. Cruz may be the fuel that starts the revolution where hunters leave the NRA and burn down the house on their way out the door.
The NRA is the one group who could change the narrative on this topic for Cruz and his merry band of profiteers.

The NRA lays claim to representing hunters. They publish a magazine, "American Hunter" for the huge number of hunters within their membership.

What is also amusing to me is the eastern politicians that have all their commercials regarding NRA support....showing them wearing hunting gear and only with hunting weapons, further insinuating the link between hunting and NRA.

My letter to NRA-ILI was fired off a while ago....time to send another.
I wont vote Cruz but still believe Trump becomes the republican candidate.I'd be in a tough spot if Cruz gets the nomination.I've got to believe theres more people in house and senate that have a say in if these lands go private.Theres a lot of outdoor users of this land besides hunters, so I see it being tough to sell to private people.Think there will be aloud outcry about all of this if they tried to make it a reality.I will NEVER vote Clinton.My gun rights are just as important if not more so.Also, if they tried to sell land why couldn't hunting orgs buy it??Here in Pa, our hunting licenses have bought us a ton of state gamelands.These backroom deals is exactly why Trump is doing so well.I will cast my vote against Cruz in our primary
I wont vote Cruz but still believe Trump becomes the republican candidate.I'd be in a tough spot if Cruz gets the nomination.I've got to believe theres more people in house and senate that have a say in if these lands go private.Theres a lot of outdoor users of this land besides hunters, so I see it being tough to sell to private people.Think there will be aloud outcry about all of this if they tried to make it a reality.I will NEVER vote Clinton.My gun rights are just as important if not more so.Also, if they tried to sell land why couldn't hunting orgs buy it??Here in Pa, our hunting licenses have bought us a ton of state gamelands.These backroom deals is exactly why Trump is doing so well.I will cast my vote against Cruz in our primary

Seriously, I don't think you've followed what's been going on in the west. The super rich 1%ers are buying up great volumes of lands here. No one can compete with their deep pockets.

Here in the Bitterroot we were working on purchasing some lands that at one time were railroad lands checkerboard mixed sections, in national forest lands. We (conservationists)had raised enough money, to put a buy/sell on the lands in question. Along came a 1%er even after the buy/sell, offered more lands and a done deal. We can't compete. the lands will go to the elite.

Congress is getting real close to having the right mix of people in place to pass legislation to move those lands. I'll vote for the one person, on this one issue, to secure my public lands for my grandchildren, you see public lands are not a constitutional right, and doesn't have the 2nd Amendment to protect them. My guns will be alright. The constitution won't protect my public lands.