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More Discounted Non-residents licenses for Montana

Pulling them out of the 17K would reduce funding for Block Management & Habitat MT, so I'd likely be less than supportive of that, personally.

The B10 & B11 are statutorily attached to those programs, so it would be a net reduction in access funding.
i feel like the consistent things amongst people like Randy and many people on HT including the heavy hitters is that we're all sick of carve outs, special preference, and special allocation benefits to anyone, anyone at all.

Watch what people do, not what they say.

Seems like a lot of people almost hate these things bad enough to not take advantage of them for themselves, but not quite.
Watch what people do, not what they say.

Seems like a lot of people hate these things almost bad enough to not take advantage of them for themselves.

eh that get's murky.

i've sent my concerns to CPW about how i think our super late, borderline rut, high quota 3rd season mule deer hunt isn't wise and that i think it should be moved.

but until they change it i'm gonna hunt it.

i may think some tax laws are not good for our country but i'll still take advantage of them if they're there.

i wouldn't fault anyone for taking advantage of montana's ridiculous opportunity if they can.
That’s not really murky dude, you just illustrated exactly what Im talking about in great detail.😂

so then what exactly are you talking about?

that most of the people on here are unethical? immoral? liars?

plenty of murk in my mind.
Wonder when 5th generation residents will get triple bonus points in the draws?
It should happen now. Our license should be free, OTC and include a bonus sheep tag every year if you're 5th gen x2. I cant' imagine there are that many of us, but you'd want to set a date, say 1980 birth for the cutoff.

Sadly my kids broke the linage, but they now get free sheep, moose, goat, bear, bou, etc tags for life as long as they don't leave AK. Seemed like a good trade for their "native" card. They now have a "life-long Alaska" card.

Only in MT are white people considered "native" because they were born there, and actual natives are shunned.
I prefer the term "morally flexible," personally.

i dunno. depends on whether or not there is objective morality and one's own moral code to begin with.

i could vote no on a certain tax break, but i'll damn sure use it if it passes. i see nothing immoral or unethical about that. period. cut and dry to me.

i may think our 3rd season hunt is maybe pushing it on sustainability, but i'll still get the tag and go. I see nothing immoral or unethical about that. i didn't set the season nor ask for it. it's just one of the seasons legally available to me.

to convince me otherwise you'd have to prove to me that me, and me alone, abstaining will prevent whatever bad thing might happen by the thing itself continuing to exist.

would you utilize a come home to hunt tag Ben? even if you think they're a bad idea? and if you wouldn't is it because you feel if you didn't buy one it will actually change anything about their existence and consequences?

@Big Fin ?
Watch what people do, not what they say.
You group people together like they are homogeneous. In regards to all these topics here, like mule deer B tags or shoulder seasons, some do, some don't. And it would be perfectly normal to hold conflicting views on a lot of these subjects.
i dunno. depends on whether or not there is objective morality and one's own moral code to begin with.

i could vote no on a certain tax break, but i'll damn sure use it if it passes. i see nothing immoral or unethical about that. period. cut and dry to me.

i may think our 3rd season hunt is maybe pushing it on sustainability, but i'll still get the tag and go. I see nothing immoral or unethical about that. i didn't set the season nor ask for it. it's just one of the seasons legally available to me.

to convince me otherwise you'd have to prove to me that me, and me alone, abstaining will prevent whatever bad thing might happen by the thing itself continuing to exist.

would you utilize a come home to hunt tag Ben? even if you think they're a bad idea? and if you wouldn't is it because you feel if you didn't buy one it will actually change anything about their existence and consequences?

@Big Fin ?

I was trying to keep the mood light, fyi

And no, I didn't participate in shoulder seasons, and I wouldn't use the come home to hunt. I certainly don't judge those who do though.
What about my children who have never lived anywhere other than Montana, yet have Idaho birth certificates because our closest hospital was in Idaho? So they qualify for Montana native tags if they choose to move away or are the out of luck because the first 24 hours of their lives were spent in a neighboring state?
My son is in that boat.

Hello Senator McGillvray, Senator Regier, and Senator Fuller,

My name is Scott and I live in Kalispell. I've just reviewed a draft of a bill being supported by Senator McGillvray to expand the definition of non-resident hunters and in turn increase the number of people who would qualify for special discounts. Given the recent discussion here in Kalispell regarding the challenges of increased non-resident hunting pressure on our natural resource, I'm asking that this bill not get carried forward at this time. As was made evident in that discussion, we need to resolve how to manage our current non-resident load on our natural resource which could, and perhaps should, include restricting the definition, not expanding it.

I think the grandchild piece is the significant change in 82-2-514(a), not the spouse. A grandchild originally born in MT qualifies now if grandparent is still a resident. The only new grandkids that qualify are the ones who had parents that left MT, but grandparents remained in MT.

The spouse change is very minimal. Seems to mostly cover the situation where you and your spouse are both MT born. Her parents or grandparents stayed in MT so she still has the resident qualifying relative. But YOUR parents/grandparents had since left MT so you lost your qualifying resident relative. With this new verbiage, you would now qualify through your spouse.

Respectuflly, I don't read it like that.

13 (a) "Nonresident relative of a resident" means a person born in Montana who is the natural or
14 adoptive child, spouse of a natural or adoptive child, grandchild, sibling, or parent of a resident but is not a
15 resident

This is the new language in bold. It clearly adds the spouse of a natural or adoptive child.
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