PEAX Equipment

More Discounted Non-residents licenses for Montana

We are in the first week of the legislative session and the bills to change Montana hunting are already coming out. We knew this bill was on the docket and the final language just came out.

We already have the "Come Home To Hunt," the "Montana Native," and the "College Student" programs that allow selected non-residents to hunt here without having to draw, and they get to do so at a discounted price. This bill will allow a lot more people to hunt Montana, at a reduced price, and add beyond the 17,000 (really double that number) that they say is the non-resident cap. A ton of folks would qualify under this proposal.

This proposal expands the Montana Native program, essentially doubling that program. Anyone who is married to a Montana Native, would now get to buy a discounted non-resident license, the same as under the existing Montana Native program.

The amount of ways that the 17,000 cap is being circumvented grows every legislative session. This has the possibility to add a lot more to that. And, given the other big issues in this session, stuff like this is just more distraction.

Given the bill is currently in draft form, hopefully we can convince the sponsor of the problems resulting from this bill before he actually introduces it for a committee hearing.

If you have some comments on this proposal, please email the sponsor, politely and professionally - [email protected]

Link to the bill here -
Tough for all you residents that Montana has probably the most expensive non resident licenses in the US, really something to be proud of.
If you do email Senator McGillvary, I would suggest copy your local Senator, also. If you want to find the email for that person, click the "Legislators" tab at the top of the page here -
So if I would like to see license cost dropped across the board 45% would he be the guy to contact? Residents and non residents alike?
Tough for all you residents that Montana has probably the most expensive non resident licenses in the US, really something to be proud of.
And they are still selling out and looking for more. Come to Montana pay a sheet load and leave with your 2 point. You will like it and be happy and if you don’t there is a long line behind you waiting to take your tag.
Trolling? Why do you say that? Montana tag prices especially for non residents are ridiculously high. And tell me what exactly does Montana Fish and Game do with the money? Start a wolf/grizzly program? Winter manages the wildlife in the vast majority of cases.

Montana Hunting and Fishing License Fees
License type Nonresident cost Resident cost
Antelope (900 Archery) Drawing 205.00$ 19.00$
Antelope Disabled Drawing 205.00$ 19.00$
Antelope Drawing 205.00$ 19.00$
Antelope B Drawing 205.00$ 19.00$
Antelope or Antelope B Over-the-Counter 200.00$ 14.00$
Antelope B, 2nd License 50.00$
Antelope - Combat disabled veteran 100.00$ 7.00$
Big Game Combination - General w/o bear 959.00$ 70.00$
Big Game Combination - General w/ bear 85.00$
Big Game Combo - Coming Home to Hunt 959.00$
Big Game Combo Youth (12 to 17) 482.00$ 25.00$
Big Game Combo College Student 70.00$
Big Game Combo Military Recognition Free
Big Game Combo w/o bear 1st Time Youth (12-17) Free
Bighorn Sheep Drawing 755.00$ 80.00$
Bighorn Sheep License fee if successful 50.00$
Bison 750.00$ 125.00$
Bison Drawing 5.00$ 5.00$
Black Bear 350.00$ 19.00$
Deer Combination - (General) Drawing 570.00$
Deer Combination - (Landowner Sponsored) Drawing 570.00$
Deer Combiation - Coming Home to Hunt - Drawing 570.00$
Deer B Drawing 80.00$
Deer, General 16.00$
Deer, General - Disabled 6.50$
Deer, General - Senior (62+) 10.00$
Deer, General - Youth (12-14) 6.50$
Deer, General - Combat Disabled Veteran - General Deer 125.00$ 8.00$
Deer, General - Montana Native 64.00$
Deer B - Over-the-counter 75.00$ 10.00$
Deer B - Single Region Antlerless Whitetail - OTC 75.00$
Deer B - Combat Disabled Veteran 37.50$ 5.00$
Deer B - Drawing 15.00$
Deer Permit Drawing 5.00$ 5.00$
Elk Combination - (General) Drawing 809.00$
Elk, General 20.00$
Elk, General - Disabled 8.00$
Elk, General - Senior (62+) 12.00$
Elk, General - Youth (12-14) 8.00$
Elk, General - Montana Native 80.00$
Elk B - Drawing 278.00$ 25.00$
Elk B Over-The-Counter 273.00$ 20.00$
Elk Permit Drawing 9.00$ 9.00$

Obviously whatever grifting Montana Fish and Wildlife does is mostly aimed at non residents.
Trolling? Why do you say that? Montana tag prices especially for non residents are ridiculously high. And tell me what exactly does Montana Fish and Game do with the money? Start a wolf/grizzly program? Winter manages the wildlife in the vast majority of cases.

Obviously whatever grifting Montana Fish and Wildlife does is mostly aimed at non residents.
You're new around here. If you polled the MT residents on this forum, you would have overwhelming support for a resident fee increase that would change that resident-to-nonresident price ration.

Carry on .........
Trolling? Why do you say that? Montana tag prices especially for non residents are ridiculously high. And tell me what exactly does Montana Fish and Game do with the money? Start a wolf/grizzly program? Winter manages the wildlife in the vast majority of cases.

Montana Hunting and Fishing License Fees
License type Nonresident cost Resident cost
Antelope (900 Archery) Drawing 205.00$ 19.00$
Antelope Disabled Drawing 205.00$ 19.00$
Antelope Drawing 205.00$ 19.00$
Antelope B Drawing 205.00$ 19.00$
Antelope or Antelope B Over-the-Counter 200.00$ 14.00$
Antelope B, 2nd License 50.00$
Antelope - Combat disabled veteran 100.00$ 7.00$
Big Game Combination - General w/o bear 959.00$ 70.00$
Big Game Combination - General w/ bear 85.00$
Big Game Combo - Coming Home to Hunt 959.00$
Big Game Combo Youth (12 to 17) 482.00$ 25.00$
Big Game Combo College Student 70.00$
Big Game Combo Military Recognition Free
Big Game Combo w/o bear 1st Time Youth (12-17) Free
Bighorn Sheep Drawing 755.00$ 80.00$
Bighorn Sheep License fee if successful 50.00$
Bison 750.00$ 125.00$
Bison Drawing 5.00$ 5.00$
Black Bear 350.00$ 19.00$
Deer Combination - (General) Drawing 570.00$
Deer Combination - (Landowner Sponsored) Drawing 570.00$
Deer Combiation - Coming Home to Hunt - Drawing 570.00$
Deer B Drawing 80.00$
Deer, General 16.00$
Deer, General - Disabled 6.50$
Deer, General - Senior (62+) 10.00$
Deer, General - Youth (12-14) 6.50$
Deer, General - Combat Disabled Veteran - General Deer 125.00$ 8.00$
Deer, General - Montana Native 64.00$
Deer B - Over-the-counter 75.00$ 10.00$
Deer B - Single Region Antlerless Whitetail - OTC 75.00$
Deer B - Combat Disabled Veteran 37.50$ 5.00$
Deer B - Drawing 15.00$
Deer Permit Drawing 5.00$ 5.00$
Elk Combination - (General) Drawing 809.00$
Elk, General 20.00$
Elk, General - Disabled 8.00$
Elk, General - Senior (62+) 12.00$
Elk, General - Youth (12-14) 8.00$
Elk, General - Montana Native 80.00$
Elk B - Drawing 278.00$ 25.00$
Elk B Over-The-Counter 273.00$ 20.00$
Elk Permit Drawing 9.00$ 9.00$

Obviously whatever grifting Montana Fish and Wildlife does is mostly aimed at non residents.
Damn. Didn’t realize our tags were also so cheap for nonresidents. Especially moose sheep goat bison and antelope. We need to hike them 100% to even compare with other states.
You're new around here. If you polled the MT residents on this forum, you would have overwhelming support for a resident fee increase that would change that resident-to-nonresident price ration.

Carry on .........
Of course, why wouldn't they want to freeload off of non residents? I personally don't care for price gouging no matter who is getting gouged, guess Montana residents in your opinion feel differently.

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