
More bad news for the ATVers...

This is from our local club The Idaho ATV asso.

Saturday, May 1 - Danskin Trail / Bender Creek Clean-up Day. Meet at Bender Trailhead at 9:30 a.m. There may be a chili feed after the clean-up ride. More information later. Ride Coordinator: Bill

Weekend - May 8 & 9 – Kirkham Trail Maintenance and Clean-up day. Meet at Kirkham Hot Springs, five miles north of Lowman on Friday night and clean trail on Saturday. Ride Coordinators: Darrell and Carl.

Saturday, June 19 – Sagehen Trails Cleanup. Coordinators: Ray and Don .

Saturday, July 24 – Idaho City Trails Clean-up Day. Meet at Rabbit Creek parking lot at 9:30 a.m. Coordinator: Zee
Well it's good to see some of you are willing to get out and clean up the mess the the fat-assed ATV riders left behind.

Originally posted by Muledeer4me:
[QB] Oak,most of us have no problem with restriction,and even supported the hunting restriction on ATV's.
We also understand that there needs to be some closure's in other area's.
On the other hand we support keeping other trails and roads open for use .

I agree with that! There are a few areas I hunt which I ride my four wheeler to because it's about 15 miles into the area. From there I hunt on foot and only use the 4 wheeler if I shoot something to pack it out. I'll drag it to a trail or pack before I just take off and make new trails. Last year I never took the 4 wheelers off the trailer and hunted in areas you couldn't ride one.I was with the ridge riders association years ago and cut, cleaned many miles of trails. Not everyone is a fat ass ATV rider like most people think on here.

[ 04-01-2004, 21:31: Message edited by: Wapiti Slayer ]
Wapiti Slayer,I see you are catching on fast to the workings of a few poster here.
No matter what you give them it isn't good enough.
I'am surprized at oak's comment ,I would of thought he would understand the working's of ATV & Motorcycle club's.
Clean up day's involve of alot of thing's -picking up trash left by ALL trail user's is only one of them.
How many hiker's or (hunter's for that matter) do you see packing a chain saw or shovel into the back country to fix up trail's damaged by nature after the winter & spring damage?
Alot of that work is done by ATV,Mororcycle and Horse group's.
"How many hiker's or (hunter's for that matter) do you see packing a chain saw or shovel into the back country to fix up trail's damaged by nature after the winter & spring damage?
Alot of that work is done by ATV,Mororcycle and Horse group's."

You see, the hikers and hunters not on motorcycles, ATVs and horses don't need great trails. They can step over a log or walk around a washed out place in the trail. :D :D
"How many hiker's or (hunter's for that matter) do you see packing a chain saw or shovel into the back country to fix up trail's damaged by nature after the winter & spring damage?
Alot of that work is done by ATV,Mororcycle and Horse group's."

A lot of that is also done by the so called welfare ranchers too. Back in the early to mid 90s when cattle were in the area where I hunt, all the trails were maintained by the wrangler. I still know some areas that are maintained by the wrangler.
That is true here in Idaho too. But I've seen many sheep hearders who leave shit laying all over in their camps. Cattle ranchers are more private property and the one's that aren't seem to clean up after themselves.

[ 04-02-2004, 22:07: Message edited by: Wapiti Slayer ]
Originally posted by Ithaca 37:
You see, the hikers and hunters not on motorcycles, ATVs and horses don't need great trails. They can step over a log or walk around a washed out place in the trail. :D :D [/QB]
Well if the FAT ASSED hikers or hunters had the balls to go off established trails they wouldn't have the annoying ATV riders bothering them. But they don't and leave all their garbage laying around for others to pick up! I never use trails to hunt, I'm not scared to head out in the nasty shit!
Originally posted by Ithaca 37:
You see, the hikers and hunters not on motorcycles, ATVs and horses don't need great trails. They can step over a log or walk around a washed out place in the trail. [/QB]

Well if the FAT ASSED hikers or hunters had the balls to go off established trails they wouldn't have the annoying ATV riders bothering them. But they don't and leave all their garbage laying around for others to pick up! I never use trails to hunt, I'm not scared to head out in the nasty shit!


Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining!

Posts: 14 | From: Boise, ID | Registered: Feb 2004 | IP: Logged |
Originally posted by Ithaca 37:
Wap, I don't think it's practical to expect the hikers to quit using trails, but I think most good hunters probably just use the trails to get to their jumping off point.
Yeah but how many "good" hunters are out there? I'm sick of all the out of state people I see here road hunting and riding ATVs to hunt. I agree with you guys on a lot of aspects of this. But for riding for fun and sticking to the trails ain't a bad thing.Hunting from an ATV ain't hunting in my book!
I usually end up with about a pick up load of garbage every year. I am amazed at how far some one will pack beer and pop into the back country. Candy wrappers seem to make up a big part of what I collect. I am now looking into areas that most people just don't frequent, then I don't have to haul as much stuff out. I would also state that there is not much waste that I pick up that would be from ATV'ers, I don't pack into those areas...
Here is a real hoot that I continually hear about.
The rainbow bunch that comes into these areas (you all know the ones, they are one with the earth and all) absolutly trash areas that they have their gatherings in, I talked with a ranger on one of my fires I was on last year and he absolutly dreads it when this crew comes into his area. They leave truck loads of garbage, hack up all of the trees and vegitation, abandon pets and are some of the worst individuals that he has ever seen that comes into any natural settings..
Wap, "I'm sick of all the out of state people I see here road hunting and riding ATVs to hunt...."

Do you see more non-residents than residents road hunting? I see LOTS of Idahoans road hunting and joy riding ATVs during hunting seasons.
There are always drawbacks to having the extra dollars coming in from other places to hunt...
It may be a nuisance to a lot of people that are local, but the benefits have to be looked at even if only on the monetary side of the coin. Hunters from out of state pay huge amounts to stay in hotels, eat at restaurants, buy gas and what ever other little odds and ends they purchase while in "Hunting Camp". I would suppose the success rate of these individuals is probably relatively low, but they just keep coming back every year to dump more money into the system and keep the locals from paying higher tag prices at the registers. I really don't believe there is a Camelot awaiting any of us any where on this plane until it is time to meet the Creator...
You see, the hikers and hunters not on motorcycles, ATVs and horses don't need great trails. They can step over a log or walk around a washed out place in the trail.
That's why they spend so much time and money maintaining trails and bridges in the "wilderness areas".
:D :D :D
IT, you, BUZZ, and GUNNER seem to have all the gubermint contacts. Why don't you query about the trails in the Frank Church. I do know several horsemen that do trail maintenance there for free, but we have also run into gubermint work parties when we are in there. You show where I'm wrong. :D
Tenbears, ....i saw a grizzly on the road, i saw gummint trailer workers once, i ran into a male ATVer rider wearing a gimp suit and a pink thong. Does that make them all that way? You believe what you want to believe.
IT, when I come forth to say you are wrong/full of feces/ suffering from cranial rectonitus, I try to have information to demonstrate my point. You, BUZZ, and GUNNER seem to believe that your opinion is FACT enough. That is your opinion, but if you want to disprove me, bring facts.

RD, you're pushing the bounds of "greatness" with that post. Are you saying that grizzlies don't walk on road systems, or that the gubermint doesn't hire trail crews or trial mainteance contractors? :confused: :confused: