Moosies Sheep hunt, Pics and Vid

Congrat's on the sheep! Collecting your first sheep will probably rank among your best memories. Again, Congrat's! -memtb
I was out during this, too. Congrats Moosie. That's a good looking sheep, and you definately earned it the hard way.
Can I bump this to remind me to Start the Year off right so I stay in shape ?!?!? GEEESH, Were did this 15 Pounds around the Gut come from !!!!! :D
I know the feeling:( But on track for this year. Little hint is watch out for the Hydrogenated oils or fat in the foods your eating. Scary stuff when you start looking at what the ingredients in things is. Stay away from it as much as possible!!
Hey guys, give the Southbeach diet a whirl along with your excersize. I've lost 15 lbs in 11days! The first week is really tough if you are a beer drinker, but it gets better. This is the most weight I've lost so quickly! I've tried Atkins, but SB is soooo much better! No, I'm not a major tub o lard, but at 5'10" with a small build, 175 was way too much for me. I'm trying to get back to my lean old self at 150. I know a buck and a half aint much , but I sure like fitting in clothes and being able to climb the hills with out having to take a break ever 10 yards on a steep incline.

Good luck fellas!
Bighorn, Not sure whats next, this year I'm putting in for Mnt. goat.

I think this year you'll see Moosie with a Nice Mule deer for once. thats actually on my lists of things to do. I'll have a Nice Muley or Tag soup ;)

Tbone, '06 it is. I'd love to sit on a side of a Mountain watching you work your Arsch off !!!! :D Get in shape for the AK moose hunt this year.

SWA, I'm not opposed to having a Gut. I jsut feel bad after putting in those Long Grass cutting days with full backpacks, running, Stair stepping, Etc Last weekend I hiked up a Little snowhill for some Sleding and HUFFFF HUFFF HUFFFF.... Although the extra 10 pounds I'm packing ain;t making it any better now either :p
Why you packing an extra 10 pounds Moosie -------- huh moosie 10 whole pounds in the gut ????????? Whats up with that ...... with a lovely wife like yours you'd think to be in top shape hump hump hump hump :cool:

oh ya - btw - nice sheep story !
Great story, pics, and vid. I got a ram not far from you (as a crow flies) over in 27-1 on Aug 30 04. There is no comparison to sheep hunting. Watching your stuff let me re-live my hunt ... complete with the `knock' of the zoom switch on the camera. Congrats!!!
Love the pictures of the greatest country ever made, and congratulations on a sheep! What else can one say? Good for you!