Moosie's Misfits Pennsylvania Coyote hunt Rendezvous

Can either one of you find out if coyote is on a small game or big game license in Penn ?
Seldom Ever... I am checking on that today for you as a matter of fact. It might be as cheap as 31 for a seven day small game. I should have an answer for you by tomorrow at the latest
Thanks CW,you beeze da Woman

find out the age limit too,ok,like if my grandson will need one ?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-21-2003 16:22: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]</font>
I already told them that he will be 15. They said one thing that is a must is he must bring along last years license or a hunter safety card to prove that he had the courses or a previous hunter. You will need to sign for him also. No problem that you are his Grandpa. Your signature is good enough. But the first thing I mentioned is a must priority! I was going to call them back tonight around 5 but as soon as I got off the phone with MTO, I was grabbing the dog and heading for the farm house in the basement. We just had a tornado. I'm just getting back so I will call them first thing tomorrow morning.
Thanks lady,I might give you a buzz this weekend,been awhile since I had some outrageous phone

He took the hunter safety course 2 years ago,it's not a requirement but I made him do it anyway.

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