
Mar 27, 2003
I am interisted in one of your calls. I have a concern about temp. Come winter time the temp will be below -15 for at least 3 months. Do you think I could be a problem?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-19-2003 12:34: Message edited by: Maineiac the original ]</font>
MTO, I e-mailed Kevin after receiving my calls He recommended in cold climates to get a piece of ½ plastic tubing from the hardware store and put over the call to prevent the call from sticking to your lip. I don’t see it being too big of a problem for me. I don’t think you will be disappointed.
That's what I did. I used a piece of green hose that I got for physical therapy following a shoulder injury and it works very well.
Coldnose and Cdog911 thanks for the tips. That sounds like a good idea.

I tried to email but the cyber ghost would not let the message through the firewall to get out of my computer.

I think that I will have to give a call, at least I can operate a phone.
I am a little scared of being like that ski resort part of dumb and dumber. Metal and 20 below, metal tube froze to my lips, just what I need. I want to kill coyotes, just not from laughter.
I spoke with Kevin this past winter about this very topic. It's an issue he's addressed before, and he has the answers to help you out. I kept mine in my coveralls between stands, and in my hand while calling, and never had any problem. We weren't at -15, but I called several days in the single digits.
This past winter was especially brutal. We had many days that the temp with wind chill was in the 40 to 60 below range. With my work sched. I go when I am off. For some strange reason it seems to always be bad weather.

The cool thing is at that temp as you breath in through your nose you can fell your boogers freeze. And as you breath out it thaws out. If you pinch your nose you can feel it crunches.

So you can under stand my concern.
Ya man your right. Good thing I like the cold. Up here you can feel fall in the air. I can't wait for deer season. I just wish there were more up here. I got more Moosie's I mean moose and black bear than deer. It's a treat to see a deer. I dodge them moose every night with the truck. And bear, forget about it.

According to DNR the area I am in has the highest moose and black bear pop in the state.
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