Moosie's Little 3 point

nice buck moosie!
THANX ALL !!!!!JIM, I had my Gun Dialed in this year.. And I recently bumped it. I probably wouldn't do that again this year.. And an ELK, Would have to be a bit o closer
I did watch that deer for like 50 mins or so and It was Standing PERFECTLY still and Broadside. I'm not one to kill ALL my game that far.... But this one WAS AWSOME :D :D My hunting PArtner said... "It's WHERE ?!?!?!?!" and when I pointed to it.. He just laughed !!! He said, Thats the Farthest 400 Yards you'll hike ALL year !!! And he was right.. Hard and STEEP !!!!!! MAN I'm still tiered ;)

Anyways, THANX GUYS/GALS !!! I liked it ...
Good going Moose Man!...I musta missed the post the first time around......
JB thanx !!!!!

DEERSLAYER....You missed the "BOSS's" deer :confused: :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: THATS going ta cost you ~!!!!! ;)

Iwas showing someone this PIC so I had to bring it back up to the top :D :D bad! punishment can be,......I'll have to do all the talking on the way down to Texas :eek: .......that'll teach me! :cool: