Kenetrek Boots

Moosie's Keg and Draught Pub

Oh man am I hungry! Got to get a cook hired quick before I poison myself!! :D Old Overholt Rye shots for breakfast again!!v :D
Can't cook, can't bartend, and I SURE can't dance but I can supply you with the finest smoked trout filets, 2 hind quarters of venison(well-aged like me), 200 lbs of fresh new taters and 100 lbs of fresh cut white asparagus.
How's your coffee supply?? (I've still got my Columbian connection!)

Hey Guys!! Looky who I found. First night open and we have a serious slacker!!!

Who could it be Gunner, it is only a little red x on this end...
Bring on some sort of vittles Paws, I have heard far and wide your cooking is some of the finest in the land. Stew for the soul, Fritters for the friendly at heart, and Chili to keep every one puttering around until the next day, to start yet another one in this fine establishment...
Well Howdy there boys!! sWhat the heck is the sgory behind this Toonces II? :D Chas; glad you followed your nose in the doorway. Well there do seem to be some groceries in the kitchen so let me see what I can whip up! First let's get some good old bloody mary vodka juice in our bellies to ease the pain. :D Look here; I found Virginny smoked ham, pepper bacon, eggs, a whole bag of pancake fixins and this dandy waffle iron that old Griz would love to add to his collection. Coffee is on now and starting to stinkup the place. Let's do swaffles, eggs bacon and ham. I can chop up some of those strawberries and whip some heavy cream for those waffles and got a gallon bottle of Aunt Jemima maple syrup; huh CG! :D Belly up, filler up, and let's get the day started here! :D You guys heard? Ovis took a commission!! So; "Up to the lips and over the gums, a new eye in the sky looking for sterrorist bums! Good luck and God bless Ovis!" :D
New puter!! Missed the breakfast so let's try some bacon-wrapped medallions, fresh scallions, shitakii shooms, some dirty rice, and a large cup of Columbian with a shot of Rock & Rye to toast the man of the hour, Ovis!

Comin' up boys! :D You got it!! Want them scallions grilled over open flame long side them loin chops?? :D Man that's tasty!! Need to foil wrap some spuds too so we got something to keep the meat from slidin' off the plate! Slit that in the middle and load her down with sour cream, roasted garlic, and bout half a stick of fresh cream butter then twist the pepper mill on top bout leventy times, sprinkle on some sea salt then wrap her up with a pile of French fried onion strings!! :D Now won't that go best with a frosted mug of Ahmdecker!! :eek: Another shot for Ovis the man of the hour!! :D
Now that sounds like a great meal, fit for a king. The Place is smelling like an old time country cottage with old world cooking, how could any one not want to sit down and enjoy the great food and hospitality this place seems to be permeating with....
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings,
Slow to make enemies,
And quick to make friends.
But rich or poor, quick or slow,
May you know nothing but happiness.
Aye, laddie...and a more proper toast couldn't have been uttered by m' auld Scottish Grandpa!
Cheers! (clink)
Time for breakfast!! :D I'm for coffee laced with Kalua this fine morning. GHot an apetite that won't quit. Goint to fix ham and cheese omelets this morning with them little sausage links and buttermilk biscuits alongside home fries. got juice; red and orange too! :D Going to put a hitchin' post out front this afternoon to take care of EHs new ride! :D Got EG a new shovel so he can help take care of EH's new ride too!! :eek:

[ 06-03-2004, 08:06: Message edited by: pawclaws ]
LMAO Phil...You are getting along very well, but I think your gettin half timers...Forget shit half the time... :D That is EH instead of EC... ;) :D :D :D
I'm thanking you for a great breakfast, the coffee was strong and black, some thing you could almost stand a spoon in, and the omlets were some thing to die for...I could almost get fat sitting around eating your fantastic grub...
A hearty thanks to you... :D
:eek: I didn't have enough coffee in my Kalua!! :D Make sure you stop by this week-end; getting a heated olympic size pool put in out back between the new BBQ Kitchen and the "Pig Pit" ! :D
Oh I don't know; maybe a picture of ElkGunner in a black and red pinafore with his schlong stuffed into the exhaust of a Buick Electra?? :D Like the one I just hung over the bar!!! :D Drinks are on me today; no "chit" required. Breakfast time out West way so I might as well get used to the time changes and ready for the Lewiston/Dvorshack adventure! How about this morning some biscuits and gravy? Here is how we do them.


2 cups AP flour
1 - 1 and 1/4 cups butter milk
1/8 cup lard in tiny pieces
1/8 cup butter in tiny pieces
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

Preheat the oven to 400 - 425, 375 is OK if using a Dutch Oven and coals

mix the dry ingredients together well or sift. Add the lard and butter then cut in until the mix is course and holds together when squeezed. Add as much milk as required to form a soft but dry dough mixing in a little at a time with a fork. Stir with the fork untill all the flour comes off the bowl and combines into the dough. Roll the dough ourt in a snake and pi nch off in equal portions. Flatten into biscuits about 3/4 inch high and place into the jpan or Dutch OLven. Bake for 12 to 16 minutes in the conventional oven or 20 to 30 minutes in the Dutch oven. Just until the tops are nicely browned and they give a nice hollow thump when you flick them with your finger.


1 pound Bob Evans Original
2 cups buttermilk
2 cups milk
1/4 cup AP Flour
2 Tablespoons EV Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons dehydrated onion flakes
1 Tablespoon onion powder
1 Tablespoon garlic powder
1 Tablespoon Ham Base (optional; adds color and a smoked ham flavor)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon fresh black pepper

Over low heat break up the sausage into small bits and add to the olive oil to brown. Brown slowly stirring frequently. Scatter the flour over the meat and raise the temperature to medium. When the flour has absorbed the oil add the dehydrated onion to just barely brown. Raise the heat to medium high and add all of the buttermilk. Stir in to thicken and add slowly the whole milk to arrive at the desired consistency. Allow the gravy to come to a full boil before judging the thickness to be correct. Add and stir in the seasonings. Let set with the heat off and colvered for five minutes before serving over your fresh buttermilk biscuits.

I like to add a pile of scrambled eggs on the top of the gravy and chow down! :D Also serving fresh hot black coffee, tomato juice, hash browns, grits, and fried hominy too! :D
That was a late breakfast there Phil, I don't think I could eat another bite, and as usual the table far is some thing that would be tough to beat, even in Grannies old time kitchen... Thanks for the conversation and the Pic on the bar should bring a snicker to the most hardened that come into this fine establishment... :D
Kenetrek Boots

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