
Moosie's Keg and Draught Pub

Timefor Sunday Brunch! On the buffet there are poached salmon, chipped ham, sausage patties, links, pepper bacon, Canadian bacon, scrapple, fried mush cakes, hotcakes, waffles, apple fritters, fried pies, buttermilk biscuits, sour dough biscuits, cinnamon rolls, sticky buns, fresh fruits, creamed beef, sausage gravy, orange juice, tomato juice, grapefruit juice, grape juice, V-8, pineapple juice, champaign cocktails, seafood omelets, or eggs to order any style, thick sliced cinnamon bread, French toast, hashbrowns, potatoes O'Brian, hoime fries, potato pancakes, cowboy potatoes, French fries, chicken fried steaks, minute steaks, filet mignons, filet of trout, bagels, Engliish muffins, bangars, kippers, cream cheese, fresh butter, honey, maple syrup, blueberry syrup, strawberry syrup,and 8 kinds of coffee! Belly up and let's eat!! :D
OH My God, Look what I had to miss, I took my Mrs to watch the Morning after tomorrow, it was entertaining, as long as you could get passed all of the tired cliche's that were bandied about. I'm here today, to sip on some of your world class coffee and to eat some of the leftovers from yesterday.
It must be the time of year, this place has been pretty quiet, but no matter, I like the solitude any way. I was very saddend to see that one of our greatest presidents in history passed on, I guess every one has their time. I really appreciate the flag at half mast and the uledgy posted at the bar, it made for a sad read, but brings out the pride in those that I watch go thru the whole notice. It makes one feel very patriotic in the face of all of the ungrateful caos that has gripped our country as of late. He will be sorely missed and to some, very much appreciated as an Icon, even in his last years on this earth...
Thanks Phil!!!
Apple fritters, cinnamon buns, sticky buns, and glazed donuts on the bar. Fresh hot coffee, and home made Kalua to perk it up a bit. :D
I have gained 5 lbs hanging out in here, the inclement weather has kept me out of the mountains and this is a great place to hang. What could be better than fresh made Apple Fritters and hot coffee for breakfast.
The old time atmosphere and the freindly people sure keeps one around to shot the chit...
These funny dressed guys you have around most of the time are fun to talk to, they have all sorts of info on the history's of the battles and skirmishes this country went thru to become a great nation. I really like the fact that the memorial you put up for the last great fallen president brings them into subdude reverence every time they walk into the place, bowing their heads removing their hats and suluting a fallen leader. Sure makes one proud to know that we still have good people in this country that remember and understand why we have every thing we do and appreciacion for all that is good and right in this country.... :D :D :D
Friendly people??? :confused: I guess you must mean you and me!! :D Oh well "fug'em"! At least I know who my friends are! Probably a good thing though. I don't have all that much gear to spread around when I go! :D I'll put your name on the Browning Light 12 and the Wagner #7 Oval Roaster with trivet. Figure you probably know what they are for! :D

Sourdough biscuits this morning made with genuine potato water starter! Got strawberry jam for them along with fresh cow butter and I robbed the farmer this morning and got forty gallons of brand new, still warm, unadulterated fresh cow's milk. Gonna pour it through cheese cloth and chill it in the fridge before we pour it out. Also got seven dozen brown eggs, most are double yolks, still some got straw sticking on the shell. Going to wash them and fry them. (These eggs are way too good to beat!) Got fifteen pounds of Virginia smoked ham steaks. Got Folger's coffee this morning. :D Let's get to it!!
Hey, who put that banner over there? Yes, the one that says "Moosie is a Turd" :eek:

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