Grand poopa
Left on a Whim Tuesday and just got back... Saw lot's of bucks and a few nice ones...(Nice being some 4 points in the low 20" group, not deerking, miller, and BUZZ nice ) Saw Some Wolves for the first time,(2 days in a row). Kind of Eiry hearing them Howling...... Didn't see any bulls but some cows... Helped Pack a bull out a buddy shot. Had a good time, Wylee came up yesterday and got a 2 point buck. I barely helped him pack much out. He got most of it but I think felt sorry cuz I was Wussin' it after 4 days of hunting and slipping with my Summer boots in the snow
Heck, 4 days in the hills and I got Guano, he's up one morning and shoots a buck (Which I was backing him up shooting and still missed...
) Ohhh well, one more weekend.
I'll catch up later, Hope everyone is Well and Doing good !!!!
Heck, 4 days in the hills and I got Guano, he's up one morning and shoots a buck (Which I was backing him up shooting and still missed...
I'll catch up later, Hope everyone is Well and Doing good !!!!