Yeti GOBOX Collection

Moosies Back from Deer hunting...

Carlos, Good hearing from yah. Kudos on your forked horn too ..... ;) ...

Idaho Bugler, He's still packing his "CUT", just tucked into the neck gator, Thats what I like about him..... His Sexy hair
Cameron, I've lived in Lewiston all my 23 years. I may know the last name Denler, but not sure if its Jason or not. Is he a Lewiston resident?

Nice buck Wylee. Love the snow, I may see some this weekend if I'm lucky.
Aha! the mullet still lives ;) just partially obscured by the neck gator for added layering :D Way to go on the deer Wylee and nice photos. :cool:
Thanks for the congrats, and the concern for the mullet. I'll try to remember to remove the gater before pics next time, so as not to cause such a stir. ;)

It was yer typical great hunt with the Master Moosie. :D Lucky for me, he remembered a camera, and thanks for not posting the other pix. ;)

Congrats to those of you that have taken nice animals this year, you know who you are. :D
thanks for not posting the other pix.

So there are other pics? Come on Moosie, post the pics dude.

Congrats on the buck Wylee.
Originally posted by IdahoBugler:
Come on Moosie post the other pics!!!
I will if you post yours.... (Congrats of your 'little' buck too

I have the pictures at home. I'll try and remember them tomorrow. Nothing Fancy, But I have a Photo Album of Wylee marking his territory all over Idaho ;)
I'll get the pictures without blemishes tomorrow.
And I don't have a white goatty either. I'll post them tomorrow night.

And thanks for the kudo's. He will be good eating. Nice and tender due to the size of him and everything.


[ 10-29-2004, 07:12: Message edited by: IdahoBugler ]
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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