
Moosie's 2008 triathlon

What's the definition of a Sprint Clyesdale?
Sprint is the distance and 'Clydesdale' is a division for men over 200#.

Moosie- Now that you have a bike, there's no excuse not to do another one... ;)

PS- I met my goal of not finishing last!
Well done

Hi there Moosie
You told me about the triathlon on your safari when you were in South Africa. I am glad that you are still alive after the race. It is kind off important to make sure that you vehicle can fit int othe garage before entering. Have loads of fun.:)
Nice work, fellas. It's one thing to say "I could do one of those races" and a completely different thing to actually go do one.

A high school buddy of mine used to road race competitively. One day his mom totaled his $2000+ custom bike pulling into the garage with it up on top also. That was a heck of a lot of money to a kid for a bike back in 1989.

So now am I gonna see you guys at the Boise 70.3 race next June and IM Coeur d'Alene the year after? ;)
They can outswim me, like to ride their bikes too... look out Moosie, they'll be right on your tail in no time.
your daughters shoes are more manly than your ruby red slippers... fag
So now am I gonna see you guys at the Boise 70.3 race next June and IM Coeur d'Alene the year after
Does spectator status count? ;)

Greenhorn- I'm sure they wouldn't mind finishing right ahead of me... :D
.........So, MAybe becasue I'm feeling fat and It's the new year, but who wants to do this with Pointer and me this year ?
my money is on Pointer this year.
...........thinkin it'll play out like Rocky II.
post a link to the race. I'll consider it. I swan 2 days ago to get the new year started right and rode the bike trainer this morning.
As of right now, i'm in. Can't guarantee I will be in August... Maybe if I register and pay the fee it will motivate me.
Hey, before I commit I need to know if they serve free beer at the finish in Idaho? many a race would have taken me hours longer had there not been a cold one waiting on me at the finish.

Beer is also a critical triathlon trianing tool. When you get to the point that you you think you should give up beer for the race then you know you are over-training and need to back off.