Caribou Gear

Moosie Needs help...

Oh dang, I forgot all about the pan pic. That one should be included for sure. Thanks for the heads up ElkHunter!
Moosie , getting the word out on your site doesn't have to involve cash but the presence has to be put forth.

Keywords, a page full of them, get the search engines working for you a Google search of hunttalk yeilded 5100 or so hits, a search for "elk hunting" didn't get Hunttalk on the first five pages but I did see monstermulies and huntinfo.. the site doesn't have enough traffic to get towards the top without help and there's a way to do that once you get a page of keywords up it's some sort of replicating program or some thing anyway it just keeps hitting your pages. I can find out what it is if you're interested. Some guys use it on the Top 100 hitlister, that's why "bob's gunshop" can rate higher than sites with 200 active members.

Link exchanges, look for similar sites you haven't alienated and swap links, there's enough internet addicts out there that four or more similar sites can thrive sharing the same pool of members. Swap links with equipment related biz sites. Put up a banner for ABC muzzle brakes in exchange for your banner on their links page.

Get advertisers , sure , you won't be able to have the same brand of fun you have been but, it WILL get you more members via searches for the products.

Get more info on the website side, pages of hunting tips for different species draw people like flies.

Avoid conflicts on the boards, sure people love seeing the Ithaca, Buzz, and Gunner versus the world conflicts just like they like seeing wrecks, they just don't want to be in one., In general they will read those posts but they won't post because they are afraid of being called stupid , ignorant, fat assed ATVers etc. The free-for-all attitude is great until you try to expand. The most popular boards are the tighter regulated ones.

I can show you a site that was 2 years old and had 250 members total, not active members, when I found it , now it's 5 years old, has over 11,000 members, 80-90 online almost contantly, and we didn't spend a dime on advertising all we did was what was oultined above and little more.
Moosie, if your looking into running adds, I think Radio is too limited in its reach. You may want to get into contact with Doug Miller Outdoors and see about being a sponser for his show. I think The Outdoor Channel has rather reasonable rates as well. But if any of these want you to do away with Mo's Playground then bag that idea quick!!
Ya need some real heart throb, back ground music. Ya need to appeal to a sense of "Honor", "God Given Rights", and " The Constitution".

Ya need to Mo' do it. She'll spice it enough, that a man will take a look see..........
I already did.. It's recorded now.... And I'm goingto pay for it with the $$ I win from Canoe at poker next friday :)

I'll post the deal later......
So they are only charging $3.45 for radio commercials these days huh? Told ya to go with a TV spot, but you don't wanna listen.

By the way, are you still gonna go with that silly shitkicker station?
Why not use the members of the site?? Word of mouth always sells better than an add in my opinion. Run a contest for members to bring in new members. Just for an example say for every ten new members an existing member brings to the site they get a hat or something. Just some stinking thinking here but it all helps out right?;) Of course that would be paying members. I am not sure how the whole internet thing works with hits and all but just a thought.
Canoe, Yes, Gonig with the Shit Kicker station.

R.R. that is Awesome. We were thinknig of something like that. Just hard to Track who brought who and so forth. I know everyone that posts here has already told ALL thier friends though... right ? :D
OK...I've been avoiding putting my two bits in but hell, I've pissed everyone else off this week so I might as well make it a complete set. :D I think Mars offers good advice...your audience is the "internet enabled" hunter, so you should concentrate your efforts where they are most likely to be found. You'll get a few hits from radio ads, but it won't get the exposure and "staying power" that good webpage keywords will. DHI is's an Idaho-based org that is looking for local members. As an internet operation, you're looking for a wider audience.

Or, more to the point, before you start serious advertising or campaigning, maybe you should decide just WHO your target audience is. If it's Boise-area Idahoans, then your site might need a little work (other than the existing area members, what is there that's attractive to Boise-area Idahoans?) If your target audience is the Western states (Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, etc., etc.), then you've got a pretty good start. If it's Easterners, well, you suck! :p ;) If you're looking for a "cosmopolitan" audience of nationwide hunters, there's again a little more that might be done to consistently attract them. A good part of Mars' site's success is that it caters to a specific subject and those who are interested in it. They do their chosen subject matter very well. I guess what I'm saying is that if you're serious about turning this into a business (instead of just a fun place to hang out for whoever might drop by), you should pick your target and aim for it. The key to business success is the consistent attraction of new customers, and retention of old ones. As you grow, you can expand out into other areas of focus.

Next, any broadcasting station (be they radio or TV) that is actually trying to help you (instead of just attempting to take your money) will help you pick a daypart that's likely be heard by YOUR audience. If KLUK-FM's ratings show that the majority of their listeners at 11am are 70-year-old grannies, do you really want to pay for ads in that time period? They should be helping you maximize your advertising dollar.

Finally, have Del hang on to your website traffic stats...they will be invaluable if you ever start to sell ads on your site, or if you want to start trading links with heavy hitters. Things like unique hits and length of view are bread & water to the internet crowd.

Well, there you go. :eek:
Alright.... Since it got Brought up I'll Cough out my "Master Plan"....

First, I started this site for fun, I'd like to keep it that way. I don't want to BOG it down with advertisers I need to Worry about. I want to be able to Tell someone to Shut the Fugg up and Psot my pan pic. So if that keeps us from Growing I'll deal with it.

For as Chitty as this Site is...:) I've been offerd 5 g's for it. For it's Potencial. Someone with the saame vision as Mars knowing with it's BAse they could Make a Run with it. Not in the works. I have a great deal tied up in this place and it's not for sale... At least not for that price :p

Next, I would like to attract a few more locals too. I got a Good deal on the Radio add because of Some Coinage I drop on other personal Biz, so I took advantage of it. I targeted the Shit kicker station because in general COuntry music and Hunting go hand in hand. Is it my Favorite ? Well, No way by far, But it is the % target adience. So there ya go

As far as Hitting hthe "target adience" Look at who posts here.. It's Huntamerica, Huntinfo, mm, 24 hour and other guys. I know were my targets are and Thats why the site is growing. thats why I agree links aren't a Bad Idea and why I don't watch were guys post. Come and go as ya please. Hell, Unlike other sites We ALWAYS post links to other websites when something's gonig on. Ever try to Post a link on some ofthe Other boards ?!?!? EEE GAds ;)

As far as Advertising, I'm working out another deal to target hunters..... There is A trade TV add (Someone that thinks I'm sexy probably) and A few MossBack and Lowland Mulies videos that you'll see the sponsor is for. Or at least unless I fugg that up :D

So, I took advantage of a good deal but don't tend to Advertise on Radio. Radio Is very expensive and without generation a Return, It's a No brainer.

As far as the HITS this place gets, It's Off the Fuggin Charts. Many guys read it but are the "Who's Who in hunting" and don't post or not much. Some of it because of what you've already stated, some because of other reasons. Some of you would flip out if you knew who visited here. For being a Finger pulling, Joke telling, chit stirring, Jerry Springer of the Talk boards, There is some guys that know when it comes to hunting our boys take it serious so they tune in.

As far as not catering to the East coast...... There is the Realtree and other sites that do that. This is just a General hunting forum. And I cater to one thing..... ME :D

You'll see this site do some good stuf this year........... The domino's are falling. Stay tuned.
Geeze I dont know where to start ;)

Oscars got some good plans for hunttalk. and I approved them ;)

Like oscar siad there are people that read this site that you wouldnt even think had time to read a website let alone click on a hunting link.
There are also some major players in the hunting industry( Oscar doesnt know about this one)That really liked this site according to my wife who talks to the gentleman.
I will tell you what I heard from people like him and others.

The people on hunttalk are real hunters, They are not made up wannabes that just type on a pc.
They Say that some of the best hunters they have read/heard about are on this site.( yes buzz even your name got mentioned ;) )
Ive been told Hunttalk has some of the most hardcore hunters they have seen on any webpage.
They love the stories and photos that most of the members from hunttalk post.

Now this will really throw ya for a loop cause it did me.

Reguarding the SI section.
I have been told by more than one person in the huntting industry that Hunttalks SI section is about the best they have seen. Granted they have told me that things get a tad carried away but what they have also told me is that its nice to see people SPEAK there mind and then not carry that over to another forum(ie big game elk etc).
They say that hunttalk is about the most informed website out there when it comes to laws and rules.
They say that its nice to see a wide diversity of people with differnt backgrounds particapating in the forum( ie Buzz and Mt miller due to thier jobs).
Best of all the like the fact that there is no political correctness and people do not go over board taht much in sections other than SI.

One thing that I get told alot is that The animals the members on hunttalk kill every year and the stories they post are better than most magizines.

They also like the fact that most of the members on hunttalk just dont hunt by them selfs or for them selfs they take other friends and family and esp. kids out hunting as well.

I read about 10 different hunting boards and about the same in fishing boards, those other boards are mainly made up of a bunch of whining sniveling crybabies that go crying to an admin everytime there feelings get hurt.
Most of the guys here at hunttalk if they spoke there mind on any other board like they do here they would be banned for life from those other boards.
Its also well liked that we dont censor people at hunttalk due to someone gets there panties in a wad.

As far as advertising
I personally dont like ads everywhere on the board, it makes them look tacky and then sponsors start whining when people talking negativly about them, and sponsors demand that posts get deleted.
I have a few ways to make is so they are not so intrusive, But I havent put them up yet.

One other thing:
What would you guys( the members of hunttalk) like to see in this board? as far as changes and stuff maybe something added.
I got a link set up figured out just havent aplied it yet. ie links to all the game and fish office's in the usa. Drawing results and a few other things I been tinkering with.

Whats your suggestion for getting more members at hunttalk or making it better and more informative?

Can a Brother get an AMEN :D :D

Del, How many people visited Hunttalk last month ? Was it in the hundreds ? maybe thousands ? Cough up the hits brother !!!

Also, You guys are gonig to laugh at the Radio add. I made a Comment about the Jokes we do here but I didn't have the BAlls to talk about the Adult section....:eek: The editing was still being done friday but will launch Monday morning so it better be done !!!!

All that being said, I like the Ideas that MArs and Dgibson gave and the others. We're not above changing stuff here. And this year we;re gunna Git 'er done !!!
I think we average about 2.6 million hits per month.
Amount of veiwers is around 4-5 thousand if I remember correctly

this does not include bots and search engines.

this was december and statically dec is a slow month
unique visitors 4020
number of visits 17921
page views 387966
hits 1786328

We average 2.6 million and it was 1.8 million in Dec.

Wow, and we've got several members who want to put the pan pic on the radio!

It really did grow a lot, I guess. I guess there's a lot of lookers, because there's not that many posters. Does it tell you that, how many posters per month?
I dont like stats cause they are easliey manipulated.
for example
every time you click a page/link its another hit so you just posting this one post from the time you entered probally gave 6-10 hits.
Also me working on the board adds alot of hits.
I know a few boards in AZ that say they get millions of hits per month when in fact they dont even come close, but thats what the sponsors want to see and hear so they play the game. matter of fact we get more posts in one day than they do in one month.
On the other side of that I know a board that also gets 2.6-3 million hits per month and it only has about 700 members. it also has only about 1800-2300 unique visitors. the funny thing about this board it is only an AZ board and only fishing and its also only 1 year old. Its the biggest fishing board in AZ and to be honest the only fishing board in AZ that gets any traffic. Oh yeah and the board is mine ;) We constantly get request for advertisements on that board to a point where advertisers call me about 2-5 times a week. the money could be pretty good.
But i didnt build that board for advertisement purposes, I built it for the sole purpose of getting all the fishing guys together to swap lies. I actually built it off the same concept as hunttalk ie no moderators, dont delete posts and say it like it is so to speak etc.

Some of the things that we have done to hunttalk were the result of what I have done on that board( like stories on the home page). Which personally I think is really a great idea.
Soon as HUnttalk gets all done then I have to change that board over to Vbulletin forums :eek:

about 3 years ago when I switched the hunttalk servers the first time we were running about 250 megs of filespace and about 2 gigs of bandwidth. hits were around 50k per month
now we are running on about 3500 megs of space and running about 50+gigs a month( probally less now that we changed to V-bulletin forums)

YOu know what the sad thing was, was just before we changed hunttalk over from ubb to VB I had to delete over 60% of the posts cause the ubb board wasnt handling it very well.( remember the white pages)

You can tell how many posters a month via teh stats at the bottom of the forum I believe.

Delw said:
Now this will really throw ya for a loop cause it did me.

Reguarding the SI section.
I have been told by more than one person in the huntting industry that Hunttalks SI section is about the best they have seen. Granted they have told me that things get a tad carried away but what they have also told me is that its nice to see people SPEAK there mind and then not carry that over to another forum(ie big game elk etc).
They say that hunttalk is about the most informed website out there when it comes to laws and rules.
They say that its nice to see a wide diversity of people with differnt backgrounds particapating in the forum( ie Buzz and Mt miller due to thier jobs).
Best of all the like the fact that there is no political correctness and people do not go over board taht much in sections other than SI.


What???? The "experts" in the industry didn't mention the Survival section? :rolleyes:
Ya gotta go National

1st thing ya gotta do is forget about doing the ad yourself. Second, call Ted Nuegent and give him a lifetime subscription to hunttalk and a hat and tee shirt and convince him to do the ad for ya!.
Heck, maybe he will do a quick spot for you on his show.

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