
Moose Loose in Las Vegas

Good for him! Nice to see young people doing something productive. I did 3d cad/engineering in the plastics (injection mold design) and aerospace industry for 15yrs before moving to investing. He will go far and always have a good paying job.

I had to chuckle reading the article. The US is one of two countries that doesn't sponsor young people like Oscar, yet if he ran in circles really fast I'm sure they could find it in the budget. And we wonder why we are behind in STEM. Good luck young man!
Congratulations the both parent and of course to Little O.

Very impressive work. Little O deserves the credit. The parents deserve the inspiration.
Thanks for sharing! It seems there is always plenty of bad news around and I really enjoy reading about success's like this. Congrats, you must be very proud!
Thanks for the Kind words. He just got offered a full ride with extras if he goes to a local college. Sound like they are trying to recruit talent. We just got a call from an Investor out of Cali that wants to sponsor him to help prototype another item. Interesting what a little publicity get's ya........ When I was 17 I was just chasing tail...... ;)
"When I was 17 I was just interested in chasin tail"

I almost spit my coffee out on the screen when I read that, lol. At that age that was about all I could try to make a plan for either...
Wow! How the hell did I miss this thread? Oscar is one heck of a hunter and to think this Buckmaster is the skilled and talented draftsman... it has to make the Moose family pretty darn proud! Really nice hearing from you moosie on your son's activity. Pretty darn proud moment all around! Sorry for the late post to this news though Oscar, keep on rockin!

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