
Moose in Montana

I was at the DU banquet in Helena 2 years ago and the Governor's moose tag went in the high 30k's if memory serves me right. Best guess is he paid in the 40's.
Thanks for all the comments. I’m struggling a bit to see how folks are bridging my post with a lack of commitment to the hunt or experience. I have several scouting trips planned and will put my time in along with posts of my adventure. I was simply looking to get insight on where to focus my trips. I’m a serious hunter. With this tag and the time I’m putting in, I really should be able to get on an exceptional moose. That’s not meant to discredit any moose. They are all special. I just feel this tag belongs on a good one and I was hoping to find friends in that regard. I’ve hunted Montana hard for 20+ years with a stick and string. I’ve had my share of hard earned success and eaten many tag sandwiches. Because I paid for a tag and want to find a good animal, it doesn’t make me any different than most. I’ve put in for 21 years and have earned the means to go after my dream here. For those who are helpful and offered advise; many thanks! I really do appreciate it and wish you happy trails. If you are offended or find my post inflammatory I really don’t mean it that way. I’m not some rich flat lander looking for an easy ride. I’m on a quest to take the NA 29 big game animals with a stick and string and the Shiras is my last moose. I’ve chased rams, goats, elk, and bears all over and put my time in. All of which I’ve drawn tags for. I am new to the hunt talk forum and didn’t fully appreciate the right of passage here. I share many of the same views as many of you. I was negligent in my first post. That said, I get it. Any grace you can give, I would appreciate. This post has backfired in an extremely bad way. I’m good on my own and wish you all the very best.
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I think my problem is that you won the tag at an auction. A tag that a lot of people go their lifetime without drawing, and then come on here as a non resident and expect someone to just tell you where they know of a 160" Moose? 🤔🤔🤔 you went about it all wrong
OP, you are playing with house money man. You don't have to obligate yourself to a certain size moose. Just go kill one!

Just check the B&C book for Shiras and see what parts of MT have put a moose in the book in the past decade or two.

Then talk to some biologists for the areas you like, and ask them questions about moose habits and behavior to help narrow your search.

Then take off during the rut and hunt the hell out of them. I bet you will find a good moose.

Right now you're getting picked on but show some effort and come back with more nuanced, specific questions about moose and their habits and guys will help you out. 👍
Ehhh too late now. I’m willing to bet that chance for help is gone
I’m guessing quite a few of these guys know more “than a little”.

Speaking for myself, I’m not jealous at all. It does make me sad though, that the focus is on size of the trophy and not size of the experience. If I had a governor tag I’d take 3-4 weeks off and have one hell of an adventure. If the OP can’t take that kind of time off, he’s better served hiring a guide.

Hunt the core areas and you’ll find moose. My only question would be which unit do I start in.
3-4 weeks???? I feel like if you could aground that tag, I’d take off late July-November
You don’t really win governors tags you buy them. I guess out bidding someone could be considered winning though. If I had unlimited funds I would probably win lots of governors tags 😂
Yes that was my thought also, that all governor's tags are achieved by the highest bidder, but the OP stated that he "won"? the tag at a DU banquet I thought?

Oh....I guess maybe he was the highest bidder at a DU banquet and that's how the tag was awarded...gotcha.
Nope, the friend that shared the pics with me and has the sheds, asked to not spread them around. So, I won't...same thing with hunting areas.
No worries. I get it.
Hope we see some pictures of him on the ground one of these years