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Moose in Montana

Tough crowd.
Yes it is, especially as of late. Congrats on your tag and don't take it personally. Your timing was perfect as you can see from many recent posts lately from new members and sarcastic post from old timers. You'll find some info eventually but will have to dodge some slings and arrows along the way.
Congrats on the tag. I wouldn't spend a lot of time hunting Red Rocks. Too many tags and too easy to glass it. If there is a big bull there someone will know it, but during the rut anything could happen. You're in the right area though. IMO.

Not sure on outfitters. Doubt there are many who have much experience hunting moose, I could be wrong, but I'd guess most all who draw a tag go DIY.

I'd block off two weeks and hunt the rut. You have your work cut out for you though. Finding a big bull isn't that easy. I highly doubt there are more than a handful bulls over 160 killed a year, and even fewer that net that. Good luck!
I heard Glamping Outfitters is pretty good. But they are expensive. They operate about 300 miles north of Havre.
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I think my problem is that you won the tag at an auction. A tag that a lot of people go their lifetime without drawing, and then come on here as a non resident and expect someone to just tell you where they know of a 160" Moose? 🤔🤔🤔 you went about it all wrong
When you have a tag like that and have no information, best to not include inches desired. When you do, the guys that really know will clam up. Good luck. mtmuley
Let the games begin! 😂 I’m newer to this site but see the exact posts on other sites every single year. Is there a script somewhere they tell all non residents with great tags to use ? ha ha. To the op don’t worry about the negativity you will get some pms and some help I am sure. Congratulations on an amazing tag. I would probably dedicate my entire fall to it and just enjoy a once in a lifetime opportunity. Good luck hope you post some follow up to the hunt it’s going to be a good one 👍
Hey guys I bought a montana general deer tag. I was wondering if anyone knew where a big one was. I know where some are at but I’d really like a big one. 180” minimum. If anyone knows where ones at pm me!
Sorry, I can't help you. I just know of a lot of 179ers.
Just hire an outfitter. They’ll be happy to employ multiple guides (as many guides as you’ll pay for really) all summer long so you can shoot one on the opener.

Well unless they’re one of the outfitters that have been spending all their time begging and pleading the Montana legislature for subsidies in the form of guaranteed deer and elk clients; you don’t want them guiding you. If they were any good they’d have no trouble getting clients.
A friend of mine has pictures of a bull north of 180 and also picked up the sheds...biggest MT bull moose I've ever known about in Montana. As far as I know, that bull is still alive. If it would have been killed, everyone would know about it.

Don't ask, because I'm not saying where.
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