Moose Hunting Tips

WyoDoug- Pope &Young has a drawing May 14th and first prize is a moose hunt in Alberta (I think). Well worth $20 to have a chance.
I am on fixed income so no way could I afford the collateral expenses related to that if I one. Any hunts I do in near future would have to be local.
In preparation for my once in a lifetiime moose hunt (if I ever draw), I am trying to figure out the best way to go about it. I would appreciate some feedback from those who have been successful at moose hunting and calling. I have never hunted moose before so I want to go out on the best footing I can if and when I actually draw a license. I have actually seen moose in two different hunt areas and managed to get within range where I might have been successful if it were hunting season. Smart enough to maintain distance because I do know they can be dangerous game to approach.

The odds are long, but I sure appreciate your excitement; and shoot , it can happen! And it’s fun to talk about and think about either way!

I am no moose guide; but was fortunate to have an area 17 tag back in the 90’s when there were lots of moose; and more recently in area 5, when we saw more sign of wolves and bears than moose.

In the 90’s, I was certain a big B&C bull was in my future; ended up with a little 2.5 yr old bull on the last day of the last trip.

Last trip, after years of planning, hoped to get a nice representative bull…hunted hard, saw a cow or two; then found a pocket with four bulls and one \loose/ cow. 145” bull was the best, and we hustled him out ahead of the grizzlies.

Both experienced emphasize to me:

Seems the most understated secret to hunting WY moose: cover tons of country, then keep going. Even where there’s a lot, there’s not many. And nice bulls are the minority.

Second, calling is good, but just to get them to pop up there heads above the willows. Nothing shows fast, keep moving. Cover lots of ground fast; a little calling might help moving past an unseen bull, but that’s about it.

And last, they can be slow to know they’ve been shot. My big bull took three 200gr 300 win mag accubonds through both shoulders and the vitals in between; never seemed impressed until he just quit. The little bull way back when ….he did the same, only it was a 338 with some forgotten bullet.

The little bull we sawed into quarters and packed out on stupidly green horses….,the big bull was quick quartered with a havalon and packed on backpacks. We were racing bears both times (and both eras)

Hope you draw
A great resource is a book "In The Company Of Moose"
Our tactic's are early season, mid, or late, rut. Behavior changes with season.
I don't consider moose "dangerous game to approach" Just respect them. It's actually quite exciting!
Don't be scared! We get as close as they allow!
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Well so much for dreaming LOL. Wyoming moose draw results are in and I was NOT successful. Trying again next year.
Anyone have Gouthro's Moose Madness Dvd's they'd be willing to part with?

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