heart - my favorite hunk of meat
decided I wanted something different
took a moose heart, cut off the bottom (end cap) to make a level surface, then spiral cut it to make a long stretch of meat goodness

then seasoned with garlic pepper and spread some parsley on it, then thai basil, then some mint, small green onions, and jalapenos,

rolled it up tight and skewered (tying with butcher twine would work as well)

set on end in a baking dish, and put a couple of dollops of bear grease on it,,, then added some braising juice made from 3 parts water, 1 part wine (should of used red, but only had white in the fridge - don't use it much) and 1 part soy sauce - pour that into bottom of pain to 1" deep ish

then baked at 350 for an hour - could have used a bit more, but what the heck, I like rare heart anyhow

and what it looked like after first cut off to eat,,,

it was delicious (what heart meal isn't???)
served with sticky rice and some "fried chili in oil" straight from the PRC,,,

decided I wanted something different
took a moose heart, cut off the bottom (end cap) to make a level surface, then spiral cut it to make a long stretch of meat goodness

then seasoned with garlic pepper and spread some parsley on it, then thai basil, then some mint, small green onions, and jalapenos,

rolled it up tight and skewered (tying with butcher twine would work as well)

set on end in a baking dish, and put a couple of dollops of bear grease on it,,, then added some braising juice made from 3 parts water, 1 part wine (should of used red, but only had white in the fridge - don't use it much) and 1 part soy sauce - pour that into bottom of pain to 1" deep ish

then baked at 350 for an hour - could have used a bit more, but what the heck, I like rare heart anyhow

and what it looked like after first cut off to eat,,,

it was delicious (what heart meal isn't???)
served with sticky rice and some "fried chili in oil" straight from the PRC,,,