
Montana's Outfitter Assistant Law: Fair to the Public?


From reading your posts over the years, I have to say I appreciate your perspective and insight. I'm sure that you are as frustrated with unethical outfitters as many DIY hunters are. I realize that some frustration that members on here have towards outfitters in general and unethical outfitters in particular is sometimes expressed in a personal manner that is undeserved. I'm sure you realize that as well and have developed fairly thick skin. My observations and perspective is general in nature, based on my interactions with local public land outfitters in NW Montana.

Having said that I tend to agree with BuzzH that until the ethical outfitters are willing to stand up and demand that the BOO actually enforce the standards they claim to have regarding a strict standard of guides not being allowed to be repeat violaters of game and fish laws, all outfitters will be lumped in the same category.

I mean nothing personal towards you at all, but based on my interactions with locals and some interaction with non- local outfitters, I find that "high ethical standards" and "professional guides" are two phrases that can rarely be joined together. I was not always this way, in fact I started from the other side of the spectrum with a lot of respect and a desire to be a guide and viewed outfitting in a completely positive light. Sadly, I no longer have that perspective. As it is now, I doubt my negative perception of the industry will change until I see a major change in how MOGA and the BOO enforce their own standards.
I can see and understand some of the frustration towards lack of ethics some outfitters have, and can also understand Buzz's comments about "taking with both hands". But Buzz should remember, those outfitters who are solely on public lands "just taking, and giving nothing back" are paying a fee for the privilege of using those lands. I know that I pay a healthy annual fee for the use of BLM lands. I also know that I, and the other outfitters with whom I associate with here in the East do not just "take and give nothing back".
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