Montana Wolf - The waiting is over!

A few more from the cold this morning.

Some other Hunt Talkers were supposedly out hunting on that hillside. Or so it is rumored.

Loren on the verge of hypothermia.

Critter stoking our fire. Sage burns better than expected.

Loren, a few hours later, rescued from the grip of frostbite.

Yeah, it was nippy this morning. Mostly due to the result of getting sweated up on the way in, only to then stand around in the cold for five hours.

Would post the pic of what some Hunt Talker wrote on the side of my truck today, but thinking it would not be fit for public view. Made me laugh. Not sure if he was bragging, or advertising.
As the pics show, it was a cold morning in the wolf woods. Got out of the truck and started on the trail in the dark. Pretty much like all the other mornings - Hike a couple miles, then call, then do all you can to stay warm.

Today was no different. Other than we did not see any wolf tracks on our way in today. Saw three moose and a lot of elk right at daylight. Then the fog set in. The inversion lasted for almost two hours. Really nothing to see or glass, so I decided it was time to start a fire. No complaints from Critter or Loren.

Critter called in another hunter with his howling. A very nice guy, Chris. A school teacher who was out hoping to fill his wolf tag. His third straight Saturday doing so, and got very close a couple weeks earlier.

Plenty of snowmobilers, some guys on horseback, and plenty of Hunt Talkers. Not much shooting by any of us.

After finally getting warmed up, we continued to glass until just afternoon. Knowing nothing would be moving, we set out to look for some fresh sign and check out an elk kill that happened last night. The ravens were headed that way, so we decided to check it out.

We drove up the drainage to see the carnage. Carnage probably doesn't even describe it. Doesn't take too many glances at a wolf killed elk to see that it would be a very painful way to die. Looks like they chased her and finally got here on the ice of the creek. Once there, she would have no chance.

We had been to this spot the day before, so we know it happened last night. There were a lot of wolf tracks up in this part of the drainage and they were fresh. Lots of tracks in the show and on the ice where the cow took her last breath, probably as they were part way through eating her.

Not sure if they were interrupted in their meal, or if they just planned to come back later. Either way, the only thing eaten was the rear end, the one backstrap, and the organs. Neither the hind or front quarters had really been touched. The birds were making quick work of the ribs and anything else they could get to.

After that, we spent the day shooting TV stuff and set up within site of this kill for the evening. But, nothing came in. Will be back near there in the morning. Still a lot of groceries on that carcass to feed the hungry. With any luck, they will be loafing nearby, trying to digest their midnight snack, allowing us to put a bullet in one of them, come daylight.

Still a ton of fun. Every day is a learning experience, having never hunted wolves before. Feel so clueless that I know if we do kill one it will be the result of hard work and luck, no skill or knowledge contributing to the cause.

Tomorrow is the last day. Wish us luck.

Some pics of the wolf killed elk.

Left his mark.

Ugly and bloody.

Suspect she was trying to climb that bank, but came up a little bit short.

Still have the front and hind quarters left in tact.
Thanks for the post and good luck tomorrow. I have the feeling you three are a lot more clued-in than you give yourself credit for. Stay warm.
Man, i agree, it was a cold flippin mornin......didn't help i forgot to dry my boots last night so i started with wet feet;)

On that wolf kill, the ravens and magpies actually ate more of that elk than the wolves did.

I've got one more shot of motivation for a little payback for that elk, judging by the scene, it was a miserable way to die:mad:

One more hard day tomorrow.............looks like we're gonna have to get serious;)
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Hope tomorrow is the day. Good luck. With all the other hunters out there, you might want to consider wearing at least an orange cap or something.
Great pics, as always enjoying the daily stories of the hunt. Keep up the good work and lets get some of those dogs on the ground.
The pictures tell a good story, and I like the possible description of the cow elks demise.
I'm no wolf expert but from what I've observed from others findings, there is a good chance the wolves have moved on to find another elk and not return to eat anymore, even with all the meat left behind. I don't remember how often sport killing happens but sometimes wolves only take a bite or two before they are on to another victim. But like everything in the wild, observations are never 100%.

If you don't get a chance at one tomorrow I would see if bad boy buggies make a snow mobile.:D
And we're off! Its 4th and goal, the wolves have a marginal lead. Were hoping this final play call is the right one,........,.......look out wolves, we are gettin serious now:)
Good luck and great story guys. I hope you can score, on behalf of all the half eaten elk and other game that the wolves kill. Stay warm....and on a side note i really like the camo you guys are wearing, would love to get some details on it.
Fin I just realized that you got Matt and Loren wearing those mittens now :D What kind of brain washing is going out there ;)
That is one tough hunt. Hope you guys can get it done but even if you don't this looks like it could be a classic episode for OYOA. A good chance to show some in your face reality and maybe open some eyes. Good for the Sportsman Channel for having the balls to let it happen and thank you Randy for putting it together. I really like the live hunt reports.

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