Montana Wolf - The waiting is over!

You'll get it figured out its a brand new style of hunting just glad I could tag along on here
Well, you certainly gave it hell. Excellent story and pictures. I definitely plan to watch this episode, kill shot or no. Good luck on your "recreational" wolf hunt - as always we are interested in how it turns out. Thanks for keeping us posted.
If hunting was easy...everyone would do it.

Sounds like you did all you could to make it happen...there is NO shame in coming up short when you do that.
As usual, great story.You make us proud Big Fin, a lot of us are unable to physically hunt with you but you make it easy to visualize.
As always, I enjoyed following along on your hunt. Personally, I am tired of watching hunting shows where huge animals a killed as if it were easy. I teach hunter's and archery ed., and I try to make a point to my students that most hunts do not end up with record book animal on the ground, or any animal for that matter. I will look forward to watching each and every episode that you put out. Thanks!
As far as I'm concerned, it isn't the kill shot that makes the episode. Exactly the problem with so many other shows. I like seeing the country side. A place I've never been. So far your shows have been very well put together.
Your write-ups have much more detail than a TV show could possibly have. Thanks for allowing us along on all your hunts.
Even though we didn't quite pull a wolf out of this hunt, it was dang sure an awesome one! I'm giving Randy a huge thank you for inviting me along on this venture and quest to take one of the toughest animals in the state. I don't think a lot of people understand just how much the odds are stacked against the hunter when trying to hunt these things. They are EXTREMELY difficult to see and pick out of the landscape. Little did we know the other day, those 5 wolves we saw were in view for probably and hour before we finally spotted them. Trying to pick out an animal about the same size as the sage brush and snow that are mostly grey and white............its tough! A lot of time behind the glass and picking apart every single spot you can see. The luck factor needs to be higher than normal for these things.

The other thing that many just don't understand is the difficulty to actually get the animal and capture it on film. A guy has to adjust a lot of his hunting tactics to make that work. There were things that Randy and I would have done differently in both wolf encounters we had last week that could have led to possibly a wolf on the ground, and in one situation, a very likely possibility. Just one of those added difficulties that you face when trying to film it.

My hats off to you Randy for being able to do this for 4-5 months just going non stop. Just after 5 days, i'm flippin worn out:)

I sure hope everyone gets out and gets some of these quotas filled in MT, many units still have a lot left.

Good luck to everyone on their own wolf quests, hoping that I will still get a chance to put one down soon.
I've had a few people ask about the howling and what I'm using and so forth so i'll just throw it out here.

That green horn looking thing you saw in that picture, it really was just a piece of plastic that was on one of my kids' toys:) I strictly use my voice for howling, the tube is just there to project sound a little farther. Anything with a bigger end on it will project sound better and I thought it was funny that the toy actually worked good so i used it:)
Well done guys, the more human pressure that can be put on the wolves the more remote they will stay. We have em sniffing in our back yards here, killing birtd dogs, rabbit and bear hounds at will.

Good luck to you wolf hunters, educate them early and often!
My wife does not come on hunting trips because she does not want to see any animals killed - I tell her that on most of my hunts there is very little risk of that happening!
Way to go, fellas! You gave it your best and that's all that matters, regardless of the result. Definitely would have been cool to get wolf kills on film, but there's always next time!
The other thing that many just don't understand is the difficulty to actually get the animal and capture it on film.

I think I warned you about that.:) When I hear people whining about this and that in regards to filming the shows it makes me shake my head. They have no idea what it takes to get "tv quality" footage. Sure you could strap a camera on your head and just go willy nilly but the networks wouldn't air it and you wouldn't have near the camera work that OYOA is putting out. It's an eye opener for sure.
Big Fin- you already have a place planned to go in a couple of weeks? I've ran into the same pack the last 5 times I've been in the area. The last time we saw them was when we were cutting firewood a week ago. I've only snapped one picture during bow season. The guy I was with has never seen one so he freaked out on me while I was at full draw on a big dark male. About a 1 1/2 hr drive from me.


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I think I warned you about that.:) When I hear people whining about this and that in regards to filming the shows it makes me shake my head. They have no idea what it takes to get "tv quality" footage. Sure you could strap a camera on your head and just go willy nilly but the networks wouldn't air it and you wouldn't have near the camera work that OYOA is putting out. It's an eye opener for sure.

I knew it would be, just really noting that wolves are even harder than say deer or elk. And elk is pretty easy to spot, even at long distances, but trying to find a wolf in a camera view finder is nearly impossible unless they are in your lap:D
It has been such a fun experience following your adventures this year Randy! Thanks for taking the time to write them up, take pictures, and take us all along. I for one would like to congratulate you on a great season! Maybe some of the hunts didn't turn out the way you had hoped, but at the end of the season you can look back and know you gave it your all. That says alot about your dedication. Most would have given up. I think you are saving up some tremendous luck for next season. I can't wait to see this years episodes. Kill shots don't make the hunt, the memories do. You did great!
I knew it would be, just really noting that wolves are even harder than say deer or elk. And elk is pretty easy to spot, even at long distances, but trying to find a wolf in a camera view finder is nearly impossible unless they are in your lap:D

No doubt they would be tougher to hunt. Even getting elk or deer on film is a challenge when guys are yelling it's right there and the the poor camera guy is trying to look through this tiny view finder not knowing exactly where you are looking or which one you are looking at.

I'm sure it will be a great episode.

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