PEAX Equipment

Montana Wolf - The waiting is over!

Congrats Randy and Critter! Way to put a wolf down. Congrats guys!

Looking forward to seeing that episode next year!

You guys are awesome! Congrats on a successful hunt. I wonder how many other wolves have been shot on film in ID or MT since hunting was reopened? I sure havnt heard of any or seen any shows with a wolf hunt. Would be pretty cool if you guys were the first to get it done. congrats again
We all know your wife is the one deciding whether it's a rug or full mount.

Actually, because this could possibly be the only one i get, i'm doing the full body mount. There is just too much behind the harvest of this wolf to not just go all out with it.

And for the record, my wife could care less what I do with it. To her, its just another one to add to the 15 other mounts we have. I'm lucky that way, i could have heads all over every room and the most complaint I would get would possibly be an eyeroll:D

She truly is one of a kind! Hunt when I want, mount whatever I want, and put it on whatever wall I want.....No complaints. Maybe a smartazz comment once in a while but thats about it.
Sorry for late in posting. Lots going on that I had to take care of.

Today was coyote day, in so many respects. Saw over 20 of them. No wolves. Sunny and warm made it easy to stay out and glass until the last minutes of daylight sunk behind the mountains.

Yesterday my rifle took a pretty bad tumble. I was kind of worried about the effect it may have had on the zero I had spent so much time dialing in.

This morning one of those coyotes was putting the stare down on some mule deer up on the hill. Critter suggested I take a shot. Figured it would be a good chance to see if my zero had changed, save a few mule deer and antelope, and put another very nice pelt on my wall. It was a beautiful white and silver dog.

Critter did not need to make that recommendation twice. He gave me a range of 282 yards. The bipod was out, the safety was off, and in about two seconds, the coyote was laying on the ground. Nothing had changed in my zero. Comforting to know. And I have a fresh pelt in my freezer, ready for the stretcher and tanning.

Tomorrow is our last day. Due to obligations and the need to film the check in of Critter's wolf at FWP, we will probably wrap it up by mid-day. The odds of me filling my wolf tag are very, very remote. The odds of me having a blast tomorrow are about 100%.

A pic from this morning.

Gosh Randy, that picture really did turn out good, even with a nitwit running the camera:):)

Thanks for another fun day! Nice shot on that yote today! I know you say our chances are very, very, very slim to shoot one tomorrow, but they have been that way since we started;) and we still pulled it off. I'm keeping fingers crossed for you because nobody deserves one more than you!

I better quit screwing around and get to bed:)
If that coyote put on about 80 pounds................
Dang, these blow-by-blow stories are killing me... my blood pressure goes up and I'm on the edge of my chair. Good luck with this one Randy... you definitely deserve it! Congrats to Critter too... nice dog!

I'm gonna have to go work on my itchy trigger finger now... I'll be waiting for today's results.
Wow! Thanks for the play-by-play and I'm sure the show will be awsome.
I vote for a full body mount of the wolf impailed on the antlers of a full body elk. That way if you get a bigger one you can just add it to mount.
Absolute whiteout snow right now. We are headed to the FWP office to check in Critter's wolf. My tag is still in my pocket. As much travel as I have for trade shows this coming month, the odds of me filling that tag are not good.

But, the hunt was beyond anything I had expected. I am sure it will be our most watched episode of the year and when I think about how good our MT archery elk episode will be, that is saying something.

More pics and stories when I get home.
Wow how did I miss this all the sudden this thread jumped up to 19 pages and I thought to myself somebody must of killed a wolf. That is a beautiful wolf congratz critter. Critter you are very lucky if your wife will let you mount anything anytime anywhere I don't think I would even have the balls to ask my wife. All Kidding aside I have a lotta respect for you 2 going out hunting hard and getting it done on a wolf And to get it on video is just crazy.
Elkmagnet, no question a lucky guy! And I couldn't agree more on the getting one on film comment. I had high doubts from the get go but i guess if you put in enough time and effort, things will pay off. At least it did this time.
Well, I had to run to NW montana for a couple days to do some work. Managed to sneak in an hour or so to go look for tracks.... Suprised that we didn't cut a single track. About 2 months ago, this area had a bunch of them in here.

Was hoping to see my Dad get to tag one.

Still hoping to squeeze in another day or two to try and find Fin a woof:)