Yeti GOBOX Collection

Montana Tree Stand Regulations?


Active member
Jan 26, 2015
Missoula, MT
Does anyone know if/where I can find regulations related to tree stands and ladders/climbing spikes on the different types of public land in Montana? Has anyone ever actually been cited or given a talking to for doing it wrong?

I've been dropping by offices of FWP, DNRC and USFS the last few days and can't seem to get any clarification on this. So far, of the people I've talked to, nobody can point to a single one. Waiting for a callback from a couple Wardens, but figured this would be good to ask here.

Every hunter I talk to seems to be under a different impression about what kind of equipment is allowed and how long it is permissible to leave it up on the various types of public land, but nobody can cite an actual resource. I certainly run into stands and climbing spikes on a regular basis, some of which seem to have been up for a decade or more.

Hunting Tree Stands Must be Removed from DNRC Lands​

FWP Warden Frank Bowen reminds hunters that tree stands used for hunting and all other temporary structures must be removed from DNRC lands.

Temporary structures, such as tree stands, may be kept in place on un-leased DNRC State forested lands for 16 days in any 30 day period. No nails, spikes or screws of any type may be put into the tree, and no permanent structures are allowed. General Recreation road use rules apply (no off road use allowed to access a stand).

Tree stands may not be placed in any active timber sale area; if found, they will be removed in conjunction with the local game warden.

Hunters are urged to remove any existing stands.

For further information contact your local DNRC Office or FWP Region 1 Headquarters.

Thank you for this! I finally heard from both a Game Warden and USFS LEO and this is far more specific than the info they provided.

For instance, the warden didn't see a problem with screw in steps if they weren't left in to permanently damage a tree.