Caribou Gear Tarp

Montana - Time to Shake it Up?

This whole entire thread is the same 8 guys saying the same things over and over again.

Wait, that's this whole forum....
Plus, if the veto override of SB 442 is available, then the funding for that (up to about $14 million per year) could be used to help fund projects that include collaring and monitoring, etc.
I”m not sure the cannibis tax money can be used for research. 75% goes to Habitat MT and 25% to the reincarnated WHIP program.
Something interesting. About the only thing mentioned about Western mule deer hunting is that there are a lot of western license plates in Eastern Montana. Issues are statewide remember. mtmuley
Good point. Not only are the issues statewide, but they overlap species. If we tell the Thanksgiving hunters they can no longer chase mule deer, they’re just gonna put all their focus on elk, which is busy enough as is. I’m almost more inclined to go with weapon restrictions to keep folks spread out between elk and deer instead of having them laser focused on each species when the time arrives.
Good point. Not only are the issues statewide, but they overlap species. If we tell the Thanksgiving hunters they can no longer chase mule deer, they’re just gonna put all their focus on elk, which is busy enough as is. I’m almost more inclined to go with weapon restrictions to keep folks spread out between elk and deer instead of having them laser focused on each species when the time arrives.
Weapon restrictions would cause me to focus on elk in September and deer in November doesn’t change the issue. Like I currently do
weapon restrictions would make you a heck of a lot less likely to be successful. Not saying that is a solution but it’s something.
Honestly I hung the rifle up when the heritage season opened. Only reason I got it out this year was due to drawing a Audad tag in New Mexico and the time line.
Weapon restrictions would cause me to focus on elk in September and deer in November doesn’t change the issue. Like I currently do
What I’m saying is if we were to completely end deer hunting in November, the elk distribution problem would only get worse, people are gonna hunt whatever’s open. Giving folks the option to archery hunt deer instead would maybe lessen that blow.
What I’m saying is if we were to completely end deer hunting in November, the elk distribution problem would only get worse, people are gonna hunt whatever’s open. Giving folks the option to archery hunt deer instead would maybe lessen that blow.
Imagine if we ended most of our seasons at the end of October for big game. Let the damage hunts happen in November-December. Landowner/hunter relations would improve and maybe some of those elk that were pushed to private would move back to the public.
Imagine if we ended most of our seasons at the end of October for big game. Let the damage hunts happen in November-December. Landowner/hunter relations would improve and maybe some of those elk that were pushed to private would move back to the public.
Be interesting to see a response from MOGA on this very reasonable suggestion.
Imagine if we ended most of our seasons at the end of October for big game. Let the damage hunts happen in November-December. Landowner/hunter relations would improve and maybe some of those elk that were pushed to private would move back to the public.
I get that and if MT were to adopt WY’s management that could happen. I just think realistically that’s a stretch chopping off a full month of MT’s season anytime soon. I think it’s gonna take more baby steps than a complete 180, but I could be wrong.
I didn’t read all 36 pages, but MT’s system is archaic and not sustainable. “But it’s worked for 50+ years.” 50 years is nothing, it’s literally a blip in the radar for wildlife.

The North American model was one of the countries greatest accomplishments. In contrast, MT’s squandering of land/wildlife resources over a 50 year period will be a historic tragedy read about by future generations.

You cannot hunt bucks after Halloween, if you want your grandchildren to be able to find a legal buck. You cannot have a one size fits all structure, that’s as archaic as hunting with an atlatl. Not in a state like MT with the Yellowstone affect and the record influx of new residents there.

IMO, WY and ID are the gold standard of balancing opportunity and quality.
Be interesting to see a response from MOGA on this very reasonable suggestion.
I’m not speaking for MOGA, but a lot of us involved with MOGA would absolutely entertain the idea of hunting mule deer in October. If we would have been doing it for the past 20-30 years we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Speaking in terms of rifle season, mule deer and antelope the month of October, the first week of November (or however the calendar falls) deer/elk overlap and the month of November elk and whitetail. Mule deer are more protected and everyone can drive around eating cold Turkey sammiches and shoot whitetail and elk…
I’m not speaking for MOGA, but a lot of us involved with MOGA would absolutely entertain the idea of hunting mule deer in October. If we would have been doing it for the past 20-30 years we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Speaking in terms of rifle season, mule deer and antelope the month of October, the first week of November (or however the calendar falls) deer/elk overlap and the month of November elk and whitetail. Mule deer are more protected and everyone can drive around eating cold Turkey sammiches and shoot whitetail and elk…
I remember in 2016 when FWP first introduced the idea of shoulder seasons, there were shoulder seasons proposed to overlap the archery season. Even though they were to be considered “private land only,” there was a lot of pushback from archery hunters about rifle hunting overlapping archery hunting, safety concerns, archers needing to wear orange, etc.

Just something to consider/be prepared to deal with if this particular discussion keeps gaining momentum. You may have to find a way to convince a whole slew of elk archers this is good idea in order for it to move much.
I remember in 2016 when FWP first introduced the idea of shoulder seasons, there were shoulder seasons proposed to overlap the archery season. Even though they were to be considered “private land only,” there was a lot of pushback from archery hunters about rifle hunting overlapping archery hunting, safety concerns, archers needing to wear orange, etc.

Just something to consider/be prepared to deal with if this particular discussion keeps gaining momentum. You may have to find a way to convince a whole slew of elk archers this is good idea in order for it to move much.

Archery the month of September and rifle the month of October. Then there’s no overlap.
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