Montana Representative Rosendale at it again

😏🙄 Haha! Here ya go.
It’s a straight forward issue. Rosendale is advocating legislation that affects the area outside his representation. His website blocks the ability for me and the other pissed off people from Ravalli County to get in his face. The recourse is to tattle to Mom and Dad, (Tester and Daines) that the wack a doodle kid is off the rails again. Is it wack a doodle or whack a doodle?!
Here is how screwed up this is: I tried to send Rosendale an email to explain my version of the situation he is trying legislate against. It is immediately blocked because I live outside his legislative district. My only recourse was to email senators Tester and Dianes. And yes Hunting Wife it does feel like some of the folks would rather go back to the dark ages —UNTIL it affects them. Look at most every electron microscope picture of the corona virus. It is credited from Rocky Mountain Laboratories. They have the equipment! No one else does.
I sent one for you. 😁
I have written Rosedale at different times. I think he views all feedback as confirmation he is on the right path. Dissenting views are just proof that he is succeeding in making progress in his crusade.

He is quite a piece of work. I think he would take that as a compliment.
Of all the letters written, Tester's team takes the cake for responses to my shared concerns / support. Defined focus on content shared in my letters is present to minimize the typical "canned' respose. Daines is good though occasionally completely off the mark canned generated response from some auto distributed category. Rosie? I don't even bother. He is full steam ahead, blinder agenda. Unfortunately, the D's turd stunk worse when voting national interests.
I find that funny, Maryland Matt, Jersey G, Berkeley Williams... Polarized trench political labels that stick.
I find that funny, Maryland Matt, Jersey G, Berkeley Williams... Polarized trench political labels that stick.
I think your mixing apples and oranges a bit. Those labels aren't entirely political in nature but denote where the person is from. To remind others that they likely don't hold the same values. Now maybe that's true maybe it isn't, but it would be really hard for someone from Maryland to have the same up bringing as someone from the hi-line. In Montana, the small town with long streets, where you're from will always matter. That's true across any small town.
Don't know much about Rosendale. But not sure I would want a gain of function laboratory in my back yard messing with rocky mountian spotted fever and lyme dieses or whatever else.They are all secure until they are not

Didn't cwd originate in a research facility?
In 1972 I went to school a long bow shot away from Rocky Mtn Lab. It’s been there a long time. No one in town has grown a foot out of their head.

Also no need for tin foil hats.
My letter to Rosendale:

Thanks Maryland Matt for doing such a great job of representing Montana. I especially like how you get your facts from Facebook. I too have found that to be the bestest. All of us Montanans know that science works best when it’s political. We know that all that evil gain of function research is the devil. My momma says that’s how snakes lost their legs and spiders got eight of them. Anyway we are all proud of you and the fact your a fifth generation Montanan from Maryland with a big ranch. Thanks

Bobby from Montana

Here is the study, I believe that is being referenced.

We have to study the diseases we have, and emerging ones. Some diseases are named (at least the causative organisms are) for scientists from Rocky Mountain. If your name is Willy Burgdorfer, you might as well make it stick.

OTOH, I'm pretty much with Rand Paul that we shouldn't be funding making super viruses, which is pretty much agreed upon as the origin of Covid at this point.

As to Rosendale's failure to see the difference, it doesn't surprise me. I can't think of anything about this issue which hasn't been politicized, with disastrous consequences for our country, our medical establishment, and trust in the government and "experts" in general.
Those labels aren't entirely political
I see your line of thought and certainly agree with the basis people from other States seek to escape the political b.s. yet stomp away in another's yard the same garbage they sought to escape. I disagree that it is not political. Republicans do not note Rosie as Maryland Matt nor do Democrats note Kathleen Williams as Berkeley Williams. It's political AND as you say it a theme of their State origin.
I see your line of thought and certainly agree with the basis people from other States seek to escape the political b.s. yet stomp away in another's yard the same garbage they sought to escape. I disagree that it is not political. Republicans do not note Rosie as Maryland Matt nor do Democrats note Kathleen Williams as Berkeley Williams. It's political AND as you say it a theme of their State origin.
I’m a Republican. Maryland Matt, Jersey Greg. I don’t like out of staters as our politicians. Stereotypes always fall apart
The labels stick because politicians are generally full of shit. Here is 30+min of Rosendale talking about Montana Values.
I can't follow the conspiracy logic. If China or Russia is making viruses in labs, shouldn't we be researching ways to counteract those viruses for defense? Doesn't that involve making viruses? I guess adding too many layers of logic to a conspiracy is counterproductive to the conspiracy.
The labels stick because politicians are generally full of shit. Here is 30+min of Rosendale talking about Montana Values.
I can't follow the conspiracy logic. If China or Russia is making viruses in labs, shouldn't we be researching ways to counteract those viruses for defense? Doesn't that involve making viruses? I guess adding too many layers of logic to a conspiracy is counterproductive to the conspiracy.

I started, but decided...I won't waste a half hour on Matt. The Cat Griz game is about to kick off. That is a better use of time.

Go Griz.
I’m a Republican. Maryland Matt, Jersey Greg. I don’t like out of staters as our politicians. Stereotypes always fall apart
I'm an Independent. Same boat as you regarding "out of staters" - to include Berkeley Williams.

Your theory is stereotypes always fall apart? History says otherwise as well as trench bs Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans, Democrats, and PACs for both spend big $$$ pushing Stereotypes on their opponents. Shall I share commercials here?

Why? Because it resonates enough to pull votes.
Simple example... What's the stereotype behind "out of staters"? Or are we rationalizing what's considered a stereotype? No need to answer it's not really a question.
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Why is any research on any pathogen now just called gain-of-function? I suspect most people don’t even know what that means.

I really feel like some people would prefer we go back to the Dark Ages where we treated diseases with potions and incantations.
Don't forget bleeding people to treat some diseases..hey, wait, that might be the best "cure" for some of these bullchit artists.
Don't forget bleeding people to treat some diseases..hey, wait, that might be the best "cure" for some of these bullchit artists.
Drinking last night Buzz, or do you really think talking about “bleeding” politicians on Randy’s hunting forum is a good idea?
Drinking last night Buzz, or do you really think talking about “bleeding” politicians on Randy’s hunting forum is a good idea?
Do some research, common practice back in the day. I'm surprised that Maryland Matt with his strong knowledge of "science" isn't in favor it. Which if he was, you'd support like a good little parrot.

Oh, and no, not drinking. Tomorrow will be 20 straight days of hunting with another 30+ to go.

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