Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Montana public land B&C mule deer

What was Hodge's buck from a couple years ago? Not sure if I ever knew net on it.

I have never seen one on public land that I'm sure would net awards. My family collectively has killed one in MT that would make the awards book; close to all time, do not have an official score on it. It was from @ 1965 in the Blackfoot.
Notice that the list I posted starts at 180 - the minimum qualifying B&C score for a book entry
I see, but it does not differentiate between public and private either. I remember when they started hunting the flying D in I think the 90s, and they put several deer on that list in a few years. Doesn't really have anything to do with reality. IMO
I see npaden made that point above.
I'm sure many of those on the list are public land mule deer, however that list also includes private land.
Yes, no doubt. Seeing only 102 on the list though for such a big state with mule deer being present in just about every part though speaks volumes for what kind of quality exists out there. Especially when you compare that to the amount of adult male deer harvested each year. Look at how many have been put into the books since 2010 and its such a tiny amount of entries. Maybe only a couple of those were public land?
The buck poached by the guy that was convicted of plotting to kidnap David Letterman's son scored 207 7/8. Is that the one fwp is calling a picked up?
I've only ever seen one that I think would go over 160" in MT.

Do you guys put BMA bucks as public bucks or not?
Is it common that if you get a B & C animal you enter it into the book? I’m not opposed to it, but where I grew up in Iowa nobody ever enters their deer. I wasn’t sure if that was normal or an anomaly.
Is it common that if you get a B & C animal you enter it into the book? I’m not opposed to it, but where I grew up in Iowa nobody ever enters their deer. I wasn’t sure if that was normal or an anomaly.
I think the region and the generation differences have a lot to do with it. I'd guess that its more common for someone that is 15-30 years old right now to enter a B&C/P&Y buck then say someone who is 50+ years old. Social media, bragging rights, etc. play a big part. Its no longer about the health and genetics of a herd like the system was originally intended to provide.

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