Nameless Range
Well-known member
How about no public land mule deer doe tags unless over objective, mandatory harvest reporting and if you kill a buck this year you aren’t eligible for a tag the following year. Might make a few people more selective and still gives people plenty of opportunity. Would really show who the people are that say “it’s not about the kill” yet punch their tag last day of the season every year. Wonder how most Montanans would go for that because let’s be honest FWP isn’t going to a single thing to help the mule deer unless non resident tags go unsold. It’s all about opportunity herd health be damned
I like that idea but I can hear it now:
“i’M fEeDing mY faMiLy wIth ThOsE BucKs….”
I’m not sure how you get a conversation started with FWP that even has a remote chance of being successful for improving things, but there’s a lot of good ideas on here and I think it’s undeniable our trajectory is eff’d. Whatever it is Montanans can do to get that ball rolling whether it is Sisyphean or not, I’m for it.
On a personal side note I feel I’m getting jaded. It’s HuntTalk, it’s the giant pile of social media pages dedicated to hunting in Montana, it’s the change in the landscape in my short life. I’m bothered by it because I know better, and have killed my fair share of rutting teenage bucks - 2 points or whatever. I think back to some of those days and they were wonderful and I didn’t feel an ounce of regret. Now I find myself rooting for deer, looking at pictures of 2.5 year old 4-points next to a happy hunter with a knee-jerk disappointment, which is wrong and a loser’s way of thinking. The things you see and read influence your mind no matter how powerful you believe your mind is, and sometimes I wonder if I should just refrain from the Internet from September - December.
Whatever the change is, it has to be structural via tags/hunters/rules/season dates. Passing judgement, hidden or otherwise, on individuals, I think will actually work against us. I write that for myself.