Montana mule deer Expectations.

Its definitely better, youve got that right. Cheaper is pretty debatable. There is no way I spend the roughly $700 or so it costs for a quarter of beef in a year on big game hunting.

C'mon Mike, they're called slow elk for a reason.
Mule deer are delicious. This is an atrocity.
I've had CRP mule deer does that were fat & tasty. I've yet to have buck that better than a cut of local beef, and I prefer lean cuts of meat.

To each their own, but good on you for reaching out to Dr. Montieth. Interested in hearing what he has to say.
I've noticed in Montana more so than other states people have a disdain for eating mule deer. I think a lot of that is the fact that the majority of the bucks are killed during the rut. The two biggest bucks I've killed were the best eating of any mule deer I can remember and I got both of them early in the season before they started rutting. I'm not claiming that they are better than beef or elk but they aren't nearly as bad as most people say depending on the time of year.
I understand what Gerald and Nameless are saying. But, I also won't apologize for my wish of more mule deer described as "trophies". I have dreams of a big mature mountain mule deer. Big to be determined by me. Everyone's idea of opportunity is different. mtmuley
Look at HD270, 261 and 262 if you want to see what western, NW and SW MT MD could look like if it weren't for tradition.
I equate Montana's mule deer population to what it would be like if our human population was sustained by teenage boys screwing 30-50 year old women. Sure you can maintain a population that way, but its just not right.
And then shooting them when they hit 21.

But yeah, that’s a pretty close biological analogy.
Shooting a big muley buck used to be something really special (on public land anyway). Back in the 60s, 70s, and early 80s I hunted the CMR and even seeing a whopper was a very rare and memorable occasion (I definitely see more of them nowadays). But now everyone wants to make it very unspecial to shoot a big buck. This is so much like the Quality Deer [horns] Management back east. All about artificially making big antlers because that's what sells. $$$

I don't see the quality or quantity of the mule deer suffering because of present management. Not in the districts I hunt. There's so many deer the ranchers are begging for does to be shot (except the ranchers who sell them). Anyone who drives Hwy 2 at night faster than 50 mph better own a body shop. I see on average a couple of nice wall hangers every year, usually but not always on private land. The big ones I've seen shootable were indeed during the rut when they venture off private land. My observation has been there is so much posted land around public land that it acts as a refuge for those big bucks ... until the rut starts. Then they're finally accessible.

A big ranch down at Lewistown had the right idea. They charged a very modest annual trespass fee. Hunter had to check in with the ranch when he left. He could not shoot a buck until he'd filled his B tag with a doe first. Shooting a doe got the trespass fee refunded. Shooting a only a buck got the fee tripled (and likely no invite to return). That property had a well balanced herd that fit in with cattle management. A few big bucks were there but it required work and time and luck to get one. It was special ... as it should be. I understand the ranch changed hands and is now a typical artificial outfitter operation.
Look at HD270, 261 and 262 if you want to see what western, NW and SW MT MD could look like if it weren't for tradition.
270 allows mule deer does on a general tag, right? I used to hunt that district, part of it as it covers 2 antelope districts (I think), for antelope. Definitely has some nice mule deer bucks. Always thought of shooting one of the many muley does out in the open everywhere, but never did. Saw plenty of others shooting them.
270 allows mule deer does on a general tag, right? I used to hunt that district, part of it as it covers 2 antelope districts (I think), for antelope. Definitely has some nice mule deer bucks. Always thought of shooting one of the many muley does out in the open everywhere, but never did. Saw plenty of others shooting them.
Nope LE only for mule deer and there are no antelope in the unit.
This is what I'm getting after reading this thread.

So everyone wants a healthy deer herd?
Everyone wants to hunt a 6 week archery and 5 week rifle, then 11 more days muzzy?
Everyone wants to see a mature deer once in awhile? Maybe kill a 180 every 4 or five years apart.
Everyone wants to have total access with their razors, 4 wheelers, jeeps, Subaru's etc.
We want to use our long range, 1000 yard 3 inch group rifles and range finder, bullet drop, windage comp, iPhone app. high tech whatchamacallit stuff.

Those things combined are impossible.

You have to give up something in order for that to take place. Are you willing to do that?

1). Limit access!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Close off roads and motorized trails into traditional mule deer habitat.
2). Limit success rates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put restrictions on weaponry. Maybe just Traditional Muzzleloaders or shotguns, crossbows, archery atlatl etc.
3). Limit those hunters afield!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a no brainer, but MOGA will resist.

or we just proceed to bitch about the poor quality and numbers of deer out their available to us. (Public land hunters). The populations will go lower, our bitching louder, but same results.

More people living on the lands, with more hunters picking up the activity, coupled with degraded range lands, means we lose.

Just my .02 cents worth. Carry on.
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